Can any neo-nazi niggas tell me what they think about the Holocaust? If it really happened, was it justified...

Can any neo-nazi niggas tell me what they think about the Holocaust? If it really happened, was it justified, shit like that.

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It didn't happen

What holocaust?

>yfw europe gets jailtime for saying the holocaust didn't happen

OP here.

What's your reasoning behind denying the Holocaust?


Okay, user, I get it.

I'm no "neo Nazi" but anyone with half a mind to do even a small amount of digging can see the official story is a pile of horse shit

Could you at least answer the question.

my files are too unorganized to do a dump, so someone else do it

It happened but the death toll was probably much less than 6,000,000. I feel bad for the Jews that were innocent but overall Europe is probably better off without them.

Just watch this. No fancy music or subjective shit.

There's a strong motive to lie for both political and personal reasons. Most of the evidence justifying the claims are based solely on testimony which is frequently contradictory when compared to one another. It's illegal to point out these discrepancies or find evidence that doesn't match the official story.

tl;dr Jews are liars.


Speaking of which, I found my copy of "One Third of the Holocaust" on an old drive, along with the lesser known video he did on Buchenwald and the post-war propoganda machine.
You can view one third here:

I will be uploading the buchenwald file as soon as I stitch it together and find a file sharing site, I will link it on Sup Forums when I do

French person here.

I learned in French schools that it did happen, and the nazis used bodies to make soap and stuff.


Not really a neo-nazi, but first of all, the numbers are just pure BS. I'm not saying none of it happened, but the scale was much smaller than its made out to be.

Furthermore, it was a time of war. The Jews were given a chance to leave, they didn't, so that was their choice. I'd say that justifies it to some point. If it wasn't the information age now, I could see something similar happening with our current "refugees" in some parts of Europe, and I'd be ok with it.


>emaciated bodies from long term food shortage
>useful for soap production

Come on user, use your noggin.


History is written by the victor

>building a swimming pool 40 feet away from "gas chambers" in the inmates barracks

It was most certainly justified.

Look up the German revolution of 1918 aka the November revolution. Thousands of bolshevik jews attempted to take advantage of Germany's weak state after WWI and turn it into a communist shithole like they were doing with Russia, killing thousands of Germans in the process. They failed, returned to Russia and killed 20 million more before their subhuman tribe finally got what was coming to them.

>when you realize why you had to live on rations in the camp

Just reporting what I learned using official textbooks from the official curriculum (controlled by the French government, which was socialist at that time).

In France there is a communist law (Gayssot act) preventing us from discussing the Holocaust. A few history researchers have lost their university position, and some people did jail time because of it.


Probably happened although vastly exaggerated for propaganda purpose.
Was it justified? When I look at how badly jews are fucking US and the world over when in control I'm certainly inclined to think so.



Aushiwitz was built as a model Aryan city. It wasn't ever conceived as a labor camp. It evolved into one later and when pows were wearing thin jews were used. Jews that could not work were disposed of on arrival. That's the reason for the pool and other community items.

I'm surprised that someone that has saved this pic never even took a little time to look into the history of the most famous camp and how it evolved into what it was known for.

It was certainly exaggerated and it's becoming more clear even to modern historians that Hitler never gave any direct order for its implementation and the plan wasn't some perfectly organized supervillain scheme. It's amazing the number of anecdotal accounts that are total bullshit and so obviously so that they eventually get revised in mainstream history despite the pressure to keep the Holocaust Industry going.

However given the ideology of the time I wouldn't be surprised if the camp commanders took the initiative and executed a whole lot of untermenschen because they thought it was a waste of resources to keep them alive, especially during wartime, and that they deserved death. Hitler probably approved too even if he didn't give the order.

I don't believe the nazis were angels and that their plans were foolproof but (((Communism))) was the real evil in the world at that point and supporting them against the Soviets was the morally right thing to do, which we totally failed at.


I don't deny that the Jews were put in camps, shit, the US did it too with the Japanese
I don't think they killed them all off systematically
There was lice, and disease, and the Germans barely had enough food to save themselves, which is a likely cause of all the deaths



Muh 6 million

I have 20 more but its late and I dump it here on a regular basis. Maybe I will make a picture with all of it combined.

Short: the holocaust was either nonexistent or highly exxaggerated so the victious ones could demonize germany and hitler. Every time i know as a kid i said something or i was asking questions, the answer was "muh six million". though other leaders killed far more, this is taught here at schools in history almost very year. i had to learn history on my own because of this.

the gaschambers are not real, there was never physical evidence for the holocaust and the jews who "were there" were lying much too often. a few weeks ago there was a "survivor on reddit who ssaid, he was in 7 fucking death camps. also the death camps were all in the USSR zonme after the war. Its all a hoax. sure, there were killed many jews, but i bet they were under 500k and only because of starvation at the end of the war and not because they were systematically killed.




