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ur fuckin annoying

for reals who is this Cats-looking motherfucker and why do people keep posting weird things about him

can we just get rid of this forced meme
I don't even get the appeal

Grow the fuck up faggot



nah man for real

like is he a musician or something

something something kill yourself


or is it like where jay z peed on a girl

When you finally get doxed for for being weird and annoying, will you be embarrassed?

Actually no

I realized I will be doxxed soon, but I've already told everyone I know. I'm even close friends with a mod and he logposts on occasion, and bans people who report these threads.

All my close friends know my type of humor and either a. They aren't surprised or b. They think it's funny.

Sorry what? You somehow consider doing this having a sense of humour?

so are you the dude in the picture?

No that's Andy Sixx.

Yes. The poop jokes are chuckle inducing at best, the hilarity comes from responses like yours.

I'm not even the one that posts most of these, there's at least three others not including the mod. Two of them are asleep rn

Now it's clear you are lying. This is the work of one demented weirdo. You are unique in that way freak. I believe the weebo beta mod and friends story but no way would more than one person would be so awkward. Also you are American. I saw your first post on /bant/.

Actually I use clover, and for some reason I can't access /bant/. I've been log posting for about three and a half or four months - admittedly I post a lot of log threads but after posting this long you pick up how many others post it, and, it's a small amount. Like I said I've gathered there's only a few others including myself. Now if I wanted to lie I'd say there's 20 or 30 to make us look like some kind of army. But I am telling the truth. If you don't believe me that's okay

In fact the only reason I'm saying this stuff is because I'm drunk, otherwise I'd just say "grow up". So if there's anything else you'd like to ask I'll he honest.

Why man? You are like a fucking annoying fly, cockroach, or mosquito. Nobody likes you. Why be a public burden? Why do you get off on annoying people? What happened to you?

grow up, man

The main reason I do it, as I've said before, is kind of a social experiment. I never raid other threads like the banana, I just post my own and see where it goes. I like to see the type of responses of people that could simply hide and ignore a thread but instead choose to come in and birch about it. The angry replies make me laugh, and the ones who to try to psychologically analyze me are super interesting. There have been so many stories made up about me at this point, it's kind of fascinating.


Well, you have made an impact on Sup Forums for what little that is worth. I have filters for anything related to your posts. That's how much you fucking annoy me. I'll be laughing my ass off when you finally get doxed. Also, you said you would answer honestly, you lied. So now I know you are a white America

...grow up.

That wasn't the OP which is me



You fascinating the way a retard is fascinating. You need real friends guy. I'll be around to check in on you.


Log founder here. I must say, i see a lot of sagefaggots here that will never be good enough for andy sixxs warm log of shit slidding down their fucking throat

I do have real friends believe it or not. Just got back from a barbecue, and night before last I watched the fights with 7 other people.

When will it end?

I've thought about this. Let me re-iterate, I'm not the main log poster but I post a lot of them. Mostly in between 4 pm et and 9 am et.

I think I'd stop after a full week of zero responses, but having a log thread up 24/7 is something I've been working on. I think the other guys have picked up on when they need to create a new one and vise versa. But yeah, if I was absolutely sure there were no responses I'd probably stop

you're a fine guy OP just because you dont raid threads continue posting

You're still a fag though

If these anti log shills need to ask why, they will never understand.

No sense trying to explain the beauty of the slidding logs.

Haha I gotcha man, thanks.

what is with Sixx and the log thing?
I've never understood it

Dude, do you wake up every day thinking "Ooo, gotta go to Sup Forums and post Andy Beirsak threads! Mmm, warm creamy logs!" Hang yourself, motherfucker

How long without responses? That will never happened because of the need to swat that annoying thing. I can't believe that their are others. If you could prove it I would believe it buy the nature of Sup Forums means you can't prove it.

I'm guessing this is some sort of experimental trolling. I hope this one makes it to the compilation of all the glorious responses your trolling received.

Embrace the log as it slidds so creamy Andy steamy sixx dreamy memey


Hey we all have our own reasons for logposting, just thought I'd give a little insight for mine

Yea usually every day. I have a very lax job with a lot of freedom, so I have a lot of free time. Usually I'll search 'andy' or 'log' and if I get no results I'll post one and forget about it for an hour or so, when I get to work I'll concentrate more on it.

I'd love to prove it to you but I can't. Like I said there's me, one mod, and three others that regularly logpost (the mod not so much but he bans people that reports threads if there's only one up). All I can say is that if I wanted to lie I'd say there was more than 5 of us but there isnt. Plus the dude that runs the wix site never posts here anymore

> contact M. Night
> make log boy one of the split personalities
> profit from the weird promotional campaign tie-in.

I've been AFK for a few years, who is this guy and what's happening here?

Read the thread


Nobody knows who the dude in the pictures actually is, but I guess OP and 5 of his friends want to devour his poop. It's not funny or a meme and that's about all there is to know about it.


it's the lead singer of Black Veil Brides, apparently

I'd have chosen a better band but I guess there's no accounting for taste

I never post on Sup Forums anymore?


There's a war between people that like cradle of filth pee and black veil brides poop

Why do you always respond with simply "grow up"?

My readers are dying to know.

Because it makes people mad

Two X's in a row?

