A leson in British Values, Respect & Tolerance

A large part of being British is respecting and being tolerant of others, especially guests and new arrivals from other cultures to our great land. This is such a great opportunity to be tolerant of other cultures and have a diverse and vibrant society, take a moment of your day and remember this teaching that has been instilled in us since pre-school, it is part of what makes our country great.

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>cucks telling me what my values are

will that taste for adventure, conquest, and domination ever return?

These have always been British values. Our country is a diverse and vibrant society with a variety of cultures that need to be equally respected in so that order is maintained.

fuck off kike shill


Deflect and deny. It doesn't work, you don't have and argument because you know the truth. You were taught these values as well as a child, I hope you can respect them and continue to follow them when you reach adulthood.

Nope. I was taught that Britain is a Christian country that dominated the world with its ingenuity and sense of adventure, an uncrushable spirit and that people do deserve respect, but only if they are worthy of it, so bullies and crybabies and those who want to leech off Britain deserve no such thing. I went to a good school, 99-100% British. Don't you fucking tell me what our values are, you don't belong here if you think Britain should be watered down to accommodate anyone.

Amen brother. The sooner we leave the EU and its stifling, backwards regulations and regain control of our country, the sooner we'll be on the path to remembering what being British truly was.

We can then start with getting rid of that mudslime cunt in London and maybe clean the city up while we're at it.

Two fucking racists, why am I not surprised. Thank humanity that you are a minority and will not have the ability to enforce your disgusting desires on the majority. These are British values, if you do not accept them then you are not British in anything but birth.

>Thank humanity that you are a minority

News to me, most British people you speak to find muslims to be degenerates that should be removed from our homeland. I'm sure you can convert with your tolerance and show your community spirit by fucking off with them.

Yes i blame the internet


Thank you, I needed a good laugh. British values, lol

now, i may just be a colony of britain
but those values were never a part of the globespanning empire that is your people's legacy
you can blow smoke about tolerance and shit but we remember the colonial days
and they're fond memories indeed


Check out the mouth breathers.


There are no "British" values. You lost anything resembling British values when you lost your empire, bent over for the Jews of America and the continental Europeans, and accepted cultural and racial displacement of the old British as part of your """British""" "values."

>respect and tolerance
m8 if they truly were our values then we wouldn't be the most despised people on this planet. Gas yourself.



>A large part of being British is respecting and being tolerant of others

That's a load of post-modern, SJW-tier crap. I'll tell you what it REALLY means to be British, based off of the general history of your nation: capitalist, imperialist, industrialist, Anglican, and generally disdainful towards cultures and peoples you deem to be inferior.

>British values


Your entire country is fucked forever

London is now a shithole city overrun by foreign scum that just elected a fucking MUSLIM fucking mayor

All your grandkids will be getting beheaded by Muslim zealots

So fuck off forever you stupid fucking limey

>Says the 60% white country with a twice elected nigger president


Degenerate filth!

Proportionally speaking it's a disaster, yes. You'd be remiss, however, to forget that the US has more than 3 times as many white people as the UK (even when you exclude "white" Hispanics, Jews, Persians, and the like).

More than 10 times the size.
Only 3 times as many whites.
Good try. Stay 'white' Burgerbro.

closer to 5 times the size

Your stats are fucking bullshit, you British faggot.

Have fun getting beheaded in Trafalgar Square by a 15 year-old ISIS soldier in ten years.

Closer to 40 times the size.

UK 243,610 km2
USA 9.857 million km2

I hope you enjoy your first female POTUS as much as you enjoyed the nigger in chief.

ur really dumb

really? how so?

1/10. Weak bait.

Just out of curiosity, how often do you meet Americans living in the UK?

And look where it has gotten you.
A failing empire whose capital city is lead by an non-native.
If that's what it means to be a Britton, I'm fucking glad I'm not a Britton.

>food and drink are values


what has the size of the country got to do with how the whites in it reproduce when they're not the only race in it

>all of those actual values with respect & tolerance shuffled in there
Also where my DEMOCRACY at?
Or did we abandon the magna carta when we joined the EU?

These are only the formal colonies. Doesn't include the places under economic British control and veiled protectorates

>tfw American ideals are practically a continuation of old British ideals
>Democracy, strength, trade, all we used to hold sacred
Even the isolationism was pretty British, since that was practically our policy towards Europe too for a very long time.

But now it's all gone, and "diversity", along with petty things like "saying thankyou" are called quintessentially British

Not personal freedom, not democracy, not entrepreneurship, but games like football and not getting too riled up about the vast unintegrated immigrant problem

We're told on a daily basis that accepting people in our country without our values is a British value
