So who do you main and why? If you dont play then stop being a faggot

So who do you main and why? If you dont play then stop being a faggot

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I have no main. I choose a hero based on who I think will give the team the best chance at victory.

I main 76 most of the time & I don't really know. It was just kinda natural.


Genji, gold SR 2150 I play him bc arikudo/Alucard
worst at Hanzo

/thread saged

Pharah sr3.2k
Im just fckn good at her is all

ana 3100. Shes the definition of a showstopper.

Mercy, as Mercy=waifu and I am not skilled enough to play anything else.

soldier 76 mostly. i do like other heroes tho n i try to switch up from time to time. i even play mystery heroes in the arcade so i'm not tempted to play 76 so often

Mercy 2327, she's just fun

Fucking thank you. No one else seems to. Sure lets attack with 2 snipers, no tank, i have to pick a healer because no one else will, and one attack hero (fucking doomfist). I'm sure this will go fucking great.

But i do definitely have heroes in each type I'm better with than others.
76, junkrat or mei, orisa, and lucio.

Got banned from playing on Xbox for playing no one but symmetra. Fucking bullshit man just let me play who I want to play

Genji main here I play ana if the team needs it

McCree until I got top 500 season 1, then I stopped playing. Game is super fucking easy

playing pharah is fair game in comp and who I pick mostly, but in QP i consider it cruel and unusual punishment, would rather play literally anyone else at that point

In comp I play Winston/Dva/Pharah/Solider, in qp im playing junkrat, reaper, widow, sombra

Only faggots and pony cunts play this shit game kys OP

I don't play this shit game anymore, but I would main all the support characters.

Fuck that casual trash.

D.Va because she's great at contesting zones, clearing out zones with ult, which is useful for me because I always like to play the objective. But i'll always play healer if the team doesn't have one.

How is it casual? Everyone I've met playing it was a huge faggot that took it way too seriously, not very casual about it at all

Lucio, 3,350 SR atm. He's fuckin good for contesting shit, speed is always needed and he's also fun as fuck to play

Assault healer main

I've only played mercy in qp and comp. I have like 110 low plat kill me

I play Junkrat or Pharah depending on what the other teams roster, I played alot of Demo and Soldier in TF2 so the switch was easy.

fat chick detected

McCree. I just wished his ult worked properly.

Kill yourself. You are a fucking cancer.

I main, because I'm Korean trash and too lazy to reload

Sorry i only fuck with Paladins

thinking about it

Please do.

I keep coming back and playing OW and I fucking hate the game. Help me out Sup Forums, suggest some other shooters that are fun.


Mercy/Zenyatta/Reaper for me. I always default to healer in comp because usually nobody else wants to, but I'm pretty alright with Reaper. 2600SR last I checked.

I play exclusively mystery hero's

Is that out?

Used to play for an Overwatch Org, was top 20 EU team.
AMA I guess if anyone cares, I played oftank

i wanted to call you a faggot and say that game is shitty but 90 percent of games that came out after 2015 are shitty so fuck you still

Why do you not play anymore?
Why do you find that your time is best spent in a thread on Sup Forums?

What games have you liked since 2015?


Stop being bad!

The game wasn't fun to play anymore, used to play 10hrs a day, practicing strats and looking over videos/vods. Eventually the team started arguing more and more, spending less time playing and we turned into a shit team :)

To the second part, it's almost 5am and bored af

Most often i play ana. 3800 mmr

I tend to play D.Va, Lucio, or Soldier.

only niggers play tf2 get outta here

What do you play now?

Niggers can't afford computers to play tf2

Ana/Lucio. 3750 Sr.

nigger just go to the library with a portable hard drive and just run TF2 from there.

H1Z1 kotk, BF1, PUBG, CoD mw3, CSGO, Town Of Salem

Never touched Overwatch in months, feelsbadman

First off, not a nigger, please do not associate me with them.
Second off, Niggers can't afford portable hard drives, let alone know how to operate them.
Third, most libraries block the use of external USB.

Tried zen. Like the design and the character concept. Was shit. Switched to Mei. Just cause I like being a dickbag and walling my team in. Also no real aiming required

Torb and winston are fun for not aiming as we'll.
I would say keep at zen and just hold down left click.

If Tf2 is free on steam why would i pay blizzard to play it?

How are none of you playing Symmetra?

Her damage output is broken, her shield is effectively an ult killer.

Set up a car wash and let you team run their when they need some support.

TP can be as effective as a Mercy res.

Shield helps with solo heals.

If played correctly she can duel almost any character.

Whenever I play Sym I never get healed by our healer. Thus if the enemy is close enough for me to deal damage, I die.
Car wash never does anything for me since they have someone who can wipe my turrets in seconds.

