How do you deal with racism, Sup Forums ?

How do you deal with racism, Sup Forums ?
I was born in europe and have absolutely nothing to do with refugees or Islam but still get hatred on the internet because my parents are from iran.

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Post your face and address so we can be friends

Why do you care what some dumb, fat American has to say? Their country is basically a third world country.

>still get hatred on the internet
lol, why would you come onto the internet if not to be an asshole, or enjoy the keks of other people being assholes?

Interesting, and what does the quaran say about infidels on the internet?

did he say he was muslim faggot? you're part of the problem end your life sissy

I know and death is the only cleansing that will work on him

Lying about shit is part of what they do.

So asking would be pointless

I'm an American. If your were born in America, you're an American. It's like this. Niggers are Americans. Even the most racist cracker will agree.

In Europe, you'll always be Iranian.

You should move to the US, no one will give a shit.


Niggers are not Americans. Americans are white only

Arabs can't be trusted because they're allowed to lie about being muslim if it suits their agenda, in fact their religion encourages it if it means to subjugate culture.


Your holy book tells you to deceive until your numbers are adiquit for a take over. Convincing sane people otherwise will be quite a feat. Is you father a US veteran?

Lmao we're in the same shiet bro almost though i did the post

this also


I'm white so everyone hates me automatically.

I do find it really funny with the whole 'cultural appropriation' which is just "You can't wear that, you're the wrong colour."

Look an edge lord from Sup Forums

You are an actual retard if you're curious about how to deal with people on the internet bullying, you just fucking block people. Everyone has gotten shit said to them online its not just because your parents are iranian you moron

Yes user

If I was a faggot like these poltards I'd say cuck or libtard however truth is today's (2017) right wingers are just as bad as the "sjw" when it comes to arguing in principles

Niggers are American you fag. They've been here just as long

Can't tell if bait, or just stupid

So being here the longest, and you win?

If understand this shit show of a sentence correctly I deduce that you are a Heinlein fan boy with delusions of manhood.

Disgusting knowing that people legitimately think like that.

Been here since 1770 you fag. Yes I win, now get out of my country you bitch

You should go back to where you came from, Your mothers SNATCH,,,,.,.,.,.,.

I think I'm too old to get that reference. Have no idea if you insulted me or agreed with me.

Probably longer since they stopped importing slaved in 1808

You're that old, ima need some proof!

Not possible. Humans don't live that long

I think he's insulting you, a lot of people don't like the fact that their holy book literally tells them to do whatever it takes to kill people.

I guess that's why the call it a "Race"

Yeah but you said that you've been here, so really it's just 'the cunt i cam out of matches the colour'?

Yeah, that's what I think too. Maybe he should post a webm of himself eating some pork chops. That would go a long way to convince us he's one of us!

My blood has been here since 1770. We fought in the revolution, relocated in the hills of Kentucky, fought in the civil war. Our blood has been spilled for this land many times, yes it is my land

Post pic of you consuming pork

>my blood

But it really hasn't, you're perfectly fine, might have fought in a war but hey certainly nothing anything whites haven't done before.

I'm confused, are you the user saying blacks where here before whites?


Lol - all jokes aside who could live without bacon?

Why are you asking for me to post pics of me eating pork? I'm not OP

So because your bloodline is virtuous, that doesn't prove that you are. We are individuals here, NOT a collective. We want to see what you got. Not what you have done as a group. Post pork eating pics now.

How about not sharing your identity on the internet?

I'm not saying here before, I'm saying here just as long. Certainly here when the states won independence

American here, and yeah, Iranians are pretty much considered white here. Nobody cares, but americans hating everyone has been memed. It's mostly non-americans spreading it.

Sorry not you bit all these fucks that give me shit for no kissing this pussy's ass for being bullied!

disavow all Muslims and your parent country publicly and actively fight against the ideas they believe in. Minds will change. Problem is, you'll probably get killed by another Iranian because that's what many of them do when you betray them.

ah k fair

>here just as long

Did they bring blacks over on the same boats? I thought that happened a little bit later

If it is just on the internet remember most people either don't mean what they are saying or are mentally ill, don't take it seriously and maybe don't expose yourself to it if it hurts you, spend time with real people especially if they are not the same race as you, this will help

Not in my . We white have been eating nigger shit since the 70's and now are expected to take sharia from the Fucking sand moneys. Well we sir have reach the breaking point. We elected an old white conservative and we as Merry Christmas again. We're done eating the shit of others!

American here too, and really everybody hates everybody. I work with two black guys and two Mexicans. And since I'm white they feel they can talk to me about each other. The blacks call the Mexicans worthless lazy spics and the Mexicans call the blacks niggers. They probably talk shit about me too. But we all still get along and bust ass, have a beer after work. It's how it is here

Yes there were free niggers as well

Prove it

>we're done eating the shit of others!

