I feel like this board is ruined by cuck/trap/blacked threads and I think (((they))) are spamming this posts everyday...

I feel like this board is ruined by cuck/trap/blacked threads and I think (((they))) are spamming this posts everyday to brainwash us

Is this true Sup Forums??
Tell me it's not

Unfortunately it is user

You were into it from the start.

Brainwashing will work on newfags and 9faggers, not on true Sup Forumstards


Doesnt matyer if you were into it from the beginning or not... spamming that shit makes sure that the faggots are preoccupied with the shit-tier threads. Thus ruining the board



Pic has become so real it hurts

(((They))) control us

Stfu newfags, since day one there has been some "thing" ruining Sup Forums, and a load of pussies to complain about it. You know what used to be killing Sup Forums in the beginning? The fact that Sup Forums could only stay up for a day or two at a time. Stop bitching and be thankful there's still a post button to click.

You have no clue what you're talking about if you think they are Spamming. Grow up newfag.

I just hide the posts. You guys do know about the arrow next to the post numbers, right?

Bet you were one of the guys posting the shitty Tom meme 10 years ago haha

I can't be mad at someone who takes advantage of a niche and cashes in on it.

Found the Jew


damn you guys are good

I'm curious about this, what do they use all of our shit for in general?

The fact that retarded think anyone outside of here cares about this place at all, let alone enough to try to "brainwash" you is cringier than any cringe thread ever posted.

Data to sell=money


IDK man, my counter argument is that (((they))) wouldn't want anything coming out from here possibly. When people are anonymous and can do anything they want, creativity can kill.

Good goy

I want to think that this data in a few hundred years time will be really valuable to humanity but (((they))) are way to fucked up and greedy to let that happen. I mean the amount of data they have NOW could help us a lot, let alone what we're going to gather over the coming years.

You're just another retard on a website full of retards. The only thing special about you is your overinflated sense of self importance.

(((They))) don't give a fuck about humanity, they are already dominating whole world. Jews own everything

No one takes this place seriously enough to sink those kind of resources into it.

What we need is more ylyl, fb/Insta fap,wwyd, and log threads.

I agree. I come here to see rekt threads ,but all I see is some gay ass trap threads.

You're right. This place is a shithole now.

And dick rate

Lansky needs a bullet

It's true

I beg to differ, Sup Forums has always been really represetative of the trends and has influenced a lot of opinions indirectly.
Moot talked about that long ago

Alternative sites? I wanna see rekt

Kill yourself faggot

Reddit r/watchpeopledie is pretty good

Did you have to post up hill both ways, too?

Says the guy who believes the entire Jewish world needs to keep his genius ass quiet. Get a fucking life you retard. Jewish people are just a minority that support heavy study.


Grab a crowbar and go produce some yourself, or bestgore

I, as an user, agree.
Sup Forums has spawned some pretty powerful things, being the consciousness of humanity and all.

Did you just have stroke or did you reply to the wrong person?
I swear some of you faggots TRY to act autistic.

Fucking lold. Go read the definition of the word you fucking imbicile.

You're wrong. /b is just that gay.