Explain this Trumptards

Explain this Trumptards


Fake. Transgender soldiers are back in their beds recovering from their surgeries and frequent hormone treatments.

>only uses 1 example to show each side, no proof of the right guy being trans

shit thread ya got here, OP











Look at the arm bands of that fat fuck




















If a person can not get into the military because the supply chain getting cut during war will stop them from getting their inhaler and thus stop them from functioning as a normal soldier, the same should apply to transexuals and their need for hormones.

War has specific needs and trannies do not fit those needs. Face reality libfag, this is a losing issue.



I can't tell if this is a bot











If the next c130 gets hit by an rpg and ends up spilling her tranny meds as flaming debris over the desert, she really will become a weak sissy within a few weeks. Could also happen if her meds get bumped to next month's flight because FOB wanted an extra shipment of 40mm grenades. Or if her meds were sitting on the tarmac for too long under the Kandahar sun. Or if she forgets or spills her next dose while trying to return fire behind a wall.

And every time this happens, she not only puts herself at risk, she puts her brothers as well. There's a reason why they don't let diabetics serve in active combat roles and kick out mental cases. Given the 40-60% tranny suicide rate, this abomination should not be anywhere near the military.





































explain what













