Why do people still think there are more than two fucking genders...

Why do people still think there are more than two fucking genders? They all make the same claim that gender is what you "identify" as, but none of these autistic fucks can explain what that means, nor how they know they're anything other than male or female- since liking certain things by their own logic doesn't dictate gender, like wearing dresses or playing football, how do they know??

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Cause society has been turning into a bunch of fags

In all other instances, identifying yourself as something you're not is a mental disorder.

Sex and gender cannot be changed unless through extensive surgery which still doesn't entirely change sex. To think otherwise is to be a cancer on society. Sexuality, however, can be fluid and isn't entirely tied to genetics. Many who are for multiple genders and sexes are more than often arguing their sexuality rather than the aforementioned, and so are only ignorant. It's the minority who are literally retarded snowflakes that have to be taken care of for everything to move along.

But the breakdown in basic reasoning is just dumbfounding to me man

people be dumb, but posting shit like this does nothing to help, why not send a petition to the national institute of gender

I hope you're correct, the only problem is that the premise isn't being questioned and the narrative is being accepted as truth

this is totally a mental disorder, not the sexuality thing but thinking you're a toaster, a demiqueer, or dragon definitely is

Dude why do you give a fuck in the first place. Stay in your lane and worry about yourself, being friendly to others and accepting things as they come is a lot easier than it sounds. Life is cooler when you're not mad on the internet

>stay in your lane
fuck off faggot, not everyone buys into every autistic thing they see on CNN

Gender dysphoria. Real trans people have androgynous brains. This condition makes them feel horrible in a few rather discinct ways.

Once again that anger is gonna get you nowhere my guy. Why did saying that to me make you feel good?

Yes, but the real ones still identify as one or the other. Sure, they can feel parts of both but they still will be grounded in the two.

>Mental Disorders
No, those are pokemon.

that's an actual condition, sometimes with a physical cause, I'd say its a bit different- but still an illness

Why does acting like a self righteous SJW make you feel good

all the unknown

You mean like a normal human being that treats others with respect? That's being an SJW now? Ya arguments are weak go smoke a bowl and see how you feel

First off gender doesn't exist except as a word people use when they mean sex. Secondly there are 2 sexes with EXCEPTIONALLY rare cases of hermaphrodites ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/klinefelter-syndrome#

Anything else is either a very real mental disorder called body dysmorphia or some bullshit special snowflake shit that makes the above look bad.

this is an acceptable definition, but I would go so far as to say that gender is a synonym to sex

Lmao last one in first row is legit a Pokemon

>ITT: Idiots telling other people how to live their lives.

Why do you give a shit who the person next door wants to fuck or what they want to label themselves? They're not hurting anyone and you're just obstructing their path to a better life.

Pic related except instead of saying music it should say life with no quotation marks.

I can treat people with respect just fine when they don't start off by telling me to "stay in my own lane" like a tumblr fag, so go back to your bong and joke on some dick

No. Gender is some bullshit that a hack John Money en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Money made up to justify his twisted experiments on his """""family""""". Fuck this guy and every piece if """"work"""" he ever did.

Like to prove that buddy? pro tip you cant

when trans fags throw a fit over not being in the military, a whole generation starts being brainwashed into believing that they're all mentally ill, and the left uses gender as a "social construct" it kind of becomes a problem

are you for real? lol who even is this guy, he didn't make up the fucking word gender

Why does that phrase bother you so much? You're really out here getting irked by the way people speak damn that sucks for you

The thing i just dont get is how you all choose to ignore every other society that's had more than two genders for centuries. What makes you think this binary outlook on gender is the only correct way to view all this

pro tip: open a dictionary
they're literally synonyms

what societies?

>SexologistJohn Moneyintroduced the terminological distinction betweenbiological sex and gender as a rolein 1955. Before his work, it was uncommon to use the wordgenderto refer to anything butgrammatical categories.[1][2]However, Money's meaning of the word did not become widespread until the 1970s, whenfeminist theoryembraced the concept of a distinction between biological sex and thesocial construct of gender. Today the distinction is strictly followed in some contexts, especially the social sciences[4][5]and documents written by theWorld Health Organization(WHO).[3]

True he did not invent the word but he did create """"""""""gender"""""""""" as we know it today.

