Well Sup Forums I got fired today

Well Sup Forums I got fired today

>be team leader at Office depot
>Fiddling with the printer that's been acting fitty lately
>Hear a commotion over by one of the registers
>Run over and ask what the problem is
>Giant fucking niggeress screaming at my cashier
>Tell cashier to take a break I got this
>Ask the monkey what the problem is
>well miss im sorry to hear that. Can I see the computer in question
>Bitch takes out a fucking Ibook that's clearly been in a basement the past 10 years pic related
>Ask her when she got it
>Go through No recict no return standard bullshit.
>She starts screaming at me
>Politely smile and tell her to have an nice day
>2 hours later get a call from store owner
>Sheboon called the store and told the owner that I said "We don't serve niggers here"
>Laugh my ass off
>He's furious
>Explain my side of the story but boss not having it

At least I got tomorrow off

U got 2 b joking, this is dystopian.

Your word against a sheboon? The owner probably wanted to get rid of you anyway.

He didn't like anyone who wasn't a female

>Office depot
>Store owner
At least put some effort into it.

>Office depot
Those still exist?

Those mac laptops looked just like toilet seats, why the fuck did people buy them.

They were made for niggers because at the time niggers were complaining that all computers were white boxes.

You know what must be done, OP.

Can't you sue them? Do you have any witness? A security tape that could've recorded your lips?

It's pretty infuriating to read, can't tell how infuriating would be to live it.

This can't be true. I hope not. If so, we're more fucked than I originally thought.

It's called unfair dismissal. Sue.

I had a buddy with this exact laptop. His whole family was a mac family, and I remember asking him WTF he liked about those things, since you can't really do anything with them.

He basically just said he could do everything he needed with it.

I remember getting this weird, almost claustrophobic feeling using a mac... in the 90s, they just felt so completely walled off, and useless. It'd be like getting an empty win95 computer with no internet connection and being told to have fun with it... It just sits there, and you're basically limited to dicking around in word or playing solitaire.

I just remember wondering where all his software was, but he was just like "what do you mean, it's got a browser, and word processor, and screensavers?"

Do you have any security cameras that record audio there?

>to deliver one last package

Don't forget the master/slave controversy...

This OP. It's wrongful termination. If there's video evidence of the batch with an old clamshell mac, you have half of your proof. If any coworkers overheard, and they can vouch, you got some big bucks coming your way

This is 2016

You cannot got fired for that at OD unless someone else heard you say that. Contact HR. Your manager is a piece of shit if they're letting someone get over on you. They are a coward and should be helping you. I can help you HR phrasing if needed.

>Office Depot
>Fired for hearsay
>Implying any manager would be allowed to get away with giving you free workers comp like that
>Spoke to the owner of a Office Depot


Perhaps he meant the store manager

I thought I was gonna lose my job when an Angry black women started talking down to one of my cashiers once. Poor girl making minimum wage doesn't need to deal with some dumb bitch trying to scam us. So I told her to shut her loud ass up or she could leave. She went on called me a racist blah blah blah. I shut up as she quieted down and that was it. Dumb bitch had her children with her too. They'll grow up thinking it's ok to just call people racist when they tell you to stop screaming in a high tier/high traffic retail store. I expected to be fired (she tried..) or jumped leaving some night.

Retail managers, especially in chains like OD, can more or less get away with whatever they want if they know how to keep HR from having to deal with wrongful termination. I saw some very sketchy shit in retail from managers. Stories if you like.

go on

I got fired from a retail job over hearsay. It happens, wish I sued but I hated it there and had a better job offer i was interviewing for in a couple days so I just laughed and told them to fuck off because they wouldn't find a better guy to replace me.

Find a law jew and sue the shit out of the store.

Because he can pay them 77 cents on the dollar, amirite?

Chain managers only get away with what the people they abuse let them get away with.

Like said, by the time you've been at a store long enough for someone to want you fired you're probably too happy about not having to come back into work to take the proper steps.