>mfw I just finished talking to the Toronto hate crime unit about Evalion, her anti-semetic videos and holocaust denial



>tfw you are too autistic to confront a topic you cry to the police for someones arrest

it didnt happen,if it has happened it would be wrong and sick




Lots of Jews died, but not 6 million. Some were killed due to indiscriminate killings and reprisals to attacks by Jewish Bolshevik partisans. Many of the killed were Jewish Bolshevik partisans. Many died from starvation and disease that is partially the fault of the Nazis. I don't know about gas chambers.

Didn't Hitler give out orders or something to create gas chambers?

I'm genuinely curious

I fully agree with her stance on Jews, and hitler. But I still reported her, I'm just doing it for keks.

NatSoc is outdated and a proven failure
Libertarisnism is the way

Neo-nazis always give good arguments online but I'm discouraged to continue following them when I get to know them and they are mostly sister-fucking inbreds. Why is that? Are they just low-tier shit-lords of the movement? Seems like something people gravitate towards when they fuck up. Like Fall Out Boy fans, it's a phase that fuck-ups go through in denial.

That being said I love watching holocaust truth

thanks dude


Kind of lame, no one likes a snitch.


>national socialism = neo nazi

Proofs are entirely based on Russian tampering of camps, American documentaries literally made by propaganda offices, who also presented all those retarded jewish ash trays and lamps which they instantly made disappear, and Nuremberg trials on people who's life and family's life were in communist and american government hands.
How the fuck do you believe it besides "my teacher said it did"?


BTFO by Onision

What has been taught about the Holocaust, or rather what was Hitler's goal with the Jews? What did he want to do with the Jews?
Someone answer me.


>no one likes a snitch.
I'm doing it for the greater good, user. There can only be positive outcomes from this.

>Evalion gets shut down, and the girl faces some sort of charges, opening peoples eyes to how limited our freedom of speech is
>Jewtube shuts her down and there's a whole fiasco around her, gaining her so much attention, which makes our movement bigger
>she gets shut down quietly and charged without much public knowledge of it, but it also means she no longer can shill and post her autism

I only see wins, and in any case it's her fault for being so stupid as to make such videos w/ her face and everything in fucking Canada.

what even is the difference between a death camp and a concentration camp

Most schools never mention why the German people disliked Jews in the first place.

One is a camp for killing people in, the other for working

It's damage control after finding out that there was no holocaust, now death camps are just the camps americans didn't investigate.

working people to death is still killing them though

Exactly, if they did it would show that the dislike and anger at the Jews was wholly justified. The problem is that if you highlight the anger the German's held toward the Jews in the Weimar Republic it mirrors the situation that America and the West in general are in, and thusly would wake the people to their current situation.

Everything that the Jews have built has been built upon these lies- Hitler wasn't even interested in extermination of the Jews. The Haavara Agreement where Germany ASSISTED JEWS in emigrating and setting up settlements in Palestine proves this- had Hitler and the National Socialists wanted Jews dead they never would have committed this program where 60,000 Jews were safely expatriated to Palestine.

Why would you work them to death when the only thing it achieves is less labour?

She was going to be caught eventually. The fact that you went ahead and used the typical SJW approach of ruining people's lives to restrict speech and thought makes you a pretty big faggot.


>If it really happened
Probably not as described. There were camps, and people died there, but it was due to disease and starvation (not to mention Soviet attack) rather than coordinated extermination. All the Western-inspected camps were found to be work or prison camps, but all the ones that Russia inspected were called death camps. Hmm.
>was it justified
Absolutely. Hitler wanted to send the Jews back to Palestine, or deport them to the rest of Europe, but no other countries would take them. So he shoved them in camps with the commies and faggots who would have been there anyway.

if you goal is to kill someone you may as well get free labour at the same time. Killing was the priority, labour was a bonus

>an 18 yr old qt naming the jew and redpilling normies is somehow a bad thing

into the oven you go

Just got an idea

We should do some serious social engineering and convince blacks hat they should behave otherwise whites will holocaust them to death

Where are the reports of the Spartacus Uprising where Jews attempted to create a Soviet German Republic? Where they were successful in conquering 1/8th of the nation?

Had they been successful there would have been purges, deaths, their version of the cheka would have forced collectivization, and the Germans would have been worse off than they are now.

