Okay anons. I'm with someone who I absolutely adore. I've never felt as close to anybody as I have to him...

Okay anons. I'm with someone who I absolutely adore. I've never felt as close to anybody as I have to him. However we've already talked about the fact that we wont be together in the future because he wants biological kids and I can't have them. This is fine however we are still together because well we don't want to not be together.
Now I also have a crush on one of our friends, I don't feel nearly as strongly about this crush as I do about my friend.
I'm worried about having a decline in how close my friend and I are if I try to date my friend. However I'm worried if I continue down the path of my current friend that I will miss out on something that could be great. I'm also worried because I know my friend has a thing for me while I don't know if my crush likes me back.
TL:DR - I have a great person whom I'm close to but wont be able to stay with for the rest of my life. On the other hand I have a crush that I don't like as much and I don't know if they like me back. What do?
(pic obviously unrelated but man that's a great movie.)

Are you looking for some short-term fun? Are you looking for a long-term thing? You got to do some soul-searching to figure out what you want.

Obviously I want the best of both worlds. Essentially I want a long term thing with my friend. I think I could want a long term thing with my crush but I'm not sure how he would be as a boyfriend or if he even wants to be with me.

Literally nobody cares about your fucking love triangle melodrama
Post nudes .
Live stream your own suicide,

A love triangle would require the friend and crush to have a thing for eachother.

Right now it's just a love V I guess.

Death bump of desperation.

Follow your heart, and you will never betray who you are.

My heart wants both. I want my friend more but my logic says my crush is better.

Honestly if it were me and the person I was with decided that we won't be together in the future I would end it because it might just hurt more in the end. And in my opinion if he really did care enough about you then have biological kids wouldn't matter but that's just my opinion.

And then my logic reminds me that I have no idea if my crush would even want to date me.

Are you willing to change for your friend? If you are not, you should not pursue him, as you can not expect him to change for you if you would not do the same.
>If you would change, pursue your friend. You may not have to, and it will be a while anyway. Otherwise, the opportunity will be missed.

I think part of me is hoping he'll change his mind about children. I personally I really don't like kids this person is the only one that I would be willing to adopt a kid with. He's also my best friend and I don't want to lose that.

Tits or GTFO

Your vagina doesn't give you special privileges here.

I'm with my friend. I can't change my inability to have children.

Ask yourself first: who do you most want to be with
Your crush could also be everything you wanted; how would I know

What are you, 12?

Aah, I see. Then if he would not change for you, you deserve someone who is happy to be with you as you are. You may find this in your crush: would you like to find out?

mfw op cant have kids since op is always a faggot

I want to be with my friend more. How ever we eventually will come to the roadblock of children. If I could just know for sure that he would work around the kids thing I would be fine staying with him.
How ever I can't know things for sure so if I knew that my crush would be a good boyfriend and want to be my boyfriend I would gladly date him. I don't do well with these uncertainties.

> I can't have adult conversations with my spouse so I ask internet strangers for advice in exchange for brief female attention.

Fucking niggers and betas ITT

I would like to know without it damaging anything. If he doesn't want to be with me then I want to still be friends with my crush and still be with my friend for the time being. (I've had to do so many captchas to post this jesus)

How would I know he wants kids and how would he know I don't want kids if we couldn't have adult conversations? Also why would I want female attention. I'm wondering about 2 male crushes it makes more sense to get male attention and opinions.

Becoming certain will require asking your crush, or your boyfriend. The choice is to confront your boyfriend sooner, to know sooner, and then to ask your crush if you have ended your current relationship; or to postpone asking, and give up the possibility of being with your crush in exchange for more time with your bf.

Just get a surrogate mother you fucking moron, this is not the first time something like this has happened. If either one of you can't deal with the fact that his kids are genetically his but not yours then why continue living a lie that you know will end eventually? Also, the fact you're considering breaking up and going for someone who is almost certainly not as great as you think they are is a sign that you don't deserve either of them. Make up your own damn mind.

What guy actually wants kids? Fuck that shit. Hes retarded. Dump him.

Go for your crush. Don't spend more time in a dead-end relationship.

He doesn't trust a surrogate to take care of one. I can't blame him.

You would be amazed so many guys at my damn college, all they talk about is how they want kids and a family. A few I can write off as just trying to pick up girls with that kind of talk but the ones that really want kids I just don't get it.

Well thank you Sup Forums I think my current choice of action is to see if I might have an increase of feelings for my crush by talking to him more often. Along with this I will talk to my boyfriend about our issues (more than we already have) to see if they are fixable.

Who cares if you can trust them with it or not? That's your only option besides adoption, if he's that deadset on having kids he can do that with literally anyone with a vagina. If he's only with you to one day get to the point of having kids, that's fucked. If you two work so well together, why does this one issue mean there's literally no way anything could work out in the long term. It sounds like you both are being inconsiderate cunts to each other.

Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?

Man speaks truth


Don't forget the time stamp you fucking mongoloid bitch

Who said it was an equilateral triangle?