Why does this bother people so much?

Identify as whatever the fuck you want, it makes no difference to me. My gender is "fuck OP". My sex is male.

So you have the reasoning and nuance skills of a 10year old.

There are zero genders. There is only biological sex. This gender meme needs to die.

Not your google, friend! this stuff is really interesting and i highly suggest grabbing a hold of as much material as possible from a wide variety of sources. Human beings are immensely complex creatures and to break down sociologic things into a binary system really does limit our understanding of things. Opening up your worldview should be a goal everyone has.

>Why does this bother people so much?
Gee, maybe because people making up shit and forcing others to enable them is retarded?



Do't care at all so long as they don't force me to reinforce their delusions. Which they do.

I'm confused, this one man can only be responsible for so much, and even then the word has over time been used interchangeably with sex

Because they're too brainwashed by the media. They want to bring up SJW leftist bullshit.

>Opening up your worldview should be a goal everyone has.
You first, Xir.


But heres the catch..... they arent making it up! Sure, some might be but you could say that about literally any situation ever. Refer to Is this an issue that affects your life so horribly that you're mad about it?

>forcing others to enable them
Who is doing this? And what does enabling them actually do?

fucking kek, you cant just say "there are societies out there that do this" and then not say a single one that does. "enlighten" me, faggot

No fucking way am i subscribing to read all that, please make a better point or tldr it, im not sure what you're trying to get at

??? Last time i checked thats not my job. Reading is good for you!

>autistic fucks
Why do you name a unrelated disorder that doesn't spawn any known "special snowflakes"when it comes to gender ?

>Gender dysphoria. Real trans people have androgynous brains. This condition makes them feel horrible in a few rather discinct ways.
do they have a mental ilness?
are they degenerates?
should people take them seriously?

>Is this an issue that affects your life so horribly that you're mad about it?
>Who is doing this? And what does enabling them actually do?

Please stop enabling delusionals, you social justice fucks.

It is completely unethical to reinforce another person's delusions.

Making up vocabulary that reinforces delusional behaviors is equally unethical.

Read the mans wiki. I have neither the time or patience to copy paste it out for you. Also "one man" has done a lot of things in our history that have changed its course.

yeah, but what am I supposed to read to enrich myself to your stupid standard? You literally just said that there are entire societies that have more than two genders, and then 404'd when asked which ones

The point is a psychologist with 30 years under his belt has done plenty of studies as to why mutilating crazies doesn't cure them. Not that it wasn't already obvious.

Who gives a shit. Not my problem. Not yours either. There is actual real shit in this world to spend time learning and worrying about, and other people's genitals and love lives are not on the list..

It technically is your job, since you made the claim that other societies have more than two genders. The burden of proof is on you.

But here's a hint for the guy who doesn't understand how to google: Vikings and Native Americans.

Non of those societies is this one either so the arguement is meaningless and irrelevant.

It's not a stupid standard to expect a person to have all sides of the puzzle complete when trying to figure out what the fuck they're looking at. Idgaf what you read, find some unbiased sources and check out some stuff. Who knows what you might find along the way!

>this one
Which one? As far as I can tell, this site is accessible to people of many cultures. Are you referring to American culture? Because the very thing OP is arguing against is how we have more than two genders.

because it's making everything worse for "normal" people

I used to think the same way you did, but enabling the stupidity of others by handing out the information to them doesn't encourage making informed decisions by yourself on research they did.

How has it affected you personally in any way

>native Americans
got any examples that made it past the stone age

Better question

Why the fuck do you care about others personal decisions? Would you gladly give up your liberty to remove yours?

Transgenderism is a mental illness. Should we tell people with schizophrenia "yeah that toaster is talking to you" it is complete liberal virtue signaling to pussify the masses. First we were told women were special and to empower women aka feminism, but now gender is a social construct? Well guess we don't fucking need feminism if gender isn't real. The whole thing is a hypocrisy. Anyone supporting transgenderism is doing a disservice to the mentally ill as even after post op transgender patients still have an average suicide rate of 40% a higher rate than any other population. The only thing that would produce that level of mortality is a mental illness.

