Sup Forums, am I pathetic? I just turned 19, and I'm a college dropout. I have no irl friends...

Sup Forums, am I pathetic? I just turned 19, and I'm a college dropout. I have no irl friends, I only hang out with my sister who is a middle schooler, and a kid who is the son of a guy my mom used to date. I don't know how to describe my "career", I work for my family, but i suppose these days I am a semi-NEET. Most of the time I just surf the web or play vidya, I don't think I have any real aspirations in life. I don't know if this matters or not but I am female. This isn't bait. Should I an hero?

just be better

> Am I pathetic?
> Should I an hero?
Yes, you are definitely pathetic. Also, don't waste everyone's time, you'd never an hero, you're just an attention seeking fuck that's all there is to it.

Hell no, you just need to keep looking for something you enjoy in life. I'm 19 haven't had a job yet because of my axiety. To anxious to go to school. To anxious to get my license but I know I can eventually get through this. Find something you enjoy and learn to be happy with the simplicity that life can really be.

Ur fine dude

>just be better

This. Find a way to turn your hobby into cash, or go back to school. Otherwise your life will suck and you should kill yourself.

Btf I amfucking lonely but I'm looking for someone just like you. There are a lot of us out there

>but I am female. This isn't bait.
follow the rules or gtfo you lying bag of dogshit

dude. hanging out with friends is overrated.

honestly, if you got nothing else going on just keep saving up your money and then when you finally figured out what you wanna do, you got money in the bank to pursue it.

Yes I am attention seeking, I won't deny that. I don't have an excuse for that. I'm jealous of people who do get attention.

I know how you feel.

that's true. I would love to go somewhere. I have a decent amount of money saved up already. just don't know where I would go. I have responsibility with my family as well.

Lol, what a loser. Ohh, I'm too scared to go to work and school, guess I'll just have to sit in my room all day being a slob because I'm a little bitch who'd too afraid of the outside. You're such a faggot, man up and get over your anxiety, it's a pussy's mentality I'm telling ya

I'm fucking desperate but not that fucking desperate

well, help your family out first since you don't know where you wanna go yet anyway.

that's what i'm doing right now. I got my younger sis to finish school and she's got a decent career now.
I'm helping my young bro now to save up money for a house.

you can always do things for your family you know.

yet you're here too so in my eyes that makes you no better than anyone else in this shithole, nobody knows what its like to be in another person's shoes, get over yourself

I feel like nobody would even care if I left except for my grandparents lol

they care. family members always care.

I hate my older sis but whenever she asks for help i'm there.

also, you're still young. i'm in my 30's so i know how it is to be at that age.

it will pass trust me.

Thanks user

I'm getting through it. It must be nice to not know how it feels but I'd still honestly choose this over having a close minded outlook on the complexity of the mind.

Become pornstar

Don't worry I'm 18 just graduated HS been working everyday for 3 weeks straight I get paid tomrorow since I only get paid every 2 weeks this week will be the 3rd I only get paid 8$ but I been working so much tomrorow my paycheck is gonna be huge my parents hate me I didn't even apply to college I hated going to HS it was a. Small town 300 in my school I hated everybody I knew them since the 3rd grade finally glad I'm out the hell hole now the next plan is to move out else I'll stay here