Long story short, a pit bull killed my aunts dog and now I am worried about her other dogs...

Long story short, a pit bull killed my aunts dog and now I am worried about her other dogs. The pit bull is currently being used for dog fights and has already killed many dogs in both fights and out in the street. when the owner is drunk, he tends to take the Pit bull out for a walk late at night and let's the dog kill any dog he sees.

I want to kill the pit bull, but I can't really think of a clear way to kill it without raising suspicion. Overall, the pit bull killed my aunts dog today. The pit bull means the world to the owner, but only uses the dog for money.

more info:
>I am in Mexico, I assume killing the dog should be easier
>my grandparents is right next door to the dog owner, I can access his yard from jumping a fence
>I don't have access to a gun

(Pic related, it's one of my aunts old dirty dog that I want to protect)

Wait a few weeks and put a bit of poison in the places the dog goes.

Keep it simple. Poison some food and throw it over the fence.

feed it antifreeze

it'll probably be pretty obvious the dog was poisoned, though, so expect consequences

Kill the drunkard then kill yourself. That'll teach the mutt.

>Compra salchichas y tal vez chorizo.
>Rompe vidrios en pedazos muy pequeños.
>Haz una abertura en las salchichas o en el chorizo, deposita dentro los vidrios rotos y vuelve a cerrarlo con cinta.
>Cuando veas al perro enemigo solo, tírale la comida y la comerá rápido.
>Morirá lenta y dolorosamente.

El problema es que si el vecino tiene conocimiento de que su perro acaba de matar al de tus familiares, sospechará muy fácilmente.
La única opción es que pase mucho tiempo, o que en pero mete al de otro vecino, así no sospechará de ti.
Recuerda que la venganza es un plato que se come frío.

fing the god food and mix it with rat poison or get your own treats poison them and when the dog is let loose give him one and send him on his way

Shoot the dog. Shoot the owner. Swap their heads so everyone thinks the cartel did it.

I second this one

Me gustó mucho ese idea. También puedo decir que se salió, el dueño trabaja en las mañanas.

i live in mexico as well, just dont let them catch you or they'll whoop your ass you already know how it is
>viva mexico


buy a piece of meat and stick nails or poison it and leave it near or in the house of the pitbull owner
Good luck

This is the classic way. Someone killed one of my neighbor's nasty ass poorly trained dogs with a steak poisoned with a shit ton of rat poison. They never caught the person who did it. Easy, and the dog went fast enough that it seemed humane.

wey echale raticida potente a un pedazo de carne,jamon,salchica,etc y echaselo a la casa del pitbull

i dont speak taco bell

murph, is that you?

Watches at 0 $?


>take family shotgun
>go out
>shoot the fucker's head off

that is a shit dog, it's even better if it suffers and the owner goes into full blown alcoholic shitshow and kills himself

also if he gets new dog poison it too

rat poison is a really cruel way to kill anything. I agree the pit bull needs to be put down, but the pit bull didn't choose and can't help being the way it is.

feed the owner rat poison. he has to die, since if you kill his pit bull, he's just going to get another one and make it even meaner.

after killing the owner, you can put the pit bull down pretty easily either (i) by pretending it's your own dog and taking it to a shelter to have them put it down; or (ii) feeding it a large dose of sedatives (wrapped in meat) and slitting its jugular when it is completely passed out.

>rat poison is cheaper than most poisons

Fuck off with your shit marketing ploys for shit products

I'm going to be inhumane. I don't give a fuck about the dog. The dog doesn't know any better and I do feel a bit bad for the pit bull, but atleast I'll know he won't be killing any dogs in the future. I'll wait for his next dog fight and feed the dog chorizo with glass shards with some medicine a day or two before. Hopefully that will weaken the dog and cause the owner to accuse the other dog of cheating and eventually start fighting.
I might even celebrate with getting stds from an escort, thanks Sup Forums

>Pedro hears it and does the same to OP

Drop it bits of food over the next month until it trusts you
Slip a rope around it's neck
Tie it to a fence tethered by the neck
Then stick it through the ribs with a long sharp implement around the heart area

Porque no los dos?

I know it is cruel but it is the easiest to get and also it wont really raise suspicion considering any of the neighbors could have been using it l

This. Easy.

My gramps has a ton laying around to protect his chickens. Saying that the dog simply ate it by accident is plausible

Try a cat.
Use venom. Poison some meat and feed it to the dog, just make sure no one sees you doing it.
Kys and be done with it.
Light it on fire like on one of those animal rekt threads.
Kill the owner and be done with it, he was the one who abuses the dog an raised it to kill other dogs. He is the one that walks the dog at night, drunk, and lets the dog kill any other dog on sight.

precisely my dogs get into shit all the time and like to fuck with the neighbor's chicken so that makes sense fam