Women hate thread!

Women hate thread!

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i liek grils
cuz mi no fag


What about the bartender?

Looks more like a home to me (see: cabinets in the back). Not sure why he lit candles though.

I think it would be more appropriate if it said something more like "I haven't spoken to another person I wasn't paying or who wasn't paying me in 2 weeks"


Fuck you! we the men rule this world we the men say the last world and whats its going to be and done!

Sure I'll contribute

please leave. :)





been there
thanks, feminism


women carry children though

>periods since 10
>might get pregnant one day
>sucking dick until my jaw hurts
So "easy."

The ironic part of me hating women is that I'm married and I love my wife.
That said, we both wish she was a guy and we mutually hate other women so I guess it evens out.

basically women get away with everything and can't do anything wrong and are some primordial idiotic stupid violent horde of a gender

Yes actually


i love women but i hate capitalism

if these are your go to problems then yes, really easy indeed

Easier than what males are expected to go through daily, especially white collar job holding males.

Going off thumbnails here, so some of this may be SJW cringe and not just women.

>eating pussy until my jaw hurts because it got broken in a street fight






LOL. The trauma of only seeing your kids half the time must be really hard on moms.




ah hhahahahaha




only a girl would hate another girl.
We men love women


Sorry guys, I'm about out




love this story so much

They are less than rubbish


Men love girls but hate women.
Paraphrasing Al Bundy



So terrible. I'm stuck with only see my child for 1/3 of the time. Fucking pussy privilege.


This joke will one day make me single.



then they should act like children carriers
not loudmouthed sluts

Back in college I moved into a student dorm, it's a house for students of course. It was empty when I moved in, but quickly became 4 girls filled dorm (lucky? lol no).

Ok here we go:

1. Yandy Liang: Aussie Child Prostitute. Short, flat, guy looking, the mustaches are there.
2. Jessica Nicole: Flat, huge ass, never wear pants, always wear skirts, same one, she has vaginal yeast infection from being fucked by Aussies at least 4000 times (since she was 12 years old... some Kabbalah/Zionist shit that Aussies claim their God -antichrist/akadawa/satan- allows them to do.
3. Jamie: A blond midget, she looked alright to Valentino Rossi in 2009 but, once she opened her mouth while she was on top of him... damn ew. (Did friends with benefits with a nigger who wanted Yandy, and she told her about him. His fantasies about Yandy reaction during sex... just wow. His parents are wonderful lol they should've showed him more.).

1st week Jessica entered my room. Started raping me after giving me blowjob after removing my bed sheets. I was kinda, hungover and high, thought I was in a dream. The smell of that queef.. just damn the bitch. In the morning I felt some sharp tingling pain on my penis base. Plus the smell. She did it nice and clean, even put my bed cover back on me and made it look like nothing happened.

Rape kept going, at least 3-5 times even more. I was aware of me being raped during 4th time when I noticed everything, I was afraid that it was a burglar.

But.. media and police are controlled by Zionist/illuminati lobby in Shit Australia. Even if I defended, I'd get blamed and pointed at me that I was the rapist. Not her!

later, I was woke up to their voices talking. They thought me smoking weed would make me sleep like a princess. I just couldn't do anything.

during quite weekend. I moved the fuck out of that student dorm with my dignity.

Turns out, Australia is being ran by Zionist/Kabbalah lobby, and there is nothing a guy like me can do. Except...

>Not sure why he lit candles though.
he invited her to come over but she dodged last minute with an obviously made up excuse

Guarantee she was the one who filed for divorce

Lol if you think being a man is hard mode you're doing it wrong bro!

wtf dude are you unable to protect your dick from infected pussy??

mah naem is pewwwpiepiee

That's the only thing they're good for.

Wait...so you're secretly gay?

shes not even *accusing* the hero of the story of anything bad.
he handled the situation like a man should. realize hes in the wrong place, and make a decisive, swift exit without causing unnecessary damage

you know that joke? Being an ugly woman is like being a man, you just got to go to work

My step father only saw his kids 2 days every second week while paying for child support.

>My step father only saw his kids 2 days every second
stopped reading there


>every second WEEK

i know, i just gg at that one.

Man, that still pisses me the fuck off about Ray Rice. He was a really good back, too.

Genuinely fantastic. I do plan on tutoring my son in rhetoric (using reputable online courses) alongside his normal schooling. When everyone has essentially become a digital entity comprised of text, this skill is invaluable.

If you're born a white male in America, and still end up like this... u dumb af.

In reality, these perspectives are derived from experience with women, not lack of it.

No, the reason women hate rape is it is a violent crime meant to hurt and it can lead to unwanted pregnancy and exposure to STD such as herpes, hiv, hep c and a host of other illness. Also, in the eyes of many she is viewed as damaged goods.

Fair enough.

I did date one girl who kind of hated women and herself for being female. It was...interesting. Personally, I don't actually hate women. Thinking back on her is always weird because I truly can't decide whether I miss her or I'm glad I got away. I guess both, actually...