People who abuse animals are worse than niggers...

People who abuse animals are worse than niggers. The lowest weakest trait a man can have is to show cruelty towards animals for no reason or worse slight annoyance, it's the truest sign of a beta cuck, unfortunately for the animals they have no choice.

Can't argue with that

>tl/dr Chinese people are not even human and are sick degenerate filth

OP is right


>he lowest weakest trait a man can have is to show cruelty towards animals for no reason or worse slight annoyance, it's the truest sign of a beta cuck

This should be a general thing, I am all for animals but people need to stop being fucking chimps

Animals are property. Who cares what someone does to his own property?

>so edgy

You're fucked up if you abuse them. There's a reason you can hate humans, they always give you one. Animals don't.


You'll notice that the countries with the worst animal rights abuses are all non-white countries.

Mud people hate animals.

I would punch you in the face, you stupid nigger.

I work with animals and I absolutely adore the ones I work with. This will probably get me called a furry or some shit but there is a lot of similarity between different species and us humans that most people will never experience or observe. The worst thing I ever see people do though is treat every single animal like they're the animals they have at their house, especially dogs. People just think that since they have a dog another dog that doesn't even know them will react the same way as theirs, which leads to a lot of the problems of dogs attacking or biting. Then, no one blames the stupid idiot that brought the attack on, but instead will blame the dog for acting, well, appropriately.

there's some asshole animals

You probably lack empathy.

Lacking empathy is a sign of autism.

You should get yourself checked. Seriously, you're probably on the spectrum.

They aren't assholes, they're animals. If you're fighting for your life that's one thing, but kicking a dog because it pissed on the floor, or strangling a cat to record a video? The lowest of scum.

It's like trying to explain facial expressions to someone with extreme autism. You can't do it.

Never trust a person who doesn't like dogs.

Dogs are the worst animals in existence and I totally see why Muslims despise them and the Chinese eat them. They are dumb stupid animals. And if they have a dumb stupid owner (90% of Americans) they turn into loud, angry, obnoxious creatures.

Glad I got to shoot these stray things when they waltz in the neighborhood. That'll teach the stupid owner for not putting a collar on it.
Lulz were had when they found out.

The best people I've ever met all know this saying.

Good point. The lowest quality. least evolved humans are the ones that mistreat animals. Thanks user.

Agreed. Anyone who is cruel to animals get btfo by me if I see it.

It's happened twice in my life. Found a teenager torturing a poor little Pepe once. Fucked him up. Saw a guy kick his dog. Fucked him up.


>People who abuse animals are worse than niggers.

Let me correct that for you: People who abuse animals are niggers.

Good for you, I remember when I was little my dad would always treat our dog like shit and he even shot it with my bb gun for barking, it pisses me off thinking back.

Agreed. I just adopted a dog and the little faggot pisses every time he thinks I'mad at him. Even when I'm not. Little shit is going back to the pound in a week unless I can get someone to buy him on Craigslist.

Look at that cheeky motherfucker, he knows what's he's done, and he fucking loved every second of it. Probably got up early just to see his owners face when he woke up. A dog would of had the courtesy to eat what he desecrated.

Cats are the niggers of the animal kingdom.

Cats are the niggers of the pet world.

>People who abuse animals are niggers


>muh animals
>except cows and pigs, you can lock them in a cage that's half an inch bigger than their body their entire life while pumping them full of hormones and feeding them nothing but corn before sending them to the industrial-scale slaughter line

Nah fuck dogs
Every one I know who has a dog can't train it properly. They bark oncessently. They bite my shit. They growl for no reason.
They shed like crazy because the sum fuck owners don't know how to groom. And every dog person I know lives in a house that smells like shit.

Seriously, what's up with that? Do you guys just not bathe cuz the dog doesn't?

This one time I gave a dog literal rat poisoned laced food. Also treats with razers in them. Fuck dogs. And fuck you.

I'm a vegetarian, however most normal people who eat meat are just willingly ignorant about where there food comes from, but it takes a real piece of shit to outright abuse an animal

>People arguing about what's better cats or dogs
Coming through the best pet ever

Goos man.
This too. Can't tell you how many times these dog people don't clean up after their little crapstain. Disgusting animals. Literally nigger tier.

Because I'd be dead if it weren't for this little guy. Empathetically, sometimes animal companionship can help people move past depression and other mental illness, sometimes its just to have a fuzzloaf to pet as you watch tv. Whatever the reason, there's no reason to be overtly cruel to animals.

House cats are just lovable dicks.

But we breed them specifically for slaughter
They wouldn't exist if we didn't have a demand for cheap meat

It is shameful and degenerate but I can't bring myself to care about another species when there is so much our own species needs

That doesn't take a scumbag. Most of us grew up eating faceless meat that we were accustomed to having bought from the supermarket for us. But you don't see people going up to pigs, or cows, or chickens and wanting to abuse them for fun. It's a sausage factory. But watching someone abuse an animal is a different thing entirely.

