Who would win?

Who would win?

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Go to bed, It's ok, I'm keeping watch. ;)

I feel like it'd be a win win

Creamy log

wtf is this log shit?

is it even funny or has any sense?

Grow up


Kek. You have no tenacity. You've had plenty of opportunities to post these past few threads and you always give up


I'm going to have fun the next few weeks. ;)

I won't have as much as you. I only have to bump once for every 15 times you "sage", which, as a newfag, doesn't even do what you think it does.

Can I get an explanation of this Meme? I saw nothing in the news when it started to prompt it

Guy's obsessed with scatology.
Nothing to explain really. Just think about how silly he'll feel on his death bed remembering all the times he told people he ate shit.


Yiu mean Andy six is or OP?

I wouldn't just suck swallow and digest one single log from his beautiful pinky pie, I'd eat an entire faggot of shitlogs

More like you laying on your deathbed remembering all the times you could have had andy sixxs warm log of shit slidding down your fucking throat but you just never had the balls to open wide and accept the log within yourself



I think the log would win because it would leave my throat coated in a creamy skidmark

Log would loose because ultimately i would suck it down and eat it, even if it choked me to death

Both would win

Top kek

I am a mathematician and I can't do my work without logs.

This guy gets it

Dubs logged

How about a new game?

Who would win? A shotgun shell, or the back of your skull?

Mature, much?

Tell me how this thread is mature? The guy keeps posting about eating some dudes shit logs.

Dude grow the heck up

Summerfags trying to be funny on the internet

At least logpics aren't stale. You've had the same collection of pics since 2010

. There are numerous infections of all different types that can be communicated through feces. Just to give you some examples, bacterial infections that can be transmitted include cholera and other infectious diarrhea (also called dysentery) such as E coli diarrhea, salmonella or shigella; viral infections that are transmitted fecally include rotavirus, norovirus (which causes food poisoning on cruise ships), and hepatitis A and E (hepatitis B and C are NOT transmitted this way); parasites such as giardia and cryptosporidium, and various different kinds of worms including pinworms, ascariasis and tapeworms.

He's an armchair psychoLOGist who follows these threads around endlessly to piggyback off the attention that OP gets, creating his own narrative about why this is happening. He honestly believes there is only one guy posting these threads 24/7, one guy that runs the wix site posting articles every day, and one guy that's photoshopping all of this shit. It's been proven there are at least four logposters, myself included. As pathetic as this dumb meme is, he still posts his copy pasta in every single thread and uses his passive aggressive ;) bickering-teenage-girls on FaceBook insult winky face to try to trigger OP. It's completely translucent and hilarious, just let him do what he does. He ducks out pretty quickly when there's an original logposter AMA thread or when these threads get enough replies. It's better to just let him do what he does, like I said it's translucent and funny as hell.

It does seem somewhat amusing ....Think this'll catch on?

What will?

Oh, the great ammount of joy and pleasure id take into swallowing such a creamy, corn filled log of shit out of that ancient asshole....ugh...


this meme

Oh fuck no, it's been posted since 2015 and it hasn't "caught on" except with a few other people, myself included.

That being said, the point of the "mem" if you can even call it that isn't to catch on.