Excuse me sir I don't mean to sound rude but you forgot to leave me a tip

>Excuse me sir I don't mean to sound rude but you forgot to leave me a tip.

Oh, I'll give you more than just the tip.

*cracks whip*

Did you raise your voice to me nigger?

you'll get your tip once you fuck my wife

I want Jules. Not you.

I'll leave it with my wife, when you arrive to her bed tonight she will give it to you.

can you guys reccommend me some porn kino? good actresses?

Wtf i hate Robert now!

Here's a tip, chum: the service industry is a cancer, remove yourself from it.

>i got u fämäläm

Here's a tip, chum: the service industry is a cancer, remove yourself from it.

Really makes me think

>cinema food
It's already expensive enough, who tips these people?

My apologies, Robert.

I'd give you a tip, but I just gave all of my cash to the ferrier for smithing some falconshoes.

It's "white guilt" tip. My local theater has implemented it in their policy.

can you people recommend me some porn kino? good actresses?

Uhh... What the hell??


um... excuse you...

it's the shillbots again

just filter

>charging that much for concessions and expecting a tip

I'm just looking for new porn stuff. Don't call me a shillbot.

>not making reparations for your ill-gotten gains from slavery

Hey Robert. Did you know that 95% of the crime in the USA is committed by 100% of convicted negroes? Funny, eh?

Wow that really made me think!

ponderously investigative

Oh Robert did you forget that I always suck your mushroom tip clean everytime after the screening you silly boy isn't that enough

The only tip you're getting is the tip of this rope, nigger.

My local cinema is using the tips to buld a new cinema chapel.

wow, unbelievable.. it's 2016, we need cinema mosques....

I don't tip

