Your stupid movie ideas and why they are never going to work

your stupid movie ideas and why they are never going to work

a reboot of Ghostbusters but make them all female, all unattractive and none of them with any comedy talents.


A western Journey to the West.

here's my idea:

the movie opens with a talk how host interviewing some millionnaire guy who's talking about how there's no such thing as ghost or paranormal stuff. And the millionnaire guy says into the camera that he will pay a million dollars to anyone who can prove the existence of paranormal stuff.

anyway the main plot of the movie focuses on a group of friend as they try to fake various paranormal occurrences to get the prize money. it features many situations of them trying to fake ghost sightings and UFO and bigfoot etc...

that's as far as I've got so far. Would you watch it?

How is that a plot? That would take about 4 minutes of screen time to set up. What actually happens? What's the conflict? do they succeed or not? Are they competing with some other group of people for the money? Your idea is dogshit desu


A sequel to Inglourious Basterds where Brad Pitt and BJ Novak hunt down Mel Gibson in Argentina.

You know exactly why this wouldn't work.

and in the process of faking it, they actually find a real ghost

Maybe an angle would be they do a bunch of shit, each time it's debunked, and then something actually supernatural happens and nobody believes them despite having a recording or physical evidence etc.

*people running from elder gods that have been awakened*

*scratch record*

*yeah that's me youre probably wondering how I ended up here*

A run of the mill drama/mystery set in a small town. A guy whos life is going very well with a new job, a big house, lots of money, and a fiance is found by a police detective from his home town. Years ago when he was a teenager, something happened and the detective knows he was involved and traveled all this way to confront him. We dont know what it is but it gets gradually worse. A robbery? A missing person? A murder? The whole movie plays on the mans perceived innocence looking worse and worse with a twist at the end. Lots of great cinematography focusing on an idealistic small town and strong preferences, almost like a stage play

A war movie featuring all comedic actors in dramatic roles. Seeing beloved actors known for comedy in a dark, gritty war movie to further twist the knife and make you uncomfortable

A slasher movie set in a summer camp for the mentally challenged. Standard friday the 13th, 80s teen slasher movie but All the counselors, the killer, and the campers have down syndrome

Another horror movie with all the cliches but played completely straight. Not in a "we're in on the joke" scary m ovie kind of way but totally serious. A balding 30 year old man is the high school hunk protagonist thats says hes 18, there are 8 black side characters that all die first in one massive killing spree, ect

A romantic drama. A rich girl from the 1910s falls for one of the farm hands that her rich parents hire. The farm hand fucking hates the whole family thinking theyre snobs. Whole movie is them trying to become close, might not actually happen by the end. Maybe a sequel with the same story but instead it starts from the rich girls perspective giving the same movie a different point of view

A small time drug dealer in high school get in over his head when he pisses off a known psychopath who also deals drugs. He must hide out in abandoned houses around his city, trying to figure out an escape plan while reevaluating his life.

A boy falls in love with a girl, unable to confess...

No. They were dead the whole time

I had this idea about a movie where a guy slowly walks through a shopping mall. It would be overly dramatic and the lighting and pacing would make it seem more overwrought and emotional than it really is. Basically its a parody of art student films. Unfortunately that shitty movie Cashback did this premise naively and unironically and worked it into it's terrible plot.

forgot to add

it'll never happen because thats the extent of my ideas. Ii have the big picture figured out, and maybe some screenplays written but I never focus on just one and finish it. I also dont have any connections to make it go further than this. Its more of a hobby to test my ability as a writer but Id love to work on getting some of these made

My idea:

Guy was forced to take a pill daily by his father for his entire life. He had an otherwise normal life. He doesen't know what the effect of the pills are. At 22, the parents die and he runs out of the pills. This will reveal what the effect of the pills were, it's a big twist that happens about 20 minutes in. It's a horrormovie with elements of a love story and I think some of you would really like it.

I have another big idea for a movie, but who reads this anyway.

Record companies, in Michael Jackson's house, find a stash of photos of his dick getting sucked by boys.

They have a meeting.

Sounds good, what is the other idea?

an indie movie about a bunch of college age hipsters who go on a road trip of self discovery. Believing they need to follow their hearts and their dreams and the money and fame will follow. Thats the first 10 minutes
the rest of the movie s them going back and confronting all the problems theyve neglected while being free spirits. Finding careers, realizing some of their dreams were childish and retarded, settling down and finding a place in life while slowly growing up

Another thread where morons think plots are movies

In a dystopian future, there are too many males in a lot of countries. Because of that, every guy that hasn't done a specific set of tasks up until the age of 25, will get killed. The tasks include everything that make you a worthwhile member of society. He has to have a wife. They need to have a kid or she has at least to be pregnant. He has to have a job with a specific minimum income. Every guy that gets killed because he wasnt able to do these tasks until the age of 25 gets one big last party. At the end of that party, he can hold one last speech and then will get executed.

The movie takes place at the last party of one of these guys, but the audience will only learn what the party is about over the movie. It ends with the execution.

Uncle Buck who can recall his past lives.

A group of school children investigate child murders in their small town and discover a giant spider living in the sewers is responsible

a french maid is hired by a wealthy family, and she begins a steamy relationship with their 9 year old son
staring eva green and who the fuck cares else

>12 Angry Men with pedophilia
I like it

I don't know actors. Who should I hire?

Green Room set in the near future in a high muslim percentage area in England, the protagonists accidentally stumble upon a terrorist plot and have to find a way to get out in a community that is largely sharia law sympathizers.

it wouldn't get made because it's "racist"