ITT: Pleb filters

ITT: Pleb filters

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If you think it's good you out yourself as a pretentious pleb, agreed.

more like pleb bait

I watched this a week ago and it's stayed with me. I'm not especially into interpretive films, but there were so many great parts and that soundtrack was top notch, so I kind of like it more and more as it marinates. I get more enjoyment out of it though if I pretend that the 3 chicks were actually practicing witchcraft shit the whole time and Jena Malone was their head bitch.

But plebs love this flick
from imdb moviebuff to tumblr teen

the latter of which I'm guessing you are

it's kino

>tumblr teens enjoying "Real lolita shit. REAL. Lolita shit"
>tumblr teens enjoying (((that scene)))


forgot pic, would've suited these glorious dubs

thats literally what it is you fucking idiot

>>tumblr teens enjoying "Real lolita shit. REAL. Lolita shit"
its actually more likely than you think

where does it fall on pic related?

>younger sister walks in on me watching this
>"oh wow, I love her makeup"
>"wait, user - why are you watching this girl's movie? are you obsessed with that Elle girl or something?"

what do I tell her? It's been over a week

>Le Amiche goes deeper than Sex in the City. (For instance, Rossi Drago laments her ghetto background). Its profundity preserves the era of Schiaparelli, Dior, and Givenchy, never resorting to horror movie vulgarity. Antonioni knew what Hollywood’s butch-styled genius designer Edith Head knew when she remarked

>“Fashion is character.” But The Neon Demon cheapens fashion and femininity. Remember how Pauline Kael threw shade at Mike Nichols’ Carnal Knowledge: “It’s like a neon sign spelling out the soullessness of neon.”

>Beauty isn't everything. It's the only thing.

Was The Neon Demon NWR's way of deliberately espousing that style > substance and that his films are, in fact, the embodiment of style over substance?

I haven't actually seen it yet.

Yo!!! my girlfriend is obsessed with this film.

Nigger please, that shit is interpretive as fuck.

>Metaphor about has beens consuming beauty to stay relevant
>Metaphor about fashion industry consuming young naive girls
>Narcissusian tale of being so into yourself you ignore the dangers around you
>The 3 girls were crazy for eating her
>The 3 girls were ghouls/vampires/some other thing
>The 3 girls were werewolves

Nothing is explicitly stated. I just prefer the witch thing.

best F13 ass by far

No he isn't that smart and explains what he means by that in that interview he did with goose and elle

you call that an ass?

>being this clueless

>confusing subjectivity with objectivity

Pretty much this. It's a movie for his haters. "You talk shit on me, but you wish your movies looked this pretty. You wish you had my vision."

Became obvious to me when the movie literally ended with a girl eating another girl's eye.

Neon Demon is pretty good movie
only god forgives is stupid

You didn't like pinoy god?

OGS was boring. I watched it yesterday for the first time and was pretty lukewarm on it. It's less visually interesting than Demon, has a less compelling plot than Drive, and doesn't have that what-the-fuck-am-I-watching factor that Valhalla Rising had. I was rooting for Sgt. Handthief the whole time.

Literally called Semen Demon

>She admits the makeup looks good

Women, everyone

I took OGS as "you think it's about Gosling's revenge, but it's really about Thailand's revenge."

Was I doing it wrong?

Give it some time and watch it again

Maybe read up on it a bit, cause most of the actual (((plot))) is told through symbolism and the autismo pauses between the actual dialogue

It might be a bit bullshit that you have to watch a movie more than once to really understand the core of it, but that's how Refn do. Personally I don't mind re-watching stuff but I admit it does weaken the initial impression of the kinography a bit...or a lot

NWR's shit can be interpreted as whatever you want. I don't give a shit if he explicitly states what he meant by something in an interview or something. I don't listen to music and then immediately search out interviews with the artist to figure out what the fuck it means. If it's not self evident, it means whatever I want it to mean.