I would much rather have the company of a dog than a nigress.

I can't speak for all cat owners, but as long as you let your cat have its space, treat it right, feed it regularly, and let it set the terms on how much it wants interaction. They're some of the easiest pets to care for in the world.

Spoons is very non-aggressive, very affectionate, and loves to play. My only problem with him is that he will yowl as soon as he can't find me, that includes when i leave the apartment, drives my poor roommates nuts.

Doggo thread.

inb4 turkroach dumps his dead dog webms

I love my puppers

You're just an autist or a psycho if you don't understand why abusing an animal is wrong. Both of those things are degenerate. They can tell if you're happy around them or if you're not to be trusted. You're obviously a sack of shit.

>I gave dog rat poisoning and razors
Found the Muslim

my pupper

my cat and dogs are the only thing that keeps me from suicide because with out me they have no one.

I'm more a cat person, But damn if i don't love dogs, Especially labs, I don't think I've ever met a poorly behaved Labrador.

>you were brought into this world on my behalf therefore it's okay to subject you to a tortuous unnatural existence

I guess its okay to abuse kids as long as they're mine then

I agree but it's a bit hypocritical to complain about animal abuse and then enjoy the fruits of it. I'm not a faggy vegetarian or some shit either but industrial livestock farming is fucked up. though its somewhat of a necessary evil due to overpopulation, not too hard to find good local meat most places though

That doesn't exactly add up but I'm glad for your Hans.

You can spot the non-whites in the thread by how they think of dogs. If they're white, they are autists and just.. "can't understand!" or psychopaths because they didn't get love from mommy and daddy early enough.

Animals aren't people
If you really had empathy for animals you stop eating meat.
But you don't, you're just a hypocritical crybaby. You don't need to eat animals, millions live just fine without, but you would defend to the end the horrible living conditions and butchering of billions of animals a year just because they taste good.


fucking asian dog murderers. Dog was sent down from heaven to give humans a reason to live. And these fucks prove theyre sub-human monkeys by killing them.

I want a beauceron

dogs are the niggers of animals though

My dog just naturally loves everything and everyone

I went full autist when some chink girl that can hardly keep her eyes off her phone kept trying to step on a baby snake on the sidewalk, and thats just one example. I didn't know Sup Forums cared so much about animals, this makes me happy.

you mean cats?

As someone who adopted from a rescue shelter, I know what you mean, hans. Good for you.

Preach brother. Purge the degenerates that would harm doggo

There are a bunch of stray cats that live in the fields opposite my place of work. They will venture on-site looking for food, and bring their kittens with them.
Today a Romanian kitchen assistant lunged towards them and they all scattered. He laughed, as though he had just accomplished something.

What is wrong with him, Sup Forums?

Uh huh scream "AUTIST!!" And then move the goal post. You're obviously projecting, considering your autistic devotion to retarded animals. You clearly only want a dumb animal to feel superior about yourself taking care of it.

What's the matter? Can't find a girl to live with so you settle for a dirty smelly dog?


>People who abuse animals are worse than niggers.
>implying most of them aren't niggers

Half these small dicked rednecks on Sup Forums poison cats cuz "MUH BIRD POPULATION"

I agree with you but your post is so obnoxious it pisses me off just reading it.

Don't make me feel user.

whenever i let my cat outside he immediately starts eating grass ravenously, then throws it up a few minutes later. for what purpose?

That's what I love about dogs, They're typically so loving and affectionate. Cats take a little more work to earn their trust, but can be just as affectionate. But dogs, man... Can't go wrong with a pupper.

They actually made animal abuse a felony in the US not too long ago
Dogfighting can result in a life sentence

Remind we when a cat last mauled a baby to death or when you saw some thugged out degenerate druggies with a pack of noisy wild cats in their yard.

>people who kill snakes regardless of whether its venomous or not
I fucking love my snake bros.
>tfw got drunk and went full retard bitching at a friends birthday party after his dad killed an eastern kingsnake like pic related

Nah, that doesn't add up. I'm not a hypocrite if I love meat, just like a huge amount of animals. I don't get my rocks off by kicking dogs and torturing animals.

Same. Love it.

How is lacking empathy or an ability to care for innocent, loving animals "projecting" my autism? There's a good reason to suspect you're autistic or non-white. Nobody moved a goal post. You are fucked up.

>Can't find a girl because I love dogs
Holy shit this is topkek

>They actually made animal abuse a felony in the US not too long ago
>Dogfighting can result in a life sentence

They sure did.

>pineapple pizza
Cat did nothing wrong.

t. Government

why's that bear have such a long nose?

Fuck I miss my kittehs.


Found the shitskin

>tfw my comrade cat just died after 17 years of friendship

Shit fucking hurts. Got him right after some crazy shit happened to me as a kid and he really help me through my depressed years.

