Your 9 year old son wants to be a girl, how do you react?

Your 9 year old son wants to be a girl, how do you react?

Tell him he can't make those decisions until he is 18.

I try to help my son in any way I can. I wanted a girl anway.

I take him to another country and leave him there

Tell him he'll probably think differently after he actually hit puberty and then I'd make sure he stayed away from the SJW's that spread this bullshit to him in the first place.

also this

call cps and ask to have my children taken away from me

Bury him in the basement

do they do pick-ups?

Tell him he can be who he wants to be and supoort him. Wtf else would you do?

Gently explain to him that he probably wishes he were a different person, and changing his genitalia wont do that. Everyone, regardless of age, gender or race occasionally wants to run away from who they are, become someone new and make a fresh start.
Unfortunately no matter where you go, there you are. The only lasting change that will make you happy is the one that comes from inside, and no doctor no matter how skilled can do it with a knife.

Why do that, "little girl" look so much like Matty B Raps?



Tell him to be whatever he wants to be. I dont care he is not hurting anybody.

If you don't raise your children in megacity shitholes then you don't have to worry about estrogen in your water supply and food- and (surprise) you won't have children with fucked up brain chemistry...

Oh cool I have a daughter
Get in the kitchen make Daddy and sandwich

Besides himself, cause he's gonna want to take hormones to stunt his puberty and then he's gonna make himself infertile cause he's had sweet words whispered in his ear that if he ever remotely strays from the hetero-male line then he MUST be trans.

I get him to dress up as pretty as possible
and treat him like I would treat a daughter
loving her so carefully, whenever I'm in the mood
when she cries, I comfort her, and comfort her
when she's happy, I kiss her, and kiss her again
I answer all her questions truthfully and straightforward
I do not hide the world of adults from her
I buy her all her toys, both for kids and adults
and we teach each other how to play
as I lotion her boy hole, and make her happy

Tell him he can be who he wants to be and supoort him. Wtf else would you do?

What have you been smoking?

>I understand. Turn around.


Chop off his dick with a cleaver and ass fuck him of course.

Who cares? We need less people on the planet - let him/her not contribute to overpopulation.

Tell him that he needs to wait and decide those things after he's 18.

In that age things like that are very temporary.

make him my "girl"

Get him a sex change operation.

Then, kick him square in the mommyhole.

Send him to football practice

OP should kill himself

You're right, oops. Using the correct pronouns would be a good first step

no u

Take him for a car ride to the center of a lake.

myou can still abort a baby 9 years later user.

realistically i'd murder whoever the fuck it was that brainwashed him and told him he's something he isn't

I would allow him to dress up however he wants, I would use the pronoun he wants. I would even buy him dresses. As long as it's not slutty. Nothing I wouldn't let my daughter wear.

But he would not be allowed hormones or surgery until 18 (and I'm not paying for it). At 16, I would show him some of the problems post-op trans women go through too.

I think this is the most and only reasonable answer.

genocide, nice


"Son, girls, when they grow up, they will be expected to suck dick and swallow loads. You don't want to do that do you?"

shut up loser and just fucking take full advantage of your sexually misidentifying boytoy

what about that?

this but I'd pay for hormones and let her make an informed decision at 16

I'm into adult women, nothing else.

You need mental help.

Abort him

"Son, girls, when they grow up, they will be expected to suck dick and swallow loads. So get on your knees and start practice.

there, i corrected that for you

2 years does not make much difference, dude, except that when she regrets it, she'll blame you and not herself.


Do you really think your kid would be transgender in this modern day and age without someone convincing him just because he looked at a barbie doll he's suddenly trapped in the wrong body?

Why humor the delusion? No doubt if you did tell him he's a girl, let him pretend to be a girl the delusion would stick and you'd pretty much mutilate your son and ruin his chances of being a normal boy.

Some would argue to not wait till puberty so the hormone treatment can be more effective. I agree though that they should wait till they are post puberty to decide because views change.

beat the gay out of him

Kill him with carbon monoxide

Hence why this

Fuck him like a man to show him what he's in for.

i guess nobody is going to check your sweet quints. not anymore they're not

"Haha that's nice son, now go play outside faggot"

tell him the truth: gender is a social construct so "being a girl" isnt a real thing

get some homo off Craigslist to come over and fuck his butt

> There. Now you're a girl.

Only when i get triple 6...

fuck him in the ass and make him feel like a girl, duh


get him to a doctor and let him start the transition as early as possible. If he's going a to be a she, then she should be convincing at least.

>adult women
>tips fedora while fapping to GILFs
she can be an adult at the age of 14
with enough freedom
(they're gonna do it anyways)

Everyone needs mental help if they want to merge with a certain culture

The fact that it might be more effective is also a good reason to wait. What if they become an adult after years and years of hormones and realize that they want to be their born-gender?

Then the kid will blame you, the parent, for allowing him to make an uninformed, childish decision that will affect him his entire life.

Wait for them to be an adult, and they will only blame themselves.


>shove him into a dress
>smear make-up on his face
>rape his ass
>ask him if he's a pretty girl until he says no

Fuck him like the girl he wants to be.

