Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldnt feel bad about it because you cease to...

Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldnt feel bad about it because you cease to exist after death and you will not be punished?

No wonder atheism is Satan's masterplan and you degenerates are falling for it.

u want some fuck?
id fuck..

What's the point of your thread, OP?

why wouldn't them feel bad BEFORE their death ? You think only a punishment after your death would make you feel bad for killing ten thousand infants ?

yup, baby killing is the number one priority! hail satan!

There's a difference between atheism and survival of the fittest. Not all human life is valuable; when you and your sister produce an extra chromosome baby, I do believe it should be gassed. The liberal mudfucking Athenians lost to the Spartans for a reason.

Fuckin acethists

Christians could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldn't feel bad about it because Jesus died for their sins and they won't be punished?

Crucify yourself

Why do you keep posting this with a pic of that girl from The Neverending Story? lmao

Becous he saw someone else shitposting the same old and by now realy dead meme some weeks agoe and he thinks he is making awsome shits and giggels. Hopefully after spamming old dead memes for 1-2h and getting stuck in a trap thread he will wank himself to sleep crying.

How does it not terrify you that there are people in the world who only stop themselves from sinning because they fear divine punishment after death? Aren't there plenty of reasons not to sin right here in our lives right now? Don't steal for example: Because you might get caught, you hurt hurt an innocent person, you set yourself up for bad situations in the future, etc. How can someone just ignore that shit. Religious scum, praising the Devil's work as God's.

Are you saying that there is a moral imperative to ensure superior military might by holding every individual accountable? For instance, say two siblings produce an extra chromosome baby - that baby may be a drain on just the family, or even on the society, but you're saying that's not why it shouldn't exist. You're saying that having that baby alive makes the rest of the population militarily weaker, and so it must die?

The difference between atheists and you Christian filth is that you require the threat of divine punishment to keep from doing horrible things. Most Atheists in the literal sense, not the Fedora wearing fat cuck "nice guy"s , are humanists that avoid hurting others simply because hurting others is bad.

The problem with the world is you religious shitheads who's only barrier between you and the inflicting of pain on thousands is the fear that your magical wizard will set you on fire after you die

I mean, only if they truly repented afterwards. The sick fucks who felt no remorse would burn in hell, according to pretty much every denomination. Most are far stricter.

it is hard wired into our fucking brains to feel bad when we see other humans getting killed . evolution made us that way . psychopaths and such are just an exception to the rule and have nothing to do with aitheism

>nothing to do with atheism
Have you ever looked at the statistics? I wouldn't be surprised if psychopaths tended towards a certain end of the religious spectrum.

>it is hard wired into our fucking brains
Hard wired? As in engineered? By a higher power with intelligent design?
Do atheists even stop to think what they say?

Degeneracy is fun.

>Not at least understanding the basics of evolution before trashing it

This is how retarded you sound.


This exceeding trifling witling, considering ranting criticizing concerning adopting fitting wording being exhibiting transcending learning, was displaying, notwithstanding ridiculing, surpassing boasting swelling reasoning, respecting correcting erring writing, and touching detecting deceiving arguing during debating.

I swear that's all grammatical.

low quality bait

Fossil records indicate short times spans with massive mutations including the development of entire organs, within a relatively short period of time - yet we've never witnessed this. Why?

Gee, it's almost as if it's a process that takes millions of fucking years to develop. Oh no no, but you're right. That's much less believable than an omnipotent all knowing wizard that just created everything with his superpowers. Of course.

I think this argument is funny, only due to the fact that they think that literally all the good in the world comes from the belief in God. And considering you are probably unemployed, uneducated, single, virgin, still living with your folks, AND you dont believe in God...then that should prove to you that there is good without God.

At least I think your misfortune is good.

This pointless tired again

implying killing infants is a good moral thing even if ur atheist
get cancer

What are you even talking about? No one ever claims that all the good in the world comes from god, and the only ones who do are religious freaks who somehow can't comprehend that basic human emotion and empathy derives from human understanding and compassion for one another. That seems to be mind boggling to these fucking people. So your claims are not only false, but retarded as all fuck.

actually, that's not a terrible idea. Have the 'murrican ones kill all the babies of rust-belt bible-thumpers that voted for Trumper. problem solved.

good suggestion, you guy!

Replace atheist with any religion and for nothing with some made up reason and you have 1000 years of religious bullshit

>more bait
Quit already!!


Holy fucking shit..

I haven't been on this board for almost a year now and this shit is STILL being posted?

Is it a bot? Is it random people? Is it the same guy?

This has been going on for a couple years now hasn't it?

It's ancient bait.

I think Satan's master plan is Satanism

Yeah, obviously.