>bro he came at me, I just had to stab him 23 times before he'd stop

I didn't outright hate it, but compared to the other 3 of his movies I've seen, it was my least favorite. I enjoyed supercop, cunty mom, and the sets, but this one actually felt like he was holding back visually. Maybe it was the color scheme, maybe it needed more long shots on things, I don't know.

What's this from?

No not really.
Refn really didn't knew what he was doing in terms on metaphors and such.
He said in an interview that it was originally about Jesse and Ruby, but created the other two as some kind of other side of Ruby as the story went on.

Many things were improvised, I'd say half of the scenes after reading the script.
And for some reason the ending and all the period lakes were improvised? Why the fuck?

Here's what was supposed to happen in script

-Ruby gets stabbed into neck and dies by the other girls
-The eye thing happens similarly, Gigi dies
-Abbey eats the eye, gets her tits surgically smaller, then goes out with JACK, who starts to find Abbey beautiful. She admits eating a virgin but Jack cares more about her breasts which he finds great
The end scene is Abbey looking into the mirror, laughing manically and starting to look like a monster.

Instead we get period blood and Mars.

What the fuck Refn? Piece of shit.

Oh and BTW.
It WAS Dean.

*WASNT DEAN meant.

It was Keanu, who would have guessed.
There isn't really anything to intepret. Refn said he made a "teenage horror flick for teenagers".

I'm a big NWR fanboy but I really agree with this sentiment. Anyway, I think Nicolas was just telling us what was going through HIS head during the creative process, not necessarily the -definitive- meaning of it.

When I was younger I'd listen to albums and then obsess over what certain lyrics meant. Then I came across an interview of some musician who said "Well, this is what the lyrics mean to me. But this is music this is art. Everyone is free to draw up their own meaning. No two people have the same set of eyes and ears" Then there are feggets like Porcupine Tree (even though I really enjoy their music) who are all "muh lyrics are too deep and esoteric for you, Im not spoon feeding you"

Should have had more of these scenes, that was pretty cool.

Well the only information I was able to derive is that you are autistic.

You're welcome.


Second favorite scene after the bloodbath scene, both of which have almost everything to do with the music. Yeah, the visuals were wonderful, but that music is stellar. I'd say NWR's best asset, as a visual storyteller, is finding a musician that's this good.

OST is great. If there's one thing Refn excels at is combining great visuals with music.

>Then there are feggets like Porcupine Tree (even though I really enjoy their music) who are all "muh lyrics are too deep and esoteric for you, Im not spoon feeding you"
I enjoy PT too. Díd he really say something like this`?

Did not expected to get called out for this :')

PT is just the first band that came to mind; I've never seen Steve Wilson talk about the actual meaning of his lyrics so I always assumed he holds that attitude. No actual proof for that

Wilson seems like a very cool guy actually, and he's always very grateful of his fans. Maybe a little bit artistically pretentious but he's a fantastic musician

He's a bit pretentious about how everyone should listen to music. Good shit though, even if he's new stuff is personally 2deep4me.

I suspect we're meant to root for Sgt. Handthief.

Oh right, didn't he say that people should only listen to full albums on vinyls in a dark room with headphones or surround sound on, with no distractions while doing some lotus position meditation.... or something to that effect?

>listening to In Absentia now, pure ecstasy

The ending is superb, better than what he planned.

How so?
Instead of wrapping up the story nicely we get pseudo ending with meaningless colorful images.

You have no understanding of cinema, it's not just a way for you to avoid reading books. You're like one of those peasant women who calls soap operas 'my stories'.

I'm not quite sure in pic related but yeah definitely something that people shouldn't listen to with their iphones.

I don't like the newer albums that much, although arriving somewhere but nowhere is 10/10.


watching this now. refn is the new tarantino - absolute trash loved by edgelords

killing them softly

>things plebs say

refn is the death grips of film

The Neon demon was a disappointing film. juvenile narrative, but stellar visuals, vibe, and music. also, no way Elle Fanning is as captivatingly beautiful as made out in the film. she's a 7, at best.

