Do liberals really think the GOP wants millions of people to die?

Do liberals really think the GOP wants millions of people to die?

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We think they don't care about the general population (with the harmful policy's they come up with being evidence)

If you can't take care of yourself in a country where its ridiculously easy to become wealthy, then you deserve to die.

Are you wealthy? If not please lay out this "ridiculously easy" way to get there.

Yep. Liberals also want all boys and girls to do a gender swap and for everyone to marry their dogs. People need to stop with the liberal/conservative bullshit. Most people have liberal AND conservative views, there is no one or the other. Some people are VERY liberal and some are VERY conservative, these people are fucking idiots

Republicans are fucking sellouts just like the democrats. They do whatever their donors tell them to. So they just wouldn't give a fuck if millions of people died.

I call myself liberal/progressive and I'm very center

It is no secret that the people in power want an immediate culling of the general population.

i think republicans need to start being stalked and murdered.

Yes. Do you really think republicans care about you?

>inb4 but crooked hillary and establishment democrats

Yes I get it, they also don't care about you or me.

dubs of truth. between political infighting that's turned into civil war and the straight up removal of medical care? nobody else sees this?

Do they want people to die? No.

Do they care if people die? No.

No replacement so yeah what do you think?

i offer $60 to the first politicians to hold a town hall meeting in person and not teleconference after this.


im normally right down the middle of the road with politics. but im done today. Anyone who supports this better keep their mouths shut about it in public.

As opposed to the top democrats who make millions more than your average Joe, but overall are less charitable than their republican counterparts.
Goes for all economic strata for democrats vs republicans.
Republicans are more generous and charitable than democrats of all economic groups.
So, since Republicans are more giving to charities, who actually cares and from that caring, does more for their fellow man?

It's called fear-mongering. The left continues to shirk logic/evidence/reason in favor of emotional/fear based arguments. There's a reason they've lost every branch of government. It's not because racism, it's not because republicans want to kill grandma, it's because the left has become the one screaming autistic kid in a classroom of normies and people recognize their bullshit.

if thats the case then please.
please explain how we're not totally fucked.

im not even being snarky or rhetorical anymore. i want to know why i shouldnt be worried about this.

>Do liberals really think the GOP wants millions of people to die?

Do a web search on AGENDA 21.

Everything they are doing is either to spite Obama or make lives easier on themselves. The harm to the well being of the average American citizen is just a byproduct of that.

Where do you people come up with this shit? Is CNN and buzzfeed actually telling people this shit?

so, basically its vengeance for 8 years of having to obey a liberal nigger? being taken out on the hides of the american public? jesus fucking christ. the only thing that scares me more is that democrats could see this as the new model to operate by and try to be even more destructive to the country if ever they get a chance to do anything again.

fuckit. politics has just become a fight between children in a sandbox, throwing the one cat turd back and forth at one another.

If you're American you live in a wealthy, free country that values individual freedom and choice. Get educated or start a small business, start contributing to the community around you.

Both sides of politics /will/ screw you equally. Trump will take away your abortion rights and dems will take away your right to not hire Jamal and will eternally make you feel guilty because America was the first major power to abolish slavery.

Holy fuck that list is a joke.

Half you can credit to Obama. The rest are vague promises he still hasn't done. And the remaining sound like election promises that everyone knows he lied about by now.

90% of that is lies and the rest are not even his to claim as "victories"

You russian reddit trolls are sad