Socially Conservative

>Socially Conservative
>Fiscally Liberal (Centrist in comparison to the rest of the world)
>In favor of a centralized federal government

Why is this such an unpopular combination in America?

Because strong fed is a fucking cancer and ends with presidents trying to act like they're King.

Which leads to them fucking with socially conservative viewpoints. Perfectly fine if you're into the leftist spending policies though.

I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I'd honestly rather have a stronger executive branch.

Seems to be much more effective than what we've seen from Congress. Aside from that, at least (to a certain extent) the President is held accountable for things. How many chucklefucks in Congress, or State Governments have their records scrutinized and their mistakes pounded into the head of the public?

>Which leads to them fucking with socially conservative viewpoints.

Not here, no.

A President like Obama? Absolutely. A hypothetical President such as, for example, Pat Buchanan? I don't think so.

Granted, I was more so curious as to why we don't see such a platform as a particular "Party."

Every other combination seems to have one, yet the "Third way" is nonexistent.

>Socially Liberal
>Fiscally Conservative

Is the only correct answer.

I don't give a fuck what you do, but I'm not paying for it.

>President is held accountable for things
That's a rather bold claim that I'm not really willing to accept.

Even if it were true, the president is still an incredibly volatile position. Changing every 8 years at most. Shifting even more power into it makes us even more schizo to the rest of the world.

Life Term Justices help provide stability, unlimited term congressmen do too (Senators used to provide a level of stability in between that of Reps and SC Justices before it got axed a hundred years back, but are about the same as reps now)

Unfortunately, you don't live in a bubble and the poor personal choices of degenerates have an adverse effect on you.

Since you seem more concerned about your bank account than the health of the nation, let me put it this way: You're not paying taxes for bloated and abused social programs because people are conducting themselves in a moral way.

you just described the Democratic party in the 90s

keked. we have to cycle through our leaders though, so we're going to wind up with some lefty activist bullshit around half the time.

>I don't give a fuck what you do, but I'm not paying for it.

You're always paying for *something*. And it's important to have a healthy society that refuses to accept/tolerate mental sickness as the new norm.

Obviously a more powerful executive branch would require certain restrictions being lifted. I've always favored removing term limits for Presidents, and imposing them on Congress and SCOTUS.

Regarding the President being held accountable for things, let me put it this way: Will the average voter hear/understand/care about a Senator's voting record, or even a specific vote? Probably not. At the very least, regardless of whether it serves as a motivator for the citizenry to act, the average voter does here about the President's actions.

Essentially, the public is more aware of the President than Congress. Time and time again, we see the public make the mistake of thinking the President can do things that, traditionally, are the role of Congress.

It's an oversimplification, but it could be described as "dumbing down our government so that the average voter can participate more effectively."

The other option is to restrict voting rights again, but I doubt that idea can be sold.

I was thinking less-authoritarian, more American friendly versions of Mosley, Codreanu, D'Annunzio, etc.

Tony pls go

Take a slow boat to China and stay there, you communist piece of garbage.

>Socially Conservative
>Fiscally Liberal

literal cancer.


>I hate freedom
>Why is this unpopular in America?
Isn't it obvious?

Because it's a fucking retarded opinion

>Socially Conservative

>Realizing that free trade harms the nation

>Commies caring about the health of the nation.

>Fiscally Liberal
look how well this served Bernie Sanders?
He was poor as hell.

I don't mean fiscally liberal in the sense of Bernie Sanders.

I'm just sick of free trade, and unrestrained capitalism being practiced at expense of the nation.

>ywn cum in her luxurious hair and glasses

I'm struggling bros, I'm really struggling here



It's a woman, don't listen to the leaf.
