What's burger's opinion on Nixon?

What's burger's opinion on Nixon?


>Top10 Nixon Quotes

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Helluva lot better than jfk's faggot ass.

Great. He had a Madman strategy. and he is why we don't look like China today.

The most honest politician in the history of America, won't be having this slander.

What's wrong with JFK?

I thought he was an american hero


>What is Watergate

JFK is for getting ass capped

oh he's my favorite american president by a lot. always has been.

Mixed. He knew the Jew but he also signed into law affirmative action.

I wish we had an army of the bastards. Would drop them right into congress.

Agnew shouldve been #38

ultimately a globalist and responsible for China hooking its claws into America's industry

I like him personally but he did so much to solidify the 'progress' of the 60s that it's hard to forgive him

Did great shit as prez. Got brought down by a nonissue the press over inflated.

All the good and smart things he did were overshadowed by one big dumb one. A great statesman but not a very good man.

Do you think he would still support it if he knew what "progress" would do to the power of the country.

Maybe, as he was very Machiavellian and the whole point of diversity is to expand the power of the state.

A political enigma by today's standards.

It's hard for a millennial to understand Nixon.

>discarded the gold standard

shit desu

>pegged it to oil and made us all rich as fuck

A ruthless ambitious egotistical highly skilled politician. He don't let his personal feelings about moral issues get in the way of his agenda. He fought harder than anyone I can think of to become president and when he finally made it he was so paranoid about losing it he screwed up with Watergate. He was the GOP version of LBJ.

Top 15 president. One of my favorites

>not realizing the gold standard was unsustainable after all the welfare programs LBJ created

our dollar is about to collapse and get overtaken by the Yuan

>doesn't understand the Chinese will always keep the Yuan weaker than the dollar because it helps them with trade

This. Currency manipulation is a chinese staple for their economy

>>What is Watergate
Watergate is peanuts compared to what goes on in most administrations. Nixon just had the misfortune of getting caught.


Greatest Nixon quote

Not in the new scenario of the Yuan being backed by gold and non-convertible to USD. If other countries decide to convert to the Yuan (which is very likely because confidence in the USD is dropping) as the trade currency of choice they will then have billions, or in China's case, trillions of useless USD in their foreign exchange reserves that they would be forced to dump into the market and depreciate our dollar to Zimbabwe proportions. The petro-dollar is unsustainable and inevitably going to collapse.

>backed by gold

Nigger please. The entire amount of gold ever mined doesn't even cover half the US debt. Nothing will ever be backed by gold again.

Watergate is peanuts compared to the shit Obama has got away with.

Nixon spoke his mind. Didn't trust Jews, hated commies and hippies and called the events at Bohemian Grove 'Faggy'


>An artificially manipulated currency
>Ever overtaking anything on a global scale

>Trade for Yuan
>Can't buy oil now
>Can't convert for USD for oil
>But at least we have gold, we can make plastic and drive trucks with that, right?

most countries, like China, can and do get all their oil from Africa and other places

we're pretty low on the totem pole for oil

This little story cracked me up. This happened when Nixon went to Canada to visit Justin Trudeau's father (the then PM of Canada) at a dinner banquet.

>U.S. president Richard M. Nixon said, "I’d like to toast the future prime minister of Canada, to Justin Pierre Trudeau" to which Pierre Elliott Trudeau responded that should his son ever assume the role, he hoped he would have "the grace and skill of the president". Nixon's White House audio tapes later revealed Nixon referred to that visit as “wasting three days up there. That trip we needed like a hole in the head.”[25][26]

Lol Trudeau fags BTFO.


>Trusting China
>Ever wanting to trade Artificially manipulated money for goods which can go up/down in price whenever China wants

Based Nixon.

petrodollar only applies to OPEC and there are plenty of oil producing countries outside of OPEC

Dick Nix. Did some good, did some bad. One thing is for certain though, he kept Checkers.

>The U.S. Energy Department's Energy Information Agency (EIA) said seven of the world's fifteen largest oil producers are outside of OPEC. As of 2006, those countries were Russia, the United States, China, Mexico, Canada, Norway, and Brazil.

China is China and America is America.

So we have
>Russia, Mexico, Canada, Norway, Brazil

I can't see Canada sucking up to China over us, their neighbor and best friend, and Norway wouldn't have any business with China. Russia probably won't want to be on China's leash for oil, which leaves Mexico and Brazil.

Mexico would get it's shit pushed in for switching to Chinese currency, and Brazil is Brazil, who might not mind the Yuan given they are part of BRICS.

>Trying to exchange a product for an unstable currency manipulated as the Chinese like

but you don't seem to understand OUR currency is unstable and most definitely manipulated

>"Let's just print more"

as manipulated as it gets

"If the right people had been in charge of Nixon's funeral, his casket would have been launched into one of those open-sewage canals that empty into the ocean just south of Los Angeles. He was a swine of a man and a jabbering dupe of a president. Nixon was so crooked that he needed servants to help him screw his pants on every morning. Even his funeral was illegal. He was queer in the deepest way. His body should have been burned in a trash bin.

These are harsh words for a man only recently canonized by President Clinton and my old friend George McGovern -- but I have written worse things about Nixon, many times, and the record will show that I kicked him repeatedly long before he went down. I beat him like a mad dog with mange every time I got a chance, and I am proud of it. He was scum.

Let there be no mistake in the history books about that. Richard Nixon was an evil man -- evil in a way that only those who believe in the physical reality of the Devil can understand it. He was utterly without ethics or morals or any bedrock sense of decency. Nobody trusted him -- except maybe the Stalinist Chinese, and honest historians will remember him mainly as a rat who kept scrambling to get back on the ship."

>Print more
>Shit crashes

It's almost like it's controlled by supply.

He knew all kinds of shit about The Jews but chose to do fucking nothing about it. Appointed Henry Kikenger and helped destroy White South Africa by doing it.