What did Carpenter mean by this?

What did Carpenter mean by this?

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>puts kerosene in the flask
>childs drinks it because he is the thing

>>puts kerosene in the flask

Why would he do that, you idiot? It was booze.

It's a theory. If he was human he would be disgusted by the taste, whilst the 'thing' possibly wouldn't react.

They're both human.

The Thing's theme music immediately picks up after Childs takes a swig and McReady smiles, maybe like he just confirmed something. It's one of my favourite ambiguous endings.
Also, a consistent point made about the Thing is that it destroys your clothes after it takes you over, as far as I can tell all revealed Things had different clothes than earlier on. When you see a shot in the room Child's was supposed to defend and he's suddenly not there, apparently a jacket is missing.

In any case, it didn't make sense for Childs to wander out there alone after he supposedly saw Blair.

>The Thing's theme music immediately picks up after Childs takes a swig and McReady smiles, maybe like he just confirmed something

I'm in the "music cue is red herring" camp.

>assimilate childs
>dont have his taste buds for no reason
>or dont have his memories despite you acting exactly like him

The Thing inherits all your memories when it takes over, it would know that kerosene isn't appropriate booze just as surely as it knows English.

This bullshit """theory""" is my least favorite Sup Forums meme. Seriously triggers my autism.

>If I was an imitation -a perfect imitation- how would you know if it was really me?

>Drink kerosene to remove suspicion of the Thing in front of you
Good one, Childs.

>le kerosene maymay

Dumbest shit I've ever heard. How this meme got started is a mystery, it makes zero sense.

Mac gives Childs-Thing the alcohol to see if he'll drink it because there was a scene earlier in the film where Mac specifically tells people to prepare their own food and drink in order to mitigate the chance of infection. Childs-Thing would have no reason to fear infection because he's already infected.

they're going to freeze to death anyway why would he care

He gave him alcohol because alcohol is basically poison and kills cells. We saw earlier in the movie that every individual cell in the Thing is it's own entity that will try to defend itself. If Childs was an alien he wouldn't have drank the alcohol.

They had no way of knowing without murdering each other.

The drink wasn't a test, it was a simple gesture of trust.

>You may or may not be the thing, but at least have a last drink with me before I die.

It simply pretends to be human cells, there's no telling if alcohol is harmful for the thing.

For all it's worth it could've pretended to die and then smothered McReady with the corpse.

Its strange to think this movie is part of a trilogy.

Are the other movies worth watching?

Worth a one time watch I would say.

it was basically 2 dudes sharing booze with each other moments before they both die
it's that simple

What are the other movies?

Prince of Darkness and In the mouth of madness

Called it his Doomsday trilogy

McReady has very obvious steam whenever he exhales, Childs has almost none. That's how you know he's the thing.

Some old 50's movie of the book - I think it's called a The Thing from Another World (or something similar) Never watched it.
The other is a 2011 prequel which is pretty bad and you can safely skip it, since it's mostly a remake with a few loose references to the 1982 one.

>McReady has very obvious steam whenever he exhales, Childs has almost none. That's how you know he's the thing.

This is it.
Whenever someone talks about production, you hear that they had to have dry ice baskets in their mouths to simulate breath fog. While you can watch and see Keith David's breath (which is barely visible) MacCready has a fucking plume.
Anecdotal stories by Carpenter confirm the breath is the giveaway.

That would just imply Childs has been out longer in the cold, which he has.

Mammals can regulate their own body temperature. If he was exhaling air so cold it didn't create condensation at the north pole, he would be dead.

I own the prequel, just so I coldly watch it once.

Might check out the 50's one and these other mentions, thanks anons

Confirmed to be an oversight.
2011 is not a remake at all, it's also not bad, just mediocre and unnecessary.

