Got into a school, no one else here

Got into a school, no one else here...

Dubs tells me what to do...

Cum on a locker

Cum in a locker

break open if necessary

Nah cum on a water fountain or in the main office

Roll for shit in hallway

shit on a teachers desk and post pic with timestamp

Shit in your hand and mush it everywhere

Go to cafeteria, ice cubes in the deep fryer.

shit on the floor

Walk in the girls bathroom
Show us the filth

run around the entire building naked

go home.

Take a shit in teachers lounge

Break into a locker and do somebody's homework for them.

pull the fire alarm


Take a huge dump in the middle of the walkway


Go put some music on the PA system and then walk around breaking stuff with a spring in your step.

call the police and stay there

Shit on the front desk.

Wait to get bitten by the responding police dog.

Run naked through the entire school

Shoot the place up

Its summer tho.


shit on floor

Why are you in a Highschool at the ass end of july?


Just explore.
Steal a bunch of shit no one would notice or care about, but you would find interesting.
Search lockers for drugs, porn, whatever.
Be perverted with the bathrooms, I dunno.

How about a timestamp next to an unlocked room

Don't lie you worthless fucking janitor. Mop like you're supposed to

I hope you are wearing a mask.

sit down


Underageb& pls go

leave the building

They probably have cameras on right now, so do something about that.


shit on floor with timestamp


Make bomb, blow up rooms. Then post pics, OP won't deliver.

Steal a lot of stuff from their locker wich has their name on it and put it in a different locker

set off the fire alarm

Cum on teachers desks and/or bulletin boards. Piss on the windows

Time stamp


Study dumbass

this for the water fountain

Cum on someone's desk

Go home, why the fuck are you in a school when you obviously aren't capable of being educated?

Shit in a desk drawer


Trips get

Steal as many flash drives as you can. Even if this isn't dubs you're still a pussy for not doing it.

Take a shit in the corridor and cum on it.

I'm in a room full of supplies, treadmills, and other equipment currently

Well boys, I guess this is it

Jizz on some important looking papers


I'll get some floppy disks...


Just steal a bunch of shit you think is cool or you'd need.
Leave a clever marker somewhere, like write on a piece of paper "pies are good" or just some stupid shit. Set on a background on a computer to gore if you're ballsy enough.
Did you check for cameras, fag?

girl's locker room
take pics
find undergarments

Agreed. OP better have checked for cameras, else he'll get fucked pretty soon

what's the mascot?

Did every room...

It's not cool or anything but run as fast as you can from end of the longest hall, to the other.
I always wanted to do that.



Cum on teachers desks and destroy important things


so you're objective is to bring MORE summer in here? i can't say this hard enough. GET THE FUCK OUT

No, just steal them.
Cooler and gives you more profit.

Fun Fact: Cameras


Please op

destroy all cameras if there are any

shit in your hand and smear it all over your face, then smile for the security cams

go to the library and learn something new.

People here hiding

approach them

No, go there and shuffle all the books around but put them back backwards
No body will be able to find anything

You're fucked op

Nigger you're fucked.

Op won't deliver though because he's fucking lame

Take pic of the girl

GTFO and/or play it cool

Act like a janitor and confront them as to why they're in The school

Get naked, act confused and afraid if they see you

Also I would suggest to get permanent marker to draw hyper-realistic dicks


Brah you gonna get caught

Throwing it

Someone is taking summer classes.

Shit...they noticed...runnin!

Why kek
>Doesn't want to get caught

Wait do the Danny Divito Trashman impression in front of them and run out, make sure to look as mentally unstable as possible!

It's a middle not a preteen

Place copies of Mein Kampf on all of the teachers desks, take photos then report to the media that the school is anti semetic