I don't think that's how you really spell this guy's name

Lol that's how his dumb name is spelled. Other fun trivia, I've never even heard his music

That old chestnut? Really?

It doesn't make me mad. I'm the user you usually get into arguments with. We always just go back and forth telling eachother to grow up. It makes me laugh.

I also pretend sometimes to be the Armchair Psychologist. It seems to upset you. I find that funny too.

>Plus the dude that runs the wix site never posts here anymore
shitlogof4chan.wixsite.com/logofshit/single-post/2017/07/30/Admin-Who-Runs-Wix-Site-Still-Posts-on-Sup Forums

>I've never even heard his music
So what do you listen to when you're sucking a big one out of his asshole?

are you worried about gay?

I was worry about gay too but voting for donald trump!

now not so worried but still maybe the gay??? not sure but if does will voting again in twenty twenty

you know what i say logman???

oh lord... I think he heard you

Selena Gomez, mostly.

There you are!
Why do you do this?
What do you possibly gain from posting this annoying thing a thousand times on Sup Forums??? Don't do that evasive shit, I just gotta know. I've been here since 2008 and I've never seen anybody be this consistent with becoming a meme

Grow up.

If you're being serious, I actually respect you.

After four months of posting this stuff you're the only one to make me a little mad, mainly because your pasta is so wrong

Under THESE circumstances though, if you're being honest that's really funny. I'd like to talk to you more, maybe we could do an interview or something.

Haha. Glad I had that effect on you. Got to say, I admire your dedication and persistence. The meme sucks - but you're pretty funny. I always see our interactions as a good natured ribbing between two professionals. Never really taken it personally.

And yeah, that's not a bad idea! We should set something like that up. We can do it in character and everything!

I could even write a bullshit mock pyshoanalysis article of a logger or something. lol

The less you know, user... the better...

Are you fucking kidding me

I said that because I post a shit ton of percent of these threads daily! I realize you put a lot of work into this shit but come on man I have been carrying this on my back for quite some time

You might put a lot of work into the wix site but I post these on here a LOT. Also I run the Facebook page which you won't link to on the site for some reason... although I'm secretly happy I was finally included on the site

He was probably trolling you just to prove his point.

Dude that would be great. I run the Facebook page "Andy sixxs shitlog lovers unite" if you'd like to message me there anytime we could set something up

I'm glad you treat it that way, I was pretty disheartened for awhile. I can have some thin skin sometimes, admittedltly.

If he was doing that, I would have proved him WRONG because his point was that i dont post here... which i do.

Aw, no hard feelings I hope. I was just messing around. It's all in good fun. :)

And I'll be sure to do that. We could definitely make this a pretty funny addition to the meme.


Hey man, you put a lot of work into the wix site but I don't think you put as much work into posting here as I do

You are a very smart guy, I'd love for you to pick my brain - the real me- sometime soon. Send me a dm any time

I know you work hard dude, and im greatful for it...

The logs of shit cant slidde down anyone's throat without a little sacrifice. Ive just been busy with some other stuff. Im trying hard to make shirts for this meme but every company i go to wont let me saying its too vulgar to put their names on.

Then theres my therapist who thought i was crazy and told me to leave her office.

Shits been really hard to link together and i cant open one candy bar wothout finishing another. Send me another message on the wix site and ill see what I can do.

Its a trap! He wants to buttrape you!

Since no one else will answer, he is the singer for black veil brides. No idea why shit logs are a thing though

Grow uo faggot. Everyone knows andy sixx is the hottest, sexiest, emoist gothiciest hardcoreiest deathcoreiest rock band singer ever and traditional sexual congress with him could scratch the surface of how affectionate one could be with him...

Hey I'd love to buy a shirt. Someone out there would screen print it

I sent you an email a few months ago, search 'euronymous' in your box and yu should find my email

While I can say I've never reported one of these threads (being a forced meme isn't a rules violation) I do pop in every time I see one just to say "Friendly reminder to hide these threads"

On that note:

Friendly reminder to hide these threads.


Sounds like someone has some growing up to do

It makes me happier than anything that my post was mentioned on the wixsite. Seriously



Well I already have your email, I sent you a message a few months ago about starting the fb page

This is actually really sad

This site is 18+ sorry

Oh boy. We got a match made in creamy steamy slidd down your fucking throat oh so good heaven.

Now you know who really runs things in the Andy Sixx log of shit sucked out the bungholio and slidding down your throats universe

"Any kind of spamming" is a rule violation tho...

Hawk... there's logs where your going...

Can you get this printed? Maybe the log could be stylized flat brown

Wow, real mature. Time for someone to go back to preschool.

So trap threads and dick rate threads are spam? I bet youd be sad if those got taken down. Grow up, faggot.

i want andy's warm and creamy log going through my FUCK YOU THIS IS NOW NATIONAL SOTIALISM THREAD FUCK THE JEWS

OP is just a retarded sperg lord who was sexually abused by his stepfather until the age of 30 and who will kill himself within a year or two, it's nothing to worry about.

Real original man

oh man i wish andy's sixx was going through my tigh FUCK YOU THIS IS NOW LEAFY'S SOFT BUTTHOLE THREAD


I am actually the reincarnations of Josef Mengele. I cant help myself I must have the answers. This is the only way. I am back.

Would you eat the captain's log?