

You have to be actually good to get in


People like him are the reason why the Patriots use white receivers

should T.O. be in the HOF Sup Forums?

>chimps out

>act like an ass, get treated like an ass

fuck off drama queen

was it Skip?

>Yeah not like my father who was a 7x Pro Bowler between 1964-74 who had to wait over 25 years He never bitched Go do some sit ups on a lawn



He should be in. Not even a question.

Kek I strongly believe Skip has had a big part in this. Whether it's true or not. I just feel when you have someone yelling out you're not a Hall of Famer because you obliterated teams people start to listen. People start to parrot what he says or a seed gets planted. I believe T.O. going on shows with Skip Bayless really hurts him because Skip is able to argue against T.O. and he doesn't defend himself or at least look apologrtic for ruining those teams He just say "but muh numbahs"

Yes, I'm fairly certain arguably the best WR in the history of football should be in the HOF

The rules for the HOF voters even says off the field or lockerroom bullshit is not supposed to factor into it.
It's another facet of sports that's just a bullshit popularity contest now.

He was an unstable asshole but he deserved to get in.

Ever heard of the expression, "you're wrong, eat shit?"

1.He still got chances to get in
2. Other receivers have had to wait.
3. This just takes T.O. ego down a notch and I don't see nothing wrong with that
4. Sorry people are human they will always take into consideration off field things can't fault humans for that. Do you not think people will not take into consideration someone who was accuse of murder,domestic violene,rape etc if they are found not guilt or what not.
5.Let this be a lesson to those players who do not behave that these are the consequences.EVERYTHING is on the table when it come to the HoF to believe otherwise is to fiegn ignorance.

He should've been a long time ago.


How the fuck is he not in yet? Absolute bullshit.

>1.4ppg Cuckless factoring into anything

Skip you are the man!!!! Love the new show on FS1!!!!

Yes, he deserves to be in and, yes, he will get in.

While not as fucked up as Coopertown's process, Canton's process is still weird. The committee sits in a room, a candidate's name is brought up, and someone presents a case for why or why not the candidate should be admitted. Unless you're a no-brainer like Montana, Brown, etc., you need someone to advocate for you and convince the others.

That's most likely TO's problem. Currently there is no one in that room who feels strongly enough about getting TO in the Hall and no one feels strongly enough because of his past behavior.

Give it a couple of years, memories will fade, and he'll get in.

imo him, dawkins and Faneca should have been in this year instead of Warner, T.D., and Andersen.


t. Retard

>le chimpout man
litterally lmaoing

Numbers wise yes, but taking everything else into account he'll have to wait about 10 years or so.

white recievers are litterally the best type of recievers

>fanbases and sportswriters are still buttmad over his antics

>Yes, I'm fairly certain arguably the best WR in the history of football should be in the HOF

Guys, I found somebody who has never heard of Jerry Rice or Randy Moss!

He legit has some sort of mental illness.

>jungle people in charge of knowing how to read

dumb negro-itis

>down to earth good guys Tomlinson and Warner make it in
>meanwhile mister OD'd on pain pills, don't pay child support, cancer to every team, spit on other players mad he isn't in the HOF

On the field great. But there's too much bad stuff personally. You know he's going to run out of money and rob a bank or OD again at some point. He'll hurt the HOF. So now he should go do some crunches in the driveway.


>down to earth good guys Tomlinson and Warner make it in
>down to earth good guy Dawkins doesn't.