This is the way I feel when I find people use their cellphones more and more for interacting with the world; Not just the internet. It's really jarring to think they're getting everything through a little screen they basically can't do anything with/to.

its the current year shitlord

Why didn't you MtF? You could be like pic related then.

america dont got that shit

Or you could just, you know, go outside.

i don't know how this shit can be real and you not hunt down and kill the bitch

>Tell cashier to take a break I got this
five lines in and I already identified your problem

When I first started with Best Buy some years ago, there was a dykey female manager that was one of the stores department managers. This lady always gave me a bad feeling, she seems chill and down to earth, but always gave me the feeling of being a conniving two-faced piece of trash. So she more or less knew there were changes coming to the structure of the stores, ours included, which would get rid of certain manager positions or move them. What she decided to do was get the stores General Manager (head dog) to transfer her from Best Buy to the Geek Squad manager, to avoid cuts in the rest of the store. We were growing and getting more cash for operations, so it was an obvious choice. Instead of just trying to transfer, she decides she must getr rid of my brand new "senior agent", a hard working, very smart, weird/goofy. black dude who had been working his ass off for the company for a few years. Because she was a manager she had access to all the time/labor information. She launched an attack on him, writing him up, hassling and putting un-needed duties on his shoulders. From there she proceeded to edit his punches and piled together other info to make it look like he was time stealing. Constantly doing nothing, but always knew every little thing that was going on in the store with labor allocation, vacation, pay, ect. Later on the bitch gets busted for steal cash, PCs, handing out deals on the sales floor and much much more. Tl:dr crooked dirty bitch for sure destroyed one guys life (maybe) and probably dozens of others.

holy fuck, what a bitch. it's terrible because these evil cunts are so vapid and stupid but when it comes to destroying the lives of someone they hate they're fucking machiavilli on adderall.

least she got dropped eventually tho

Seems too fabricated for Sup Forums

You should be able to collect unemployment. getting fired over that is sketchy as hell.

file counter suit against the store
use security footage
milk them for unemployment for 6 years

Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Id threaten action. Seriously.

You should call her a nigger for real. You already went down, you may as well deserve it.

probably this im afraid

Is this how you spend your life? Lying for attention?


>"i got fired for being racist but i wasn't. The sheboon monkey lied"

I could, can and do.
What're you trying to say to me?

Bad customer stories?

>Work in retail
>Really late at night
>Black guy comes running in just as we're about to close
>Needs number 34 formula for his kid
>Wasn't on the shelf
>Knew that we were literally the last place open
>Went and search through a 16 pallete load to find it for him
>Get it to him
>Registers are closed and deactivated, shop has been close for 19 minutes now
>I manually put it through a service register out the back for him
>His card gets declined
>Just because he has a kid with him, I pay for it (it was like 34 bucks, not that big a deal)
>He asks me if I'm heading back downtown
>Fucker needs a lift, but I give in because this dude was sort of like my father when I was young (just black)
>Tells me hes a mechanic from another state, lost alot of his certifications because the owner of the garage he worked in was doing dodgy stuff
>We strike up a conversation and I tell him about my windows not fully closing because of a broken motor
>Drop him off at his house
>He thanks me and tells me hes gonna repay me someday
>Literally comes to my work the next night and prys my car windows open
>Steals all of my CDs and breaks my ignition on ctv
>I drive an audi, its going to cost me $1500 to replace and recode the keys to a new ignition
The cops have told me that he has no money to pay me back with. And his welfare can not be distributed due to him having a kid.

Retail manager here. People do this shit all the time, no manager would ever fire an employee over a lone complaint, only when there is a pattern of complaints against one employee in particular would the matter even be on the radar. And I am in a "right to work" state.

Either OP is lying on the internet (gasp), or his Sup Forums-infected brain can no longer fake being nice to the customers and management started keeping a log.

Serves you right for trusting and empathizing with a nigger, moron.

>Geek Squad
Wtf is that?

The fuck is an ibook?