A common counter-argument to this is that the lack of breath was actually an oversight in filming as the Bennings imitation has its breath fog when outside the station. However, this could be due to the fact that the Bennings imitation was desperately trying its hardest to appear human at the time because it knew it was being chased while it hadn't fully finished replicating Bennings. This could actually be why the Bennings imitation was unable to fully replicate Bennings' hands in time, it may have been allocating more effort into imitating the act of breathing to fool its pursuers and would have allocated less effort into replicating his hands as a result. On the other hand, the Childs imitation would have been at ease by the end of the film and may have not thought it necessary to imitate breathing.

In the blood test scene Carpenter didnt have eye light on the person who was the thing, same could be in the final scene

This makes no sense to me. Childs-thing (let's assume it's a Childs-thing and not a Childs-Childs for the sake of the argument) sits unarmed next to a guy with a flamethrower who just blew the fuck out most of its biomass on Earth. This is THE moment to try your hardest to appear human. Besides, if Childs-thing is a perfect copy (or rather a near-perfect one, as it is aware of being more than Childs), it would need to try to breathe, it would be natural to it and in fact it would start suffocating if it didn't breathe. Unless it's some kind of a weird Childs-outside weird-tentacly-stuff-inside kind of hybrid.

Wrt Bennings-thing, I don't think it tried to do anything but to get away. That's one thing heh I love about the monster, one thing 2011 prequel missed - it's actually very very vulnerable during the transformation. It's scary when it had assumed a certain finished form, but in-between it's weak. That's why it just sits in the circle of men who burn it to death. It's spent, it cannot attack. And it only makes the scene more chilling in the end.

I'm not sure I'll be able to reply more to this thread, but I'll probably read it in archive afterwards.

Why did the thing imitate Norris' heart failure? Everyone knew at that point corpses need to be burned to avoid infection.

Based on how Norris' presumed reactions it should understand that it isn't healthy behavior and would grab a lot of attention.

>[Carpenter] said he never understood where all the confusion came from. The last frame of The Thing is Kurt Russel (sic) and Keith David staring each other down, harshly backlit. It's completely, glaringly obvious that Kurt Russel is breathing and Keith David is not.

Of course, Carpenter might just be trolling and putting more wood in the fire. That's what I'd do anyway.

Alright, I hope you get a chance to watch this later on. Pretty popular video examining Childs from a lot of angles.


Even if it has taste buds, it wouldn't know how to react to drinking kerosene

I just always assumed that it copied that part of Norris involuntarily, given that a fair amount of heart problems are genetic.

>Even if it has taste buds, it wouldn't know how to react to drinking kerosene

Like it wouldn't be able to construct a fucking sentence, SHUT THE FUCK UP


seems like the breath fog is the major clue

rewatched and look at mc's mouth its like vape nayison in there xdD

It didn't know how to react to defibrillators even though it's pretty much common human knowledge.

There seems to be a fine line for the thing what's considered "keep acting cool" or "the jig is up, kill everyone"

Its called a molotov cocktail.

You're wrong. Wilford Brimley's character drank the entire time he was in the shack while he was infected. Various other people also drank.

There is nothing in the film to support the idea that feeding someone alcohol will out them as a Thing. If so they could have skipped the lengthy and unnecessary blood test and just had each one of them take a shot of whiskey.

Actually they are not. Childs is the thing. Carpenter had a rule about glow in the eyes = human and the person with no glow = thing.


Cinematographer (Dean Cundey) said this

where though

What if the alcohol was infected and that McReady had been assimilated? That'd give him something to smirk about.

You should probably kill yourself and your reddit family if you have to ask that instead of taking 5 seconds to Google fucking spoonfed bab.

Better yet you could've opened the film and verified it.

You're all retarded.
He was making molotov cocktails because fire had been shown to be the only effective weapon against the thing.
Watch the scene again.
He doesn't even take a drink until Childs does.

Carpenter himself said this was incorrect in the director commentary and you're an idiot for believing it. Childs is the Thing but it has absolutely nothing to do with his breath.

and everything to do with the glow in the eyes.

On the new commentary track on the scream factory br

You should look up the difference between theory and hypothesis.

