S/fur, s/fur never changes

s/fur, s/fur never changes

comfy edition





Nice work, FBI






Jesus that's 100 times scarier than my shit.

Although that said, the systems I work on at the moment are kept together with loads of duct tape and fantasy.
We've been doing one or two emergency releases a week for months now and there's no end in sight.

The worst things is nobody actually knows how they work, because they're written horribly, there is ABSOLUTELY no documentation, and none of the people who built them are still around. So everything you do is guesswork.
Trying to fix a bug I made a change based on an educated guess and broke a fuckload of other things - which I could not test in the test environment because some other systems which are required for that don't work in test.
In the end it turned out the bug wasn't even ours, but nobody was able to notice that.





That's pretty good - how about a company I worked with that wanted to create a new login page using a modern and up to date platform, but couldn't because they worked on it for six months but just plain couldn't work out how to replicate the login functionality in the ancient custom-written platform they were using?








it always makes me laugh when something that should be fairly simple, like a login page, gets fucked up so badly

nice photochop.


ᚦᚨᛏ ᛁᛋ ᚺᛟᛏ


gravy card bison navigation seamless install a house



The worst I have about that are legacy JSP pages, 5 to 6000 lines long, some of which visually are nothing more than a table with 7 lines in it.
And a "continue" button.

The last time I had to change some behavior in one of the forms it took me two days to change the default value of TWO pick lists.
The code was so convoluted, with ActionForward upon ActionForward upon ActionForward setting and unsetting things in the session that I just COULD NOT FIND where the fuck the values were initialized.
I thought I was going insane.

Seriously, fuck Struts 1 man.

JSF2 (which is the newest tech we use in the new stuff we write) is a million years in front of it.

Yiff with dragons? Fem + Male

Much nicer vagoo than the slit







>continue button
Well, no wonder!

Seriously though - Struts 1 was EOL in 2008.

Last one - was talking to the IT manager in another bank and we touched on patching in the back end systems. He said they patched, but acted a bit funny about it. Obviously I pried, and he eventually admitted that things were getting patched, but he didn't know how. There was a patching server somewhere, he figured, but he couldn't find it.

Good times!

lol do i see rocket league



Dragons pleaseee










ᚨᚾ ᛟᛈᛟᛋᛋᚢᛗ ᛁᛋ ᚠᛁᚾᛖ ᛏᛟᛟ᛬



>Seriously though - Struts 1 was EOL in 2008.

Well, the system was built in 2008 so it would be natural that they used the most outdated technology possible at the time, because $banking.

>There was a patching server somewhere, he figured, but he couldn't find it.


Speaking about things that nobody knows about:
>There is an app, which I've actually built from the ground up and is one of the few things that work properly, even if I do say so myself.
>This app "talks" to multiple systems (via soap, as always)
>There has to be a batch or something on one of the systems that talks to that breaks some of the data I put in it.

Everyone assures me there is no such thing, but something reverts SOME of my changes after exactly 90 seconds, like clockwork.
So I do an update on a contract, launch a new thread which waits 3 minutes and then does the same update again.
The second time around it sticks.

>[cargo cult intensifies]






found some dragons,
but i'm out lads, cya

Only sudoku will set you free from the embarrassment


that's some fluffy looking fur


many thanks!



It's one of those things where you'd laugh, but it's all horrifying when you actually think about it


Most of all, I always think about railway traffic control systems and the like.
I WANT to believe that life critical systems are tested properly, but ON PAPER everything I've talked about here is also pretty mission critical.
An insurance company that can't issue policies because everything breaks shouldn't normally go very far... but it does.

So I can't help but wonder if someone isn't frantically trying to find a race condition type bug RIGHT NOW where sometimes two trains can lock the same track section or something.



clearly the bottom left is correct








Well good news on that front - I've dealt with some rail, and engineers take a totally different approach to all of this. They're rigorous as shit with software, and generally design their systems so that actually, if the software fucks up, people still stay safe.

Oh shit







So it turns out I'm just a retard, as usual. Back into my account, and now my bass has been ordered. I'm excited to shake the house with Red Thunder (or Vesuvius with it's explosive power, still haven't decided).




I will blow out your eardrums with Red Thunder, faggot.


How's the military life


Muh man

Coot durr.
