ITT: Sup Forums in 1976

ITT: Sup Forums in 1976

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We must defeat the British and become an independent nation

Rock is so stale and boring now, I wish some edgy back-to-basics punk kind of movement would happen.

why hasn't anyone released anything better than this yet?

user that's 1976, we're talking about 1976

negro have you HEARD station to station? it's like all of his other albums without the degeneracy and more german aryaness


Leak? You have a plumbing problem or something?

I hope the Voice fires that Christgau idiot soon.


Too bad all you idiots are ignoring Paul McCartney and Wings because "they're just not the Beatles boo hoo waaah".

>Wings are the best rock act of the 70s

unga bunga did anyone hear new rock song

Disco sucks.

Boy, Elvis looks like he's put on some weight.....

hell be fine

hell be fine

Was it autism?

what disco
unga only know rock music

Jesus Christ, this album is AWESOME.

Hey, did any of you catch John Denver on the AMA's?

I fucking love John Denver.

What the fuck did I just listen to? Guy at the record store said it's german prog rock.


I love Harpo. Fuck Americucks for not knowing about Harpo.
I predict that your ignorance will cause his albums to be hard to come by on soulseek forty years from now.

Oi lads I'm a lyricist and singer in search of a band in the Manchester area. I'm going to a Sex Pistols gig in 5 but feel free to message me in the meantime if you're looking for a front man.


Gotta admit, Take me Home, Country Roads is a fucking hell of a song

kill yourself

this record is so fucking stupid, nobody will remember it once the novelty of how fucking dumb it is wears off in like 5 months and they'll go straight back to the gutter where they belong

I have a great idea for an album cover that would look great on a t-shirt. hit me up.

This album blew me away. AOTY for sure. The best way I can describe this is a "wall of sound."

Wait, so they're playing porn on the radio now?

I heard word in the street that Iggy Pop from The Stooges is releasing an album soon. You should go check it out once it's released.

My band needs a singer. You don't have any weird health problems or anything, right?

Love Will Tear Us Apart will be your only good song but it won't be because of you since you're a shitty singer.

My kid sister hung out with Gary Glitter last night... it is so nice that he knows how to show his younger fans a good time.

do you guys think this would be a neat album cover?

Idk. Something about that guy seems off to me.

Thoughts on last year's AOTY?

Did you hear? Dadaist musician Boyd Rice announced plans to put out a record composed entirely of looped grooves!!!

I was thinking about getting me one of them Moog synths, but a good one's like more than a years salary

Sup Forums didn't exist in 1976, you fucking uneducated retard from 2002

I remember a lot people actually saying this back in the seventies... At least in the US.

>Love Will Tear Us Apart
Never heard that song before, are you sure you're not confusing it with this song?

that sounds like it would never catch on lmao

what's Sup Forums?

>not having a mullet
>not wearing flared jeans
get /fa/ you queers

If that isn't your 1975 SOTY then you need to leave

they're playing Independence Day in London, the absolute madmen. I wonder if they'll find much of an audience over there.

Slade goes American...what a joke. Buch of sellouts.

Something seems off about you! Gary is a kind, loving man, who loves children and would never do anything to hurt one. You sir are delusional and if you pursue this slander any further you can expect to hear from myHIS lawyer


ok gary

What's aw-tis-um? Is that like a new word for rockin'?

Yall excited for the bicentennial?

You're a sick individual, thinking of something like innocent children being violated. Disgusting! You are a very bad man and I bet you are a child toucher behind closed doors, and you want my fame so you can touch kids yourself!

Is it just me or do all the songs sound the same?


>cosby's music still getting slept on because he's a comedian
trust me, in 40 years they'll assign this shit in music colleges


I hope the Jackson 5 gets their legal issues squared away. Some of those guys have real potential.

I would fuck the little one


Audibly kek'd

What does Sup Forums think of the new Doctors of Madness album

All the music on the radio sucks these days. I have to go to a fuckin bar in the Chicago suburbs to hear anything good.

