Creepy coordinates in Google Maps thread

Creepy coordinates in Google Maps thread

12°22’13.32″N, 23°19’20.18″E

Other urls found in this thread:

That's just a fucking vagina with herpes.


Your off to a good start op

44.0455° N, 79.4686° W

It even have a dick



can't believe these getz and the human building is real


bump for potential


That's a man and his dog. What looks like blood is actually water from the dog discoloring the wood.

Whats creepy about a cooter in the desert?

It's the dust vagina that birthed the first man. Visiting it is like incest

In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou *art*, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Gen. 3:19, KJV ed.

reptilian detected

top kek

is that

if you are the elitist masonic gatekeeprs posting your satanic admissions, know this.
>all your base
>all your asshole

suspicious path design

maybe not so creepy as the fact there are are also chinese ones made of glass and people deny it... thats creepy.


It's got a penis cause the architect wanted it to work...

If you were a stand up comedian, I'd boo you so hard right now

I bet the architect was laughing his ass off when they approved his plan.

Why do you think its called mother earth?

so there are these caves in malta? with vast chasms from earthquakes and waterways? they say giants with the souls of snakes live down there... also there is a recorded loud 110 hz predominate frequency
>the lady that says she say these gian beings way down in the bottom of this chasm? she was working for national geographic


albino giants and they wanted to treat her real nice

Show tits, whore.

well there are alot of creepy spots whoever created this thread is a lame lop bcuz i cant keep it afloat

>they're secretly hiding giant ants and protecting their giant ant hill at area 51
i am scare, hold me

31° 26'43″N 109° 4'30″W

48.142951, -123.169202

My sandy cunt is better than your sandy cunt.

A Hole? Like they're calling the person in that house an asshole, or there's a hole there? Also didn't expect to see Washington in this thread


Wtf is that real?

says windfarm victoria australia, each point is a turbine

Wind farm in Australia I believe.

top geologists say this is volcanic formation..
off of japan.

Crusty bagina lole

More like bottom geologists.


>proven untrue