My 9yo self wanted to be a Power Ranger, but I don't go around in spandex...

well if you're murdering those who spread mental illness, and plan to do so systematically, i guess it does fit the definition of genocide
but would that be so bad? these people are fucking with ones brain to the point where they think it's okay to mutilate themselves.

Yup. But still hunt down whatever cunt started brainwashing them into thinking they were a girl in the first place.

I'm sure they would if you did an anonymous tip off, with adequate proof

Not mature enough to make those desicions.
Not under my roof.

Tell him to go eat his corn flakes and shut the fuck, his balls haven't even dropped faggot

He's not old enough to legally have sex so he's not old enough to decide his gender.

True shit

You nine years too late

I do agree

you win

Silence, juden.

>file for divorce
>literally blame it on the kid

This thread makes me sad. So many broken men in here getting off to fucking a 9 year old boys' ass. Thinking that's what being a girl is about. You all have terrible ideas of women.

Let them make their own choices because I;m not trying to live vicariously through my children.

What the fuck is wrong with you lot?

>inb4;BUT DE JEWZ!!1!
we live in a time where medicine and surgery exists to help those that don't feel right in their mind or body. The availability is the difference, not the urge to be something different. The jews make an easy scapegoat(which has been true throughout the majority of history written over the last 2000 years) but aren't the big bad you should be directing your fear at. Divide and conquer still works, especially when people don't know who the real enemy is to begin with. Fog of war still works, again, especially when people don't know who the real enemy is to begin with.

The easy answer is rarely the right one. Walk the middle path or waste your life on black and white polarization. Word to the wise and all that.

it's amazing you were able to write all that while stroking your cock

If I wanted to be Batman at 9, does that make me Batman just because I feel like it?

Who cares? If you hate yourself and your life and calling yourself batman is what it takes to change that, who am I to tell you any different? Do what you need to to get comfortable on your ride to the grave. As long as you're not hurting me or anyone/anything important to me, I don't give a shit what you identify as.

"Are you sure? Okay then, we're your parents, and we're not going to stand in your way. Best get this done before puberty hits and it becomes much harder."

Tell him it's normal to be confused at such a young age and ask him to wait until he's older

If when he reaches 18 he still wants to, kick him out of the house and lose all connection


He's not my son
>because I didnt assume his gender
>fucking patriachy

'Wants' to be a girl? Sounds like a crossdresser to me. Stupid kid. I knew not to tell anybody about my problems. No one reacts well to being told someone is a tranny. This graceless kid would be taught to talk with more nuance, which in itself is more feminine. Continue to see how dysphoric this kid really is. Probably a crossdresser, or just thinks girls have it 'better'.

take him with a professional to make sure he's not just looking for attention, if he really wants to be a girl start with hrt then. she would do it anyway when she gets older and wait would only make things harder

Not good enough. Many children of that age already know what they want. The job of parents is not to prevent, but to facilitate, their children's growth. The sooner the kid is comfortable in his (or her) own skin, the better off he (or she) will be.
That doesn't mean you should give in to their every whim, it means you should help them to understand themselves as painlessly as possible.
Go see what Chelsea Manning has to say on this subject.


I feel this, but posting adam sandler with anything instantly discredits it, m8. just a protip, for ya ass

Birth certificate says female. Is she trying to be a boy in a halter top?

>Many children of that age already know what they want
Yeah when we were nine years old we wanted to be power rangers

So you're the type of person that gives up on people the second they tell you self harm makes them feel better instead of recognizing the sign of mental illness and reaching out to them before they do irreparable harm to themselves. Who needs Islam to kill Western civilization when we have so many apathetic pieces of trash like you around to tell us that disease is a life choice not to be treated.

He would have to make it past my vasectomy and the mother's abortion first. If he made it past all of that he/she/ it can do whatever because I've either given up all rights to it or commited suicide

We that is how Batman himself got started. He believed in fighting crime and thus decided to be Batman. It's more like being Clark Kent and noticing you are more abled than others, a little bit at a time. Soon you can lift cars and are melting shit you look at for too long. So you become Superman. Not do a 180 and make all that super shit dysphoria. Transsexuals do not decide to be a caped crusader, they are forced. Like Clark Kent, they do not fit in well with normies. It is against their nature.

I'm a psychiatrist so if your son ever needs any help with his debilitating mental condition hit me up.

why i shouldn't turn him into a trap lesbian?

How old was Bruce Wayne when his parents were murdered? He decided then to be Batman.

"You're not a girl. You're a boy. You're being dumb and you're not thinking straight. In a few years, after puberty, if you still feel like this then we'll start saving money and when you're 18, if you still feel like it, then you can make that decision."

Preferably Saudi Arabia!

See, back in the day I'd somewhat agree with you. But now with ALL of this SJW special snowflake bullshit, you can't actually know whether or not the child actually feels this way or if someone's just told them that they're trans cause they did something that wasn't stereotypical male.

But no, most 9 year olds don't know what they want. They're not thinking about the future where they have to stop their natural growth, become infertile and live with that decision for the rest of their lives.