They'll, never make it. Look at that guy in the back, he looks like an accountant

So is punk just a fad? What do they even have to rebel against? Why aren't they learning Chinese or Russian?

Just don't fuck with him and he won't hurt you.

Man Bowie sure is hitting that cocaine hard, he's probably gonna OD soon if he doesn't get clean, but then his music would probably suck :C

We're saved, he will be our rock messiah for decades to come

Coke doesn't really do that. He doesn't mess with smack as far as anyone knows. That said he's definitely not headed for a good place and thinking it would be naive to think that's going to make great music. He'll probably just burn out after this phase and become completely self aware and commercial.


Ya maybe. I don't know. Seems fitting for a punk band but not like mainstream punk. Like a new punk. After-punk maybe? Something like that

That's a stupid name, punk-post would be a better name


you're both retarded, punk wave is what it should be called

...Don't you mean 1776?

First post best post

just got back from the parliament concert and george clinton actually did it, he landed a space ship on stage. the madman

Pretty sure it's one of those 4 leaf clovers

Fucking hell yeah, man. Can't wait for more stuff like this. Hope he comes close enough for me to go to a show, hear he's crazy live now.

I miss the 60's

Could it be?
Have THE BEATLES actually gotten back together under a different name?
Think about it!
Ringo puts out an album called "Goodnight Vienna" and is standing next to a spaceship graded by Gort, the robot from the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still, and Wings' latest album is called Venus and Mars, plus the main character from the movie was named "Klaatu" and he stated he was from Venus and Mars, respectively.

Listen to Calling Occupants. I know John's vocals anywhere.

And how about Sub Rosa Subway? If that's not Paul on vocals, then there's something wrong with my hearing.

My only disappointment is that George and Ringo aren't given any songs to sing, but I'm sure they'll have their own songs on the next album.

There's no song writing credits, or band members listed, but I am convinced, that after all these years, The Beatles have heard the fans' pleas and have gotten back together.

I can't wait to hear the next record, and see them live.

Can't wait for this gem to come out

yeah that's what he said. 1976.

m8, i've been following the beatles since i saw them at the cavern club, this isn't the beatles.

But the Cavern Club was about 20 years ago, give or take.

If you've been following The Beatles since then, you know how much their music changed over the years.

I'm convinced it IS The Beatles. I know I'll be proven right.

The fact that so many books are naming the Beatles "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have just recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who are not the most famous or richest or best sellers of our times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are now blinded by commercial success: the Beatles sell more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the yesterday, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worth of being saved.

im just saying im very familiar with their voices and style, i can hear the influence but i don't think this is them, its clearly not them singing at least.... the real beatles are better song writers than this.

Just got back from CBGBs and this band called Television absolutely rocked the place. They need to release an album already.

I've been there every night this week

Blondie >>>>>> Talking Heads > Ramones > Television

I heard his next album is gonna be the discarded soundtrack for The Man who Fell to Earth from the dude at my local record store. Don't expect any brand new material from Bowie til like '78, at least. And that's assuming he doesn't get arrested if he tours to Germany.

i don't think you've got a future in rock journalism, kid

Who cares what some scruffy wop has to say about one of the world's greatest rock and roll bands?

You have to take into account that John and Paul haven't sat down together and collaborated on writing a song for a number of years now, so they might be a bit rusty.

As far as the vocals go, I'm a big Beatles fan and I'm positive that's John and Paul singing.

You have to remember this is 1976 and not 1966 (Or 1967).

On the other hand no song writing credits or band members are listed anywhere on the album, but then again, nobody knew who The Fool was either.

I still believe it IS The Beatles, but I guess we'll have to just wait and see. (Wouldn't it be great if it really IS them though? And congratulations on getting trips)

Have any of you guys heard this shit? It was recorded like 5 years ago and only just released. Anybody know if they've got more shit in the vault? This Richman guy is a genius and could be on top of the world if he wanted to.


I saw them a week prior and they got booed off the stage because there amps broke mid-show