You autistic fuck

If your goal is to kill someone you kill him instead of keeping him in a camp for 5 years, especially if you have millions more to kill

I was taught that Hitler used the Jews as a scapegoat for the outcome of WWI, and the state of the Weimar economy. Of course we'd ask why people voted for Hitler and crowded around him in the millions, but all I ever got was "they were forced to do it". And yes, we were taught Hitler wanted to exterminate all Jews/subhumans in Europe, and wanted to take over the world.


Fifty million died in WW2, allegedly six million Jews died. Even if we believe that number it's 12% of the total deaths and that was less than the Jewish demographic of the effected areas therefore it shows Jews were not killed in excess of others, in fact it was to the contrary, they were killed less AND they got a country out of it. These days Jews control nearly 100% of all western banks, schools, and judicial systems. They exert undue influence over western lawmaking vs their demographic representation. The evidence clearly shows WW2 was literally the best thing to happen to Jews in recorded history.

All that said, obviously the holocaust claims are gross exaggerations at best, many are outright lies. The official story makes no logical sense and is backed with little to no hard evidence. The evidence shows that the Jews caused massive problems in Germany with the financial sector and politically. They declared war on the German people and were dealt with as such. Many were forced into labor camps for the war effort as times were tough. Evidence shows they were mostly well cared for, as well as prisoners of war during those dark times could have hoped for and nearly all the deaths in camps were the result of disease and malnutrition, a direct result of allied bombing on German supply lines leaving the whole of Germany in shambles. What's more is that some camps took several weeks to find after the Germans retreated so allies found emancipated people in them. Many but not all were Jews.

There is a reason that questioning or attempting to investigate The Holocaust(tm) is illigal to this day in many of those countries. Think of literally anything else that will get you jail time for questioning in a western country, anything at all.

free labour, why not work them to death, thus killing them and getting use out of your prisoner while you do it

It happened.
It was justified.
We need another one.

Fucking hell.
Ignore the 40,000 Ukrainians who served in the SS. Ignore the Romanians, the Hungarians, the Croatians, all the "subhumans" who were allied with Germany that according to the Jewish historians Hitler wanted dead.

Israel is worse than National Socialist Germany was, they have become what they claim the Germans were.

And no one does anything. Hell, the politicians claim they are our greatest ally.

When you introduce resource scarcity into the equation you should realize that it simply doesn't make sense to do so.

Here's my opinion of it.

Number of 6 million largely inflated.
Germans had every right to be wary of them. They were behind the communist revolution in Russia. In addition, their loyalty is to their people. It has and always will be. I met a ton of Jews in college and I have a Jewish roommate now. All of them were a single issue voter - USA's relationship with Israel, even for the Jews that have never been.

Hitler hated international groups that would act in their own interests: Catholics. He was right to be wary of them.

What you are failing to see is that the only ones labeled as "Death camps" are those liberated by the soviets. They were all "work" camps. Russians pushed the post war lie of "death" camps.

Hitler never made much sense to begin with, if he left the war to his generals he arguably could have beaten Russia but he didn't because he was retard. He spent far too much time and resources on stupid things like the "Maus" and impractical things which like death camps don't make sense either.

I`m not a neo-liberal as you requested, but i`ll give my opinion.

Holocaust happened. With Russian soldiers, who where unprotected by geneve convention. The captured suffered without hygiene and proper food - mostly of typhus. And when they died bodies where burned.

No jew died here. Hitler`s war with jews was a wishful meme, just as putin`s war with muslims or american war with binladen.

Don't be so foolish to label any historical figure a retard or anyone else for that matter. You will learn in time that it's often actually your perception that is wrong due to a lack of reliable information. This is a really important life lesson to develop and hold on to.

The Japanese, an industrious nation, are having difficulty cremating their own. Are we supposed to believe that Germany, using limited fuel and resources, with 1930's tech, during a life or death war, would cremate 6 million Jews within a span of 5 years?

I'm fine taking one for the team, I'm not even a native Canuck.

This is what you're not understanding, you're not taking one for the team because you aren't on the team.

Believe it or you're fired from TV

>Start a war with lots of countries
>Ally yourself with Italy
>Make deal with Russia then stab them in the back
>Spend too much time and resources on shit ideas
>Ignore your generals
>Lose war
>Kill yourself

Sure sounds like a retard to me.

>Don't be so foolish to label any historical figure a retard or anyone else for that matter. You will learn in time that it's often actually your perception that is wrong due to a lack of reliable information. This is a really important life lesson to develop and hold on to.

This makes you sound like a fucking idiot, if someone is a retard then I'll label them a retard.


Fired from anything really.

Can't you see? Hitler was right. The Jews own our countries, our speech.


>Implying Hitler didn't escape to Argentina