I'd probably fuck all those girls

No, caring about narrative closure is pleb.

Why did Killing Them Softly receive such a low critical rating? I thought the acting was very good at least. The plot/script could've been cleaned up, had some slow moments that didn't build anything up. The financial crisis uhhh..what's the word? simile? comparison? Was a bit hamfisted while pretending to be some hidden deep meaning. Still, doesn't warrant the 5/10 or whatever it got

You. We can be friends

>also, no way Elle Fanning is as captivatingly beautiful as made out in the film.
found the homo

I mean, didn't you FEEL the closure in those sounds and images?




>Tfw 190cm and built like a brick shithouse

If everyone on Sup Forums was put in a steel cage and made to fight to the death, I'd be the last one standing, genuinely. If anyone of you autists said anything like this to me irl(as if you'd dare) you'd be eating pavement within a second, literally. I chuckle sometimes just contemplating you little runts.

I don't know, critics are by and large plebs. It's not even as if it was a particularly alienating film.

I did, until reading the script.
It was such a perfect ending, why ruin it?
I don't really care what critics say since everything is payed SJW bullshit, but it would definitely have gotten better reviews had it had the original ending.

back to /brit/ you insufferable runt

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I've seen them mentioned a lot but I'm not sure if most people here and on Sup Forums have a positive opinion of them

Are they the Progressive Rock of the Rap/Hip-hop genre?

I love this movie, does that make me pleb or patrician? I'm scared.

Back to /brit/ you cumsnatcher

good thing. inaccessible to the masses but full of depth.

Death Grips is fine.
Don't listen to Sup Forums though. They literally take all their opinions from pitchfork and Fantano.
Most of them don't even play any instrument, why would you trust someone like that.

nah, she's pretty, don't get me wrong, and a talented actress, but she's not supermodel pretty. anyways, the film's a mess. really juvenile stuff. amazing visuals, though, but let's not confuse this with great cinema. NRW is in dire need of a talented screenwriting collaborator. can you imagine how great a film he'd make if he had an actual well-written screenplay to shoot?

>can you imagine how great a film he'd make if he had an actual well-written screenplay to shoot?


He didn't ruin it, he transcended it. Yes, it would have been easier to digest with that ending. A great reason for not using it. Refn is out there in a class of his own.

was not good

Plebs want more story whereas true lover of cinema would want it to have less story.

this. plot is literally for adhd children

Nice try, Refn.

No, again, you middlebrow toilet, cinema is not about writing. Unbookmark

>no plot
>no character development
>no well written dialogue

And for people who use cinema to be told stories because they don't read literature, but have no visual literacy either.


>Are you food, or are you sex?
What did she mean by this?


what do you think

havent finished the movie yet, they dont show the real lolita shit girl do they ?

she was talking to this orange

Drive had a mediocre screenplay. NWR elevated the material with his direction. give him something by Steven Zaillan, one of the Monahan brothers, Terrence Winger, James Ellroy or even Frank Darabont (where has he been recently?). i have no real hopes for The Avenging Silence other than the usual NWR tropes: great visuals, awful dialog, and cool music.

>visual medium

Found you.


>visual medium
>therefore visuals are all that matters
mark of a tryhard faggot

He's right though

Mesmerising eyes.

tell me again how a medium that focuses on narrative + visuals is not beholden to writing. modern cinema as we know it is about story-telling, mate. yes, there's an argument to make about moving away from narrative cinema to more pure cinema, but that's not where we are right now. so when someone criticizes the writing, it's a valid criticism.

Nah. Writing is the ultimate pleb filter.

Refn seems like a good guy. Makes kino and probably fucked that girl.

The writing is one component of a movie and thus deserving of criticism. You can make a fast car and paint it olive green dots on shit brown and saying "But they made it to go fast" doesn't invalidate the criticism that it has a shitty paint job.

>probably fucked that girl.
Life is not porno, buddy.