Do South Africans even have guns to defend themselves? I doubt they have the will to fight

Do South Africans even have guns to defend themselves? I doubt they have the will to fight.

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>Zuma said South Africa was "the only country in the world where the majority does not control the economy."

The whites should leave if this happens and let the country descend into chaos

Come home to Zambia, white man.

>exactly the same

I hope so

They're strapped as fuck and have private security firms to protect themselves, have you seen their gated communities? They're completely isolated from the Black population

Of course we have guns.

Ironically that girl has pretty weak genes

it has too much utility has a port nation to just abandon..
>you can't rely on the sand niggers and jews controlling the suez

Zambia is a beautiful country

You don't seem to understand it's virtually impossible for white people to escape Africa. Western nations literally will not take them because they're not "African refugees" due to their white skin.

it shall be a fight to the death then
god speed

With what?
The government disarms whites for that very reason. White resistance in Africa ended with Rhodesia. They'll just be put into camps and systematically killed off one day. And the Western world won't bat an eyelash, as your favorite Semites will keep it out of their owned-media.

What if the Western Cape seceded from the rest of South Africa if the ANC go full-retard or the EFF somehow get into power?

The Western Cape is mostly Coloureds and Whites, right? Pretty sure no-one there would be happy with mass nonconsensual land redistribution, and whites from the rest of South Africa would likely be welcomed with open arms.

It wont secede, what will happen if their is open and organised violence in South africa is that the whites would just make more insulated towns like Orania which would be a no go zone for non whites.

>insulated towns like Orania which would be a no go zone for non whites.
They'll attack you militarily, just like what happened in Zimbabwe. Strategic hamlets will become THE primary target for communist blacks, as they'll be able to butcher you in large numbers all at once.

When your war comes, it's going to be brutal and tribal.

implying trump won't be in office by then and stomp that shit the fuck out

I have a lot of hope for Trump, but I don't think he's going to be able to save the world. There's too much wrong with it at this point. White people are being targeted for a genocide around the globe and the media has indoctrinated enough whites to believe that's actually a good thing. So we're not just fighting an evil enemy, we're fighting with our own kin who've been brainwashed to hate their people.

Besides, even if Trump wins, Congress will block him on everything. AIPAC and ADL, which has dirt on everyone, will marched right up the Hill and demand loyalty to their anti-Trump camp.

It seems hopeless, or at least needs to hit bottom before we can recover.

Kek orchestrated this meme magic


Have you donated to paul nehlen yet brother? First step is to get cuck ryan out of congress, and this guy is running in the primary against him.

We need to give Trump all the help he can get. Any amount helps.


Another interesting thing about Zambia - its history of Presidents.

Time to learn how to be a scoundrel then. Lie.Falsify. Deny. Better to be a jailed criminal than a dead genocide statistic. Also remember...HAN SHOT FIRST!

Yes, Malema will lead the youth population into protest and a mass genocide of whites will occur. Of course the western media will ignore it, and maybe even blame the whites for it. Then in 60 years when SA is beyond a shithole of a country they'll beg whites to come back.

I kind of enjoy the idea of whites going extinct. A hundred years after we're gone the other races will write of us as we do Stonehenge. Our disappearance will leave the future in astonishment of an ancient race that was above their understanding of science and engineering. We will be viewed as gods or advanced aliens.

What the fuck happened? Israel was one of the last supporters of Rhodesia, they continued to give Rhodesia aid after saying they joined the usa in the embargo
>oy vey goy I have no idea how your choppers you gave us ended up in the hands of the Rhodesian Army

And they used to develop nukes with apartied Era south africa. A lot of Rhodesians immigrated to Israel after the fall

>be a scoundrel

So you're saying the whites in SA should become as Jews to the majority blacks?

They can get firearms licenses, but if you shoot a nig you'll most likely die in prison. Doesn't matter if the nig invaded tour home and raped your child.

Nah. I'm saying flee the country by any means necessary. lol Sneak into Europe as a "Syrian Refugee" if they have to.

thank you user, it made me fell good

I don't get white farmers, why would you voluntarily waste your life working hard to feed millions of useless niggers that scorn and want you dead? If I was a white South African, I'd fuck off to Australia or Canada.

