First thing that comes to mind after seeing this pic?

First thing that comes to mind after seeing this pic?

Nice chair

too cool

where did she get those bracelets?


lick lick lick

she has some long ass toes

when she spreads her legs really wide then that pussy gon be like a melted cheeze sandwich being pulled apart

that is a pretty vivid description


why the fuck is she so far right on the chair, that doesn't look comfortable

Asking the questions that really matter.

i saw this shit yesterday

it's magikarp girl user posting again. earlier it was a white guy/asian thread. now this.


>magikarp girl
Who is magikarp girl? Is this a well known b sloot? I saw this same shit last night.

How is that shopped?

but seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this woman? the metal bar will clearly go directly under her ass/thigh. that cannot be comfortable or natural. and given that the chair will cave in from it's design, she is holding herself there on purpose. it ruins the entire mood. she cannot be relaxed in that position. she tried to look cool and relaxed in this but got the complete opposite effect. waste of an image.


nice puss puss

who takes only their bottoms off? shopping the face tells me it's probably a retard.

if you saw what her face looked like while sucking cock you'd understand why it's blocked out

>a wild misigno appears

her off center lounging is really annoying to me too

fuck this dumb ho

kek, had to look that reference up

if you squish her pussy lips together it would look like a beef sandwich

Why does this girl get posted all the fucking time? At least post some new shit of her.

because op is a fag

Haven't had sex in two months. Now I want to have sex.


How so? First time seeing a pussy?

Why's she doing that weird thing with her toes?


"I need to post about this on"

Read * Know * Do

I am going to eat another burger this week

>t. virgin

Hey look a man with balls but no penis.