Wish I could play her but I just get consistently bodied.

roadhog with 3150 SR

3,8K here I specialize in Ana but can flex zarya/winston/phara/genji, and I made it to 3,5K on my smurf playing mainly hanzo genji and torb

Newfag, just got the game tonight. Most fun I've had is with Pharah and Torb. Hated Road Hog, McCree and Tracer. Haven't played anyone else.

Baby mode, I know.

what advice would you give a newfag so they can git gud?

did they fix the rankings and manage to balance their stuff out yet?

Stopped playing right after the winter event.

Doesn't work for me

If you want to just get accustomed to aiming, the ana bot in custom match thing is a good choice.

Fuck you guys in 1542 sick of trolls

Don't play ranked when you're level 25. You really need to learn every character before playing ranked, I'd wait until you reach level 80 or something. My friend who started playing ranked at level 25 thinks he knows so much about the game and what not but when I smurf with him I can tell he's missing a lot of the basics

Depends on what you mean by balance, what do you find imbalanced?

I main Doomfist

There wasn't really anything that wasn't balanced though, I mean if you think roadhog is OP you can have your own roadhog on your team. If you think bastion is op on defense you can have your own bastion when it's your turn to defend. Just because your positioning is shit doesn't mean that an ability is OP, it means you just need to learn how to avoid them


Not sure about that, would it be best for him to just play at 25, get a shit rank, but atleast be in the comp environment for practicing/ getting better? My last month of quickplay has not been an environment in which getting better was possible.

My top play times are split between 4 heroes, jrat dva lucio and mercy. In comp I like to play widow and symetra to fuck with people

ana, mercy, lucio, zen.

Oh. It was just scout saying something along the lines of "looks at me"

Something being op and something being on your team are different things. Just because you have a hanzo on your team doesn't mean he is good enough at hanzo to one shot tanks with E, ya' know?.

He'll just end up ranking in silver/lowgold and will appriciate the worse Overwatch has to offer, the level for playing ranked should be much higher


Gengi managing to stay alive and reflect everything while McCree needed s slight buff

Well that's just sthit teammates then not a balancing issue

Wouldn't he most likely be placed in silver/ low gold anyways?

I tend to play what we need on the team, but I do have specific "mains" in each category.
Although overall I play Zen because I like support while also not being a completely worthless for doing damage.

McCree actually did get a slight buff, genji is the same as always and not fun to play against though.

it is technically the avarage but people who play there usually only play junkrat and shit-tier dps. we wouldn't want him to do that, would we?

Once again, just because your teammates are shit, does not mean that something isn't OP

Junkrat. Main him because I like to be a horrible person.

>reflect everything
Genji's main feature of his kit is his dash reset and potential burst damage to squishies, if you're having problems with his deflect it means you're really shit, just stop firing when you can see the swords popping out.

Supports are the nice people. The nice people get graced with dubs. I rest my case.

We'll if he is trying to get better what would you want him to play? Where would a good environment be? Because quickplay certainly isn't it

Not him but "just stop firing" doesn't really apply to my teammates.

I instalock Symm and Torb and am climbing to 3.5K

No fuckin way, you mean your a flex main?!!! Never heard that one before faggot.

I'd say zenyatta and ana are the best to get started with, since they do requiere aiming, positioning and game sense to make them work out, even though zenyatta is mostly timing rathar than aiming but not having any movement abilities really forces you to learn propper positioning

4000 ana currently, climbed with DVA, roadhog, and soldier

Junkrat main, tbh I play console so he usually does better there but also because I love his kit and his burst damage just all naturally clicked with my play style. And also cause I love the meihem ship, if you ain't on board with junkmei then kys niggers.

if your team mates are that shit then that genji is as shitty as them, so I really don't see the problem as a shitty genji is mostly useless

Yeah, but where should he practice with these characters if not comp? also if most teams in silver/low gold are dps wouldn't this be a good place to practice aim with ana and zen?

Thats good and glad to see somebody not flipping out defending Gengi for once.

If he just had dash that wouldnt be a problem but
>Can reflect everything but a couple of select particles for balancing
>Dash away from fight
>can climb walls
>good speed
>Double jump to be harder to hit
>Dash reset on kills
>Can attack at just about any range
>Ult that allows to do do massive damage while doing just about all of the said above minus ranged attacks

all of that together is BS.

>because your team is bad, the other team is bad.
>a shitty genji is useless
not when your team is a shit?

Also forgot to say I'm 3000 SR junkrat, I also flex all supports, all tanks, and most DPS.

>Genji, gold SR 2150
Gold is total shit. I'm fucking gold and I never fucking play and I don't even have a main