They're the niggers of the animal kingdom. Violent, shit everywhere, too stupid to really do much, have pack behavior, and we've got cucks everywhere trying to make up jobs for them

Does it classify as animal abuse if I say fucked up shit to them in a goofy voice to get a cheap laugh?
>Who's a little retard?
>Who's a little fucking faggot dog?!
And then they get all excited and start licking at you.

I agree, one of the things that disgust me the most is people with a superiority complex about their species. We have a lot to be proud of sure but we're still apes, and it's fallacious to think that because we can define the world around us, that we are better than the systems we put in place to keep us from "playing god" and practicing true stewardship of the earth. All life is related in some way and its time to help ourselves by helping all of our cousins in life.

Some animals are sick fuck assholes too and don't think I'll defend them any more than some sadistic animal abuser/rapist. Some dog wants to break bad with me and comes at me, you better believe I'll punch that bitch in the face and show her why its better to have hands than teeth. But I've never met an animal like that, that was looking for trouble. Its only apes. Even cats are more like sharks, they are death machines they cant even help themselves.

pic related, leaf?

he wants to connect back with the earth

what he doesn't realize is that most of that shit is poisonous to those who aren't accustomed to it now.

>dogs can tell your personality
kek. That's one step removed from the "women are intuitive" meme.

I love dogs though, they have a lot of energy when you play with them.

Clearly you've never lived in a neighborhood with an unchecked dumpster cat population
Its even worse if they go feral innawoods

It means their stomach is upset, so they're trying to throw up. Try switching up the food you give them.

No thats dogs.

Cats are more like…australians

Not your personality, they can feel vibes. Not the same thing. If you are fearful, they can tell that. If you're calm, they can tell that.

>muh animals
Animals are below humans. Step up senpai

well I implied eating meat isn't inherently an issue, its natural. our population is just so bloated that we require more efficient means of acquiring meat which means increasingly horrible conditions for farm animals to the point where it clearly surpasses the average 'guy kicking dog because it barked' tier of abuse

No. You're projecting your autism onto others. You can't /possibly/ imagine people not devoted to dogs as autistically as you are. Who dont sleep with smelly dogs the way you do. Who dont eat where a shedding dog was like you do.

Anyway, no where did I say I kill dogs like a psycho. Not only are dogs dangerous on the streets, they're a danger to my kids and the elderly loose. Just as bad as wild animals. So I will kill your dog on the street if he has no collar. Because I actually have a family to love, not smelly ass dumb dogs whos only purpose in life is to eat and shit.

Congrats though. I'm sure your dogs love your company as you watch them retardedly eat their own shit. I bet you smell it too, like a dumbass.

I own everything you are all my property moarlity is a spook

It's actually about as ridiculous as the "women are intuitive" meme.
This fucking thing still hasn't figured out that I'm shit talking her.

he had a urinary tract issue so the vet told me to just feed him wet food, but when i do give him dry food he gobbles that shit up. whats the best diet for a cat? everyone says something different

Same, He was actually an abuse kitten I got from a rescue center as part of my depression therapy. No one else wanted him because he would run and hide when people tried to play or interact with him. I took him home anyway, and now ->


When I broke up with my ex she had to keep all our pets because I didn't have a pet-friendly place to stay.

I miss them as much as I miss her.

I'd literally make the punishment for torturing an animal a bullet to the back of the head.
By that I mean real sadistic torture.
Such creatures are too dangerous to be kept alive.

I do the same to be honest. Everyone calls him a son of a bitch, his entire family are dogs, etc.

No, if you honestly questioned this seek help, it is all about the tone of voice you use.

He trusts me, gets separation anxiety when i leave... He's really brought a lot of life back to my daily existence.

Fucking faggots and their need to have some shit producing needy furball is the truest sign of a beta cuck. They fill the void in their shit lives by 'adopting' some other animals child, almost in a sick manner acting like its human. Talking to it and even asking it questions as if it was human. Nothing is more pathetic than a proud dog owner that at least doesn't have a reason to have a dog other than..kek...companionship.
When I take my dog to the dog park (shock collar and all), I get a kick of all the sjw hipster faggots and their hard on for animals. They all think they're that spic Cesar Milan, or some other kind of faggot dog whispering bitch.

Animals are made to be eaten, and I see the gooks not as demonic as you canine boner faggots make them out to be

I don't see an issue with abusing what's clearly property. If anything, you are all hypocrites for insisting that abusing certain animals is wrong but then turn a blind eye towards the conditions that live stock must endure through. Or to even take a step further you could say that by existing, you're a degenerate because you feed off of other organisms eventually killing them for your substenance. Although I understand that these certain animals are deemed to be domesticated animals/pets, I'd say that it's far more monsterous to keep these animals as pets. As it promotes nothing but perpetuating a type of prison for them; not to mention the traditional spaying and neutering of the animals which effectively guarantees that they will have no off spring what so ever. You pet owners should be ashamed.

fucking cats man, you can't do anything but let them get away with it while you take a photo of their smugness.