Thanks senpai

Why didn't Palmer assimilate Nauls if they were roommates?

I was so confused I started to think about what the hell does Olof Palme's assassination got to do with the Thing

The Thing was communism.

This is a good point actually.

The Thing copies everything perfectly even human taste you moron

he was busted at that point the thing made a run for it

wrong, the script confirms Mcready was drinking and had a flamethrower under his poncho

the thing copies EVERYTHING

3 hours later and this user's still right.

>It didn't know how to react to defibrillators even though it's pretty much common human knowledge.

It felt attacked and reacted instinctively.

One of the only right answers here. If Childs was a thing, there's not a damn thing Mac could do about it now. Same for Childs if Mac was a Thing. It was simply a last drink since all that could be done had already been done.

It copied Norris's heart condition. If it copies even flawed traits, you can bet your ass it will copy human reaction to gas.

>How this meme got started is a mystery
From reddit not even joking.

Palmer was Childs' roommate. The one scene we see them sharing a spliff, they're both still human as it is Norris who gets infected by the dog-Thing. Palmer was probably infected second and by that point I imagine the crew slept alone or maybe not at all.

>faggots make shit up that was never shown in the movie

why do you retards do this?

The script says Mac has a Flamethrower hidden underneath the blanked.

I'm an avid supported of Rob Ager's explanation on who's human at the end of the film and he's the one who originally made the above claim. It's been linked in the thread already if you want to look it up.

>Rob Ager's explanation on who's human at the end of the f
It's literally Childs because his eyes don't glow.

childs eyes glow too what the fuck am i reading


Comparison (non-Thing)


explain this

>It didn't know how to react to defibrillators
It copied an imperfect organism (Norris, who had heart problems) and got fucked up due to that problem. And then it got hit with lots of electricity on top of that, it didn't help.

Faint shit that wasn't edited properly enough.

I don't know what kind of delusion you have when cinematographer of the film comes and tells you who is the Thing and you still object to it

>Or both

How the fuck could they both be the thing? That makes literally no sense. If that were the case the scene wouldn't have happened.

The Thing was Jews

edited properly? nigger you think childs eyes dont glow because he was squinting half the time lmao

i dont care about you and the cinematographer's little headcanon's about what the ending is, because it was made to be ambiguous and there is no definite answer.

>But no, John very deliberately wanted to leave the question of if one, or both, or neither of these guys is “the thing.””
Seems like the guy acted against Carpenter's desires, so essentially it's his word vs. Carpenter's word, as there isn't anything in-setting to imply human-Thing eyes are different.


Bull. Shit.

>ending made to be intentionally ambiguous
>Sup Forums discusses reddit-tier theories endlessly


Ambiguous ending, but it's implied that Childs is the thing.


Why would the Thing not be able to tell the taste of kerosene from booze?

It can learn fucking English from assimilation, it can learn flavours too.

I wonder if Carpenter foreseen this. Maybe that was his intent?

Vaguely implied if at all.

Very likely.

> Ambiguous.
> Like two possible endings, one made very unlikely based on everything we've seen up to that point.

It's like Inception all over again.

Which one of you fucks did this



How many people change wardrobe at all during the film let alone that one crucial scene where you'd be sure to notice?

Should I watch the 2011 one lads?

Maybe. There are worse ways to waste a couple of hours and it doesn't really stain the original.

>Mac plays chess against the computer
>Fries it with booze

>Mac tries to destroy the Thing
>Offers it booze

It's like pottery, they rhyme


Sure, but at the same time, Mac might wrongly assume Childs is The Thing

Child's sudden re-appearance complete with wardrobe change is the biggest indicator that something wasn't quite right.

The point he's making is that the outfit a character is wearing generally stays constant through the film, and a change of outfit corresponds to them being assimilated by the Thing.

And in the final scene, Childs has changed.

Post proof of wardrobe change. Also, even if he did change wardrobe, I still wouldn't be convinced.