You need the updated image. It keeps getting better.

Who the fuck controls it in his mind?

White people. They control the vast majority of agricultural land and industrial estates.

So while blacks have monopolised political power in South Africa, the whites still hold a very strong hand in the economic sphere.

>letting negros control the economy

LOL. Poor South Africa, it would be a lovely place if all those pesky nignogs would just disappear.

So this was all a ploy by Zambia to steal the white people!

What's the definition of insanity again?

>"We do not even steal for a living, there's nothing left to steal."

Fucking niggers, man.

How is SA along with the BRICS?

Is it the remaining whites that keep SA rich? Aid from the US and Europe?

You know what? I'm fine with it.

In the long term, this is what Africa deserves... to taste success from the tip of a spoon, only for them to slap it out of the white hand holding it to their collective mouths.

Africa, and Africans, should be left to rot.

this is my favorite news story of the 2010's
Most red pilling.

Give it to them
then let them run it into the ground in 5 years
then wait another 5 before they swallow their pride and beg for help
then laugh

There can be good money in dangerous work and I'm sure there's millions more that are happy to have you.

The Western Cape will become independent and run by the DA.
We have a good economy and plenty of natural resources to keep us going successfully.
Once independent, we'll develop our own military and keep the commies at bay.
We can do this.

The Boere will fight.
The Kikes (90% vote DA) don't want to lose their businesses they will support it - they have their own private security too.
The coloureds always got left out (pre+post apartheid) they will fight.
Also, we have a lot of foreigners down here that don't get treated nicely by the blacks - they will fight.
It's possible, but only if the EFF are to be elected.

Excuse the simple typing - phonefagging at work.

Will Zambia be the launching point for New Rhodesia?

In a decade or two when the world is in shambles, crawling with islam and nignogs, only then will we realize how much we really needs whites in power. There's a reason we naturally ended up on top, and it needs to stay that way to keep the world running.

All the whites from south Africa are poison.. they suck dry the natural resources and make it worst for the country. They need to start burning off the whites. Why is it the white man is always following the black man in the world..? all the way from Australia to America.

Nope in a few years we will be ruined by corrupt Chinese and white men that are always competing for who has the bigger penis.

From what I've read Europe is the only region not accepting white saffas. Australia, Argentina, New Zealand and the US are accepting them.

I should know, we came here with my family in 2007. it's a good choice, this is a good land for farmers, especially now that a Conservative president won the elections, they are getting their taxes cut.

it's just that the Boere are stubborn as fuck.
most will stay even if the situation goes full Zim
Part of me respects them for taking at stand but at the same time its stubborn and pointless, the writing is on the wall.

my advice is to get out. no point losing your life for a country that's already doomed. hopefully Azania's collapse will help to redpill people in the rest of the world.

anyway, any place is better than getting killed in South Africa. even Zambia.

I've got 2 years working 9-5 as front end dev, can I get a job overseas with that?


But it already is user.

Is there some reason that white farmers don't have at least ten kids each? Black people can be displaced by a growing and well armed community with in group preference.

>nig nogs work together when there is nothing left to steal

What a amazing discovery.

Confirm europe really doesn't take them?

Is this legit?

>Be more concerned with being a successful nation than some sense of pride no one there is paying attention too anyway
>Be successful

Why isn't Zambia like the other nations? Full of "ME AFRICAN PRIDE FUKIN WHITES DID ALL MY PROBLEMS."

legit, but not representative of everywhere. Some parts of SA are worse than others.

You sure this isn't The Last of Us fanfic?

wow, cape town looks gorgeous. from the air at least

It really does.

I expect them to turn that way once the feral negroes realize the whites are doing well and start demanding 'their rightful share' of the white farmers' profit

>Zim farmers happy in Zambia


Not all of them can leave. If you're white, you are not accepted for asylum.

And then, maybe you can leave. But you can't take your whole family with you. Splitting the family seems worse, so you just remain.

And even if you could take your family with you, you'll still have to leave pretty much all your shit behind.

They have very few options and they all suck.

reminder to not fall for the "leave southafrica" meme. if you are crafty and stick together you will do just fine.