Shouldn't he go to like prison and like they give you the money and he should have to pay it back? Holy shit, do poor people get away with everything?


>Work for Office Depot.
>Put in so I can be off May 15th.
>It got approved on the 24th of April.
>Today they deleted it and moved my vacation day to next week.
>Now I have to call off and risk getting in trouble because they didn't even tell me and I found out only right before my shift ended today.
>Have all the prints of the approval and the edits they made.
>They totally just deleted my day off and weren't going to tell me.
>No call no show is grounds for instantly fired.

This is cancer. I have to call off and I'll get no pay for my vacation day.

>serving anegro without a witness to substantiate your story.

Clearly you never wanted this job anyway man.

>Looks closer
>sees flag


Old macbook back when Apple computers were competing with Compaq for the young hip cowd with fun colors and computers still used dial-up. Morrowind was mindblowingly pretty.

Well, fuck. I feel old.

This. My ex tried getting me fired by sending an email to the corporate HQ where I used to work, saying I threatened to kill her and some other bullshit. Owner tells store manager to ask me about it first, and my store managers first question was "Anyone out to get you lately?" and all I could think of was "well I broke up a few months ago." After that nothing happened and they encouraged me to press charges.

I didn't end up doing anything but I hear she's a heroin junkie and a prostitute now.

fake and gay

I had an even earlier version of those Apple computers and would play Wolfenstein, Prince of Persia, Bomber Man and a couple of other games on it. Shit wasn't cutting edge or anything but it still played decent games. I'd also browse the web on dial up through America Online.


Burn the coal

right to work states can fire you without an excuse

Macs have always been shit.

>>be team leader at Office depot

I was gonna make a smartass comment, but I can't top that.

>Like a hippopotamus

I guess I got one.
>Be retail manager
>Two femnigs steal 6 bottles of alcohol
>One actually steals while the other has her kids cause ruckus and distract
>when the thief walks out, niglet has anti-theft item so it looks like the kid was just holding something that set it off.
>Retail sense is tingling
>Go outside and get plates
>Go look at cams and sees theft
>Call cops
>They got away

Fast forward a few months

>See two black women with niglets
>Same two dumb broads
>call cops and let them know
>cops have three squads and 6 officers wait on the side of the building
>go out and point out their car
>go back in and watch cams with boss
>boss is incompetent with no tactical planning and walks out to look at them
>she walks back in the office, I call her an idiot because she will spook them
>spooks got spooked
>they leave without stealing
>they get arrested
>actual thief charged with shoplifting
>other nig comes back to return the birthday card she bought during her distraction
>calls us racists and says dindu shit like "nawt awl black bitchez look da sayme!"
>I am smiling and agree with her
>bitches her way out the door

Fast forward a few months when the court date is.

>She didn't show up to court and now has a warrant.

I can't wait to see them again.

People still steal CDs?

>Western females

Niggers really do need to be systematically executed or moved to back to Africa forcebly

Pick one

who the fuck greenlighted that design?

nice blogpost reddit

Low-tier, high-priced tech support

Similar story user
>Working at woolies
>11 year old kid comes in to buy soft drink + cups
>I feel bad because he started crying because no money
>buy the stuff for him
>Next day see him smoking ciggs with a bunch of teenagers

If it's a right-to-work state, they can fire you for no reason, or any reason as long as it isn't b/c you're gay, a minority, or a woman.

Very progressive of your boss

Butt-hurt over the blocked merger, Office Depot is beginning to clean house before the inevitable demise of their archaic business model?

I just wish they'd resort to archaic ways of 'letting people go'.

Fair enough.

