Time for one of these ask away

Time for one of these ask away

Will I have a relationship with S?

Will a terrorist attack occur in Europe in 2 days?

Who let the dogs out ?



Will I be more than friends with K?

Does afflock fit me best

Will I study at Wes Point?

>Will I study at Wes Point?

will i be more than friends with A?

Is OP a faggot?

Will I be a cute tranny?

Will I get the job?

Am i going to die a virgin?


Will i die soon?

Will my wife convince Kathy to fuck me?

will tomorrow be the day ?

Will i ever be happy?


Am i going to fuck a girl or a guy?
Yes for girl
No for bloke


Will Hillary ever win?

will I have a relationship with M?

should Sup Forums play civ?

okay then

Will my new job as an outsourced slave be for a long time?

okay then

Will I ever be rich.