Eh I'll believe it when I really see a change, then again at lest America isn't being cucked over as much as Germany.

You fuck off back to Iran because you aren't welcome here. This is my homeland, not yours. It has belonged to my people for thousands of years, not yours. Go back, fucking nigger.

Yeah that is shit talk, most people know good citizens of differing national origins. However Islam instructs lieing and trickery to gain control and make sharia world wide. So even if they seem like solid citizens they simply can't be trusted. Unless you have them over for pork & sourkrout.

He was born there and he is not a muslim.
He is an honory european.

Wrong. Muslims lie all the time about not being Muslim. They're all pig fuckers. He has to go back, or we will just kill him. We did it to the fucking Jews, don't think we won't do it to sand niggers.


>he uses an iPhone

Keep nursing that inferiority complex Eurocuck. Let us know when you've finished cucking yourself into even deeper obsolescence.

That makes you Iranian and genetically low iq

Becuase we have so many non whites.

Yeah not yet, cause we're pushing back hard against this nonsense. Thus the attitude change.
I did want to visit London once in my lifetime, too bad its gone now. Oh well ya snooze ya lose.

An important thing is to know where idea's come from. The idea that you're not a citizen unless you served in the military comes right out of Heinlein's books. Heinlein of course was a fascist.

Heinlein of course did serve in the Navy, importantly during peace time.

Retard doesn't know the difference between a European of Iranian decent from a Arab goat fucker

Where this shirt.

Yeah, just cause you serve doesn't prove a thing

*Wear, fuck

I hope something does happen, I feel sorry for German people - letting in randoms because of white guilt is just sad especially when you endanger your own citizens.

>Prove it

Originally both blacks and whites were brought over as indentured servants. After serving out their contract they were free. This was true especially in the northern states. Also fair numbers of slaves were free'd or escaped to states were slavery was illegal.

Come on OP. Lets see that pic!

Fuck me user over half an hour for a reply and yeah still gonna need some proof

Yeah, there by the grace of God go us. I'm hoping the US will assist in the clean up of Europe, but they have to want it.

And this is why as an American it's funny when Eurofags lecture you about racism.

Since the US was founded Eurofags went to war against each other half a dozen times over shit people in the US can't give a fuck about. The US went to war over one thing and that was slavery.

I think something could eventually happen but it needs to be REAAAALY fucking big and I'm not sure even then if anything will happen cause we've had so much white guilt rammed down our throats and our new generations are all SJW bleeding hearts that maybe if we even had another 9/11 nothing would happen

Keep ignoring human-related world rankings such as human development, education, medicine and household debt, where USA is far behind developed euro countries. Instead, be proud of the possibility to kill many people with your strong military - I guess that's what usually gives joy to the kind American Christians.

and blacks are still ungrateful

Anthony Johnson was a free negro, who ended up owning land and slaves. Why would you need proof of such common knowledge?

shame there's nothing in google about him

That's what my now dead WWII vet uncle thought. And my other uncle who served in the coast guard in Vietnam. He took a bullet in the chest. Lived, gives no fucks.

Well we help rid them of Nazis, and we are likely to help with this as well. But like you say what will make them finally realize what needs to be done

When you talk about europe, but the comments are like:

Niggers arent amerika....

Black pipol is Merika

*So long shit to rid*

The humanity really evolution?

Dunno, maybe after they take over a city and end up beheading half the people, maybe if they murder some babies

I aint clicking that shit

Oh honey, they ain't never gonna be satisfied. Trouble makers always and forever.

Some do break away, but the only time that happens is when they stray away from being black.

>richfags own almost all the wealth
>people dying in the street from preventable diseases
>corrupt as shit
>90% of population believes in magic
Tell me, how is the U.S not a third-world country?

It's a damn shame that it will likely take several instances like that to wake them up. This is why stupid (low IQ) people are so dangerous.

Then search Anthony Johnson colonist you dweeb. Fucking retard

google: Anthony Johnson slavery

If they ever wake up that is.

nothing personal really. we just have to remove kebab.

Yeah, get them in a crowd of other niggers and the animal will come to show itself. Its some kind of tribal instinct. You can take the nigger out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the nigger.

Some you can though, some blacks really hate the fact there are niggers and that they're black.

I feel sorry for black people, it must be hard to struggle to actually be a functioning human being while you have so much self-hatred bubbling around your race.


OP is a Euro Iranian fag not a Turkfag.

Notice a trend OP, all the people that don't like you are stupid.