He's an authoritarian and the idea others are having enjoyable lives upsets him on a personal level.

don't pretend like you're the first pretentious faggot to ask that in this single thread, if you could read you'd figure it out

Nah, I will continue to support trans and you can literally just cry. Meanwhile you will do nothing but cry because you do not have the balls to commit violence over your beliefs.


Answer the question. Would you give up your personal freedoms to stop others, or do you expect a one way street?

lol fuckin what? Where did he bring up violence

what are you talking about
Nobody here has once talked about making it illegal to be trans, or retarded

Why do people on the internet get triggered so much by other people's junk?

If anything is violent is playing alongside with the mental fantasy that these mentally unstable are creating. I want them to seek mental help with therapy to help find them a cure and to drop their suicide rates so it sounds like you are the violent one.

>Nobody here has once talked about making it illegal to be trans, or retarded
So you can't read? Multiple people here have said trans people should be forcibly comitted.

>where did he bring up violence
Where did I accuse him of doing that? I brought up violence, faggot. You don't generally just take away peoples rights and freedoms and liberty without a fight. Most alt right faggots like the one I am talking to right now want to remove freedoms such as some tranny fucks right to identify as whatever the fuck they want or cut off their dick if they want to. What I am saying is you'll never take rights away without violent fighting, and no alt right fag cares enough about trannies to actually fight a civil war and die to take away those rights.

when the subject is on the news 24/7 and blocks freeways, that'll be the result

They need to call Dr. Dick.

this man is in his right mind

I have never seen it on the news or seen a freeway blocked by it. So it sounds like you just want to be triggered like a reverse SJW. You guys have become legit nega-SJWs

>What, people have civil rights? REEEE THIS MUST BE CHANGED

>Nah, I will continue to support trans and you can literally just cry. Meanwhile you will do nothing but cry because you do not have the balls to commit violence over your beliefs.
your daughter is gonna get molested by a trans faggot in the women's restroom. Jk, you'll probably die virgin and alone since you are a sjw faggot

>blocks freeways

And I want Christians to be forcibly re-educated in a science camp that drills facts into their brain, but that would be a violation of the US constitution.

biologically there's male, female, and the people born hermaphrodite. you know that the purpose of gender is for humans to reproduce, and our gender evolved that way cuz it's the best way animals were reproducing. chromosomes fuck up though, so some people are born infertile and their genitals have a mix of male and female parts. a mutated gender that doesn't do what gender does pretty much

I didnt see that, (might have missed it somewhere up there though) but I don't agree with it

Because Emotion and Reason are mutually exclusive, and this puritanical society we've inherited loses its fucking mind around anything the least bit sexual. There are loads of self-image disorders out there, brain disorders that cause a person to believe they're something that they demonstrably are not. But gender identity disorder is literally the only one we treat by trying to make the body match the brain instead of the other way around. Why? Because we cannot fucking think straight when sex is involved.

>legit nega-SJWs
Where have you been for the past year?

>SJW faggot
So, most people? The majority of americans do not desire government forced morality policing.

Kill yourselves enablers. Trannies are the ones who are authoritorian.

We dont want to take away their rights??? Jesus

You are referring to sex, not gender.

Crack a fucking high school sociology textbook.

>You don't generally just take away peoples rights and freedoms and liberty without a fight.
Trannies love taking away freedom of speech and forcing kids in HRT, you self-unaware tumblrshit.

You might not but damn a lot of people do

>guyz I don't actually want ANYTHING to change involving trans people I just wanna bitch for no reason

Kill yourself tumblr

>forcing kids in HRT
Citation needed.

>trannies love taking away freedom of speech
Not really. You don't get freedom of speech on private college campuses, m8. And people can be offende dby any language they want

>I am literally being censored because someone had the right to have their own opinions about me. This is basically censorship ;-;
Take your authoritarianism back to Russia.


Maybe what needs to change is how people keep encouraging them to mutilate themselves, and never accepting that there may be a cure?