The "italians are white" meme makes the rounds again

the "italians are white" meme makes the rounds again


oh, mercy

What's wrong with not being white?

yeah we're not, meds are not "white"

at least we're not the 58% of our own nation


holy fuck lol
literal fugly arab

being white is a meme invented by anglos who were mad that they couldn't be italians

>anglos who were mad that they couldn't be italian

Nobody is white

Lower IQ, higher chance of disease, higher crime rates, lower life expectancy.

he's not white, he's palegoldenrod.

>italians aren't white

Ice gooks and forest niggers have no accomplishments so they use their "whiteness" as a way to feel superior to the Mediterraneans who invented pretty much everything.

You are confusing the consequences with the causes

It isn't a bout skin colour, it's about education level and income. Poor people with bad education are more violent and dumber than rich people. Skin colour is irrelevant

>Mediterraneans who invented pretty much everything
They invented pretty much nothing

It's all made by the Chinese and Arabs

They stole everything from the Indians

non-white advantages
>stronger, faster, bigger dicks, sexier, more masculine
White race is nerd beta race

Yes, but you gotta thank modern Science to Arabs

They saved all the pre-mediaeval knowledge from the fanatic Christians. Remember 12 centuries ago Muslims were the chill ones

Right, the religion that splintered into two groups after 30 years and desire to extend their caliphate through the sword are the chill ones. Muslims were never chill. Arabs were chill, but storing information is not the same as advancing anything.

not quite, Whiteness became a thing when ice gooks and island niggers started getting some pretty big accomplishments and at the same time ideas of human rights and dignity were taking root.
And they didn't want to admit that success of a civilization is due to the ebbs and flow of history and economy but wanted to keep exploiting whatever population they could subjugate like everyone had done before and feel superior, so they invented whiteness as a measure of superiority and decided that all good things in history were done due to whiteness and so they were the best.
It was really just a way to not feel bad about having slaves and genociding african populations.

If it wasn't for them the western world would have to start from 0 after the "dark age", Christians wanted to burn all books about science and philosophy because they were heretic

its also about culture

this can even be seen between white european countries

>this is what Sup Forums actually believes

dont worry m8, africa will soon have 4B people

so the genocides failed

There was the Byzantine Iconoclasm of the 8th and 9th centuries but the western church was always in support of allowing religious images of all types and the continuation of arts and sciences to persist.

>Muslims were never chill. Arabs were chill

Sure m8, explain that to the berbers and how they arrived to them

I'm here on holiday lads. Nice place lads. I'd come back lads

Thanks Mario

I'm not Italian

I'm sorry I can't understand you.

"Greetings my European brother. It is important that the European Union sticks together. In time, the people of Napoli and southern Italy will prosper."

>bigger dicks, sexier

You gay nigger lover.

>blond blue eye
>pink nipples
>light skin
>not slav

I think when u sum up the ''what is white'' autism there aren't even 50 million white people in the world and there certainly aren't enough historically relevant ones to claim being master-race

Furthermore I do not believe those jaundice like germanics to be white, so there already goes another 10 million (they usually have brown nipples anyway)

>inb4 some angry american mentions my flag

top kek m8 I know you didn't fit the nipples part no need to be mad tho, ya filthy non white!

also reported

Literally every great empire come from non whites

My nipples are pinker than you can imagine, my Sudaca friend

>the english empire wasnt a great empire

only us and chis would say sudaca

Name 5 things they did better than any other empire. Losing colonies doesn't count.

post pic of your nipples pls

You're thinking of Aryans (for the lack of better term), not just entry-level white. For causal whiteness, any eye color except brown qualifies. I agree with the rest though. The nipples part is like number one tell.
I think rather than on/off switch, there are different tiers of whiteness.

>I think rather than on/off switch, there are different tiers of whiteness.
Of course the Slav would say this.


Any light skinned caucasian is white, and I did say its the autism checkmark

Aryan thing is a meme, most aryans have brown nipples anyway, even nazi propaganda had them with brown fucking nipples, and when you sum up which countries had the biggest claim to nazi aryanhood, you come up with a whole load of fucking NOTHING, especially norway

oh shit, youre right they didnt do anything. could you name 5 things the empires you mentioned did better than all the other empires then?

they paved the way for the greatest country on the planet desu

>shitting on bunch of monkeys using sticks for weapons is considered great nowadays

wew lad

based israel desu

you know slavs are aryans too, right?
the actual meaning of the world, not the stormfront meme meaning

>Being unable to develop at the same pace as the rest of the world is considered an achievement
wew lad

Well swedes were living in muddhuts and attacking civilians while the rest of the world was rushing for cultural and technological marvels so its no surprise he would say that
Only memes are worth anything on Sup Forums :)

>Name 5 things they did better than any other empire. Losing colonies doesn't count.

Rule of law and light handed governance exported to places like Hong Kong

Unlike other European nations, didn't fight the inevitable independence of Australia, NZ, Canada (other than roping them into fighting Germany)

you know it baby

>not being able to defend yourself from a bunch of drugged up guys with axes

>heh heh heh you only took over most the world
>europe btfo

>>Sup Forums


The best empire, the USA, was founded by whites bough

>the british philippines

>great empires
>raped and killed by Europeans


Technically Iranians and Indians are the real Aryans, Iran literally means land of the Aryans and the swastika is an ancient Hindu symbol

read up on the carolingian renaissance, on the twelfth century renaissance
you're embarassing mate

>the greatest philosophers, artists, architects, empires, and athletes are non whites
>W-We whites are the master race, m-muh blonde hair/blue eye master race. w-w-we wuz kangz, I swear

Key, White people are pathetic

>implying these are not mediterranean attributes despite "aryan"iggers bringing the average down

>implying the greeks contribute positively to anything

t. Pierre al-Farabi


this, they never got 1 (one) inch of clay in actual europe (where da big boys at).
British "empire" is not an empire imho, anyone can defeat undeveloped cavemans

then why didnt anyone else do it earlier, and why did noone take it form them

When I look at what whites (Anglos, Germans, Swedes, Frenchies) have done to their countries I'm glad Slavs aren't associated with them. At least Brits are trying to un-cuck themselves but it's too late, London is a full blown caliphate.

>Not Persians

Regardless Persians were not white

>Not white

This nigga is american. He is the typical jersey guido.

>this, they never got 1 (one) inch of clay in actual europe (where da big boys at).

They controlled half of France, as well as Hanover and Malta.

ITT: shitskins trying to compensate for the color of their skin being the color of my fecal matter

ITT: cumskins trying to compensate for the color of their skin being the color of my semen

The ancient Persians were basically modern Iranians and Iranians are not considered white. Stop trying to latch off accomplishments you had no part of

proud to be Mediterranean master race rather than a lobster skin piss hair northern European