Why on earth would anyone desire to own such a fucking ugly, vicious, baby-killing varmin (dog)?

Why on earth would anyone desire to own such a fucking ugly, vicious, baby-killing varmin (dog)?

Pitbulls need to be exterminated along with their annoying and irresponsible owners.

(68% of dog-related injuries, 57% of dog-related deaths)

babby killeing varmin


As long as they fuck up who you want them to fuck up theyre adorable. Good drug dealer dogs too


Except they're notorious for turning on their owners.

Yeah not bait. I really do fucking hate pitbulls.

Hey, I seriously dont get this either, i live in the netherlands ( 80% are lane houses which means they connect to each other) and i have NO clue why white people own these dogs, yesterday when i was going to the mall i saw a white guy in his 40`s getting dragged along by his dog lol!

i also want to kill this animal on sight, As in im not joking, i REALLY wanna! Sharing my best porn webm with you to show you how sincere i am.

only serial killers hate animals... you must've been molested.


German Sheps
Cut, print, fuck off back to retard land where a dog magically stops being like every other fucking dog because MUH GRESIV JEANS you retard

Why did you feel the need to mention the msot prominent housing style where youl ive while explaining why you hate pitbulls?


Bulldogs are a bully breed
Pitbulls are a bully breed.

You are a fucking retard.

There is literally no such thing.
Doesn't exist.

K. It does though..

Hey, See its 0% need for you too own one in a lane home, or a fucking apartment, A killer machine on legs is only substanable outside in a cage, in a farm, house in the forest, or in the city with a big strong and long gate around your mansion.

kek! the fact that you even have to ask is fucking retarded.

Nearly 100% of human kills are done by humans therefore lets kill all humans! Btw op is a huge faggot

It's funny how pitbulls only make up for 17% of the population but are responsible for 70% of all violent crimes and sexual assaults.

>implying that humans and dogs are the same


Only if you threat them like chihuahuas. A good pitbull needs a shitload of beating so he never even develops the idea he could be alpha. Also these are fightung dogs. They dont make good family dogs but are awesome to fight in dogpits in asia or afrika. Sadly dogfights are forbidden in the western world.

Lanehouse faggot here, Pinbred spotted!
too proof how much of a fucking retard you, and people like you are, I will be sharing my favorite porn webm

Well let me put a knife into one of your children and one in a dog and you would be surprised on how related those species are...the same fear in their eyes, the blood, the muscle spasms, the painful screams, the desperate attempts to crawl away etc. The only difference is the humans ignorance in respecting anything that doesn't speak his language.

Fuck off, edgelord.


nice bait, let see how many babys my pits ate. o wait im not a retard that abuse dogs

Says the guy following a thread about race genocide...


goddamn thats one ugly son of a bitch


You fucking retard, if you can't empathize with other living things then you don't deserve to exist.

Oh it's this thread again.

Did someone who owns a bully breed cuck you or something?




Maybe if you weren't such a dog hating nigger you'd understand, it's no surprise seeing as how the two of you are natural born enemies

You sound like a fucking moron

Pit bull is not a breed.
The breed in question is the american staffordshire terrier.
However, anyone that thinks breed is the issue is wrong.

>instinct and basal temperament have nothing to do with statistical evidence of unpredictable violent and aggressive tendencies


Wtf are you all even talking about the chihuahua and.the dachshund are by far the most agressive dog look at the stats... only reason people think its pitbull is because they look scary and pop culture has given then a bad image.

their reputation comes from the fact that pit bull breeds cause more fatalities per incident than any other dog. compare a yappy little dog to a staffordshire terrier. one might give you a puncture wound, and the other might kill you.