>be night MOD at Staples, in a ghetto location. Everything was boxed or at least spiderwrapped.
>see nigs come in and steal. They'll take anything.
>at the door as he is leaving.
>tell him to give it back before he leaves.
>immediate chimpout.
>expected that of course. I'd already called the cops.
>accusing me of being racist while calling me whitey and cracker, threatening me.
>mfw I'm Mediterranean and Asian.
>could have just walked away, I can't really stop him.
>keeps chimping.
>mfw the cops finally arrive.
>they search him and find the loot.
>he gets a trip to Club Chimp to eat free bologna sandwiches or whatever my tax dollars pay for zoo feed these days with his niggas for a while.
He could have just walked away but had to chimp out.
Had another negro try to get me to open the glass case to hand him a SD card.
>asked him which kind he needed.
>"uhh, da kind for' da iPod"
>"iPods don't take SD cards, sir..."
>*smacks lips*
>*walks out*
>mfw once again
Shit happened every fucking day.

>acting fitty lately

That's what you get America, you have shitty employee-protecting laws, because of ''muh freedom''

This can not even happen in western Europe, they would need proof and first warning etc..

>Around blacks...

Stupid boss



cant you sue your boss for something like this? Is it not a free country

>this thread again
>which means if i was it twice today its probably been spammed everywhere
fuck you.

It seems like only a war will save the West.

If one of us doesn't start it, who will?

Pretty much.

>tfw worked retail for two companies as they were going out of business: Circuit City and Movie Gallery

Circuit City was really really fucking bad about that shit. Movie Gallery manager on the other hand was giving me and everyone else overtime hours because "we're all getting fired and bankruptcy will cover it"

I bet you wish you had surveillance cameras w/audio inside your store pointing at the cashiers desk don't you?

>No recict
It's called a receipt.

No wonder you got fired.

yeah bro. Happens in my state all the time. Especially retail jobs. Realistically the corporations want people to stay so they don't continually have to train people which costs a ton of money but also, they'll basically fire you on the drop of a dime. Especially for customer complaints or missing money or breaking expensive items

His story sounds legit. Customer complained about racist racism and the company let him go. My only problem would be if they talked about that publically to other employees or employers and my reputation get ruined. Then it can become a defamation thing.

this is egregious and it just demonstrates the need for bigger government welfare programs. these poor people are starved of opportunity. if only we dedicated more resources to rehabilitating them

>Realistically the corporations want people to stay so they don't continually have to train people which costs a ton of money
>retail needs training of any substantial amount

no you nigger, corporations love this because they pay peanuts and no one has other options, Especially low training jobs like retail

Depends on two variables.

1. Company
2. Store Management

Kroger is like that. Corporate doesn't get too involved with individual stores, so it depends on store management. Some stores will fire easily, others will keep employees around as long as possible. I've worked at both kinds.

There are things that we fire for on the spot (like theft) but otherwise it's very fucking hard to get people fired, and I'm a fucking manager (of sorts). Even I don't have firing ability, because there's a few fucktards I'd love to push out the door if I could.

But with retail, you're not getting good people most of the time, so you work with what you have.

>Live in good, white, rich neighborhood
>See black person walking down street
>Didn't call the police
>Police got him anyway

I'm wondering if he can bring a case against the woman for slander

>In my peripheral vision I saw a huge mud-monkey sliming out of her butt like a Play-Doh fun factory.

What will he get from this bitch? Half bottle of Aunt Jemima, a chicken fryer and some of her weave?

Not worth it.

In a way, grocery straining can cost us a lot of money. The actual training is inexpensive, but if the employee doesn't do their job properly, it can create lots of issues.

Give you a recent example which caused some massive changes. The meat department at our store wasn't doing their job. Not checking dates, not marking down items when they needed to. We were losing hundreds of dollars a week because of it. Major fucking problem.

Training, even for "low training jobs like retail", involves more than you think. For cashiers, example, they have to be trained to scan each individual item to not fuck up the computer counting system. It's a chain reaction and can cause a lot of problems.

Yes, pay isn't great but let me tell you, they are easy low stress jobs compared to others in the $1-2 per hour higher range and there is great opportunity for investment if you're not a dumb fuck.

I'm 27 and nearly fucking run an entire medium-sized store. Just got home a few hours ago.

i've never heard the "blacks love Aunt Jemima" thing

can you elaborate?