How can black "bois" even compete with superior hispanic men ?

How can black "bois" even compete with superior hispanic men ?

mexican cracker thinks he aint a white boi. nigga get fucked.

well thats easy



faggot that guys probably polynesian, look at those tribal tats

Pro tip .. you can't

is the picture being small a part of the joke too?
this this meta?


Spic here, what exercises would be required to look like this?

In Texas, if you have any ancestry that speaks/spoke Spanish, doesn't matter, you're Mexican.

That's just how it is. And nobody cares.

photoshop mother fucker. aint no spic look like that

Lol you're retarded.

My mistake user, I should learn to not believe things on the internet

Can't wait for white people to become an impoverished minority so our population explodes again
You're digging your own graves

I thought that too, at first. But then I realized that there are probably so few pictures out there of non-fat spics that this was the best OP could find on Google.




The picture isn't even of a Latino guy. That dude is polynesian. You can tell from his tattoo. I don't know many latinos who run around getting polynesian tattoos.

Blacks are legal citizens.