Guys, depression is really kicking my ass. Anybody else feeling down tonight?

Guys, depression is really kicking my ass. Anybody else feeling down tonight?

Shit dude.

Whats got you feeling down?

Well, I'm just down in general... but what's really getting to me right now is just this stupid chick I have a thing for. It's not like my entire depression is due to this, but just seeing I have no fucking chance with with particular person with someone else- idk man. It's just bugging me.

It's not like I don't realize I'm just being a little bitch, but still.

Just some anxiety

Ah, i see.

If this girls messing with your head a bit, i can see only 2 possible options you can choose from here.

You can cut off all contact,and take some time to detach from her. Cut off all contact,and begin anew. Start going out on your own,meet new people and see where that leads you in the dating world. can let this eat you up,and dig yourself into a deeper hole.

If you can afford therapy try woebot or something, its cognitive behavioural therapy, not great but can give you some interesting information, good luck OP

Sorry woebot an app on Facebook messenger I found it helpful

From my personal experience of being fucked over from multiple women,i can say this with 100% confidence:

No woman on this earth should ever have the power to make you feel the way you are. Youre better than that,and youll soon find what youre looking for in a partner.

This guy gets it, sorry to hear your feeling down OP we have all been there

Damn pal, I feel you 100%, kinda going thru the same shit. It sucks being a little bitch sometimes, but you gotta do something productive to get your mind off it so you can move on.

find a best friend is my advice

or a goal you can work torwards

Thank you all so much. This really means a lot. Like I said, I know I'm being stupid and all, but that you for taking this shit seriously.

Do it OP, block her from every social media and find a hobbie like me: i go every morning to the hills and lift a rock 100 times, i named this rock Lithia and after 14:00 i admire my shitty bonsái tree...i can't assure you will forget her entirely but at least you can stop crying like a pathetic cunt.

We are autisticous
We are a pigeon
Forget and forgive

Tomorrow I will have lost my house and be living out of a hotel. So essentially homeless. Right when I started dieting and trying to get fit all this stress feel on me and I feel back to drinking and am no longer staying fit.

You arent being stupid user.

Emotions get the best of us from time to time,it happens to everyone :)

Fuck user, that's awful, sorry to hear that is happening to you, stay safe brother

Why in the hell did you write bonsai with a diacritic on the a?


God damn. I give you total props for being focused,and doing this every morning.

Shit, i didn't notice

Bonsai *

How life always is, rigged and unfair.
But gotta have some hope that things will get better at some point, otherwise I'd have committed suicide a long time ago.

older user here. this with 100% certainty.

>fall asleep at 2 PM, wake at 10 PM


>Anybody else feeling down tonight?

Good joke.

>implying I'm ever happy

im about to quit my job because people are getting too close to me despite me being an asshole trying to keep them away

i dont like people thinking we're friends or on some kind of normal social level

i just want to work, pay my shitty fucking bills, and be left the fuck alone is that too hard to fucking ask?

hows everyone doing tonight?
i personally feel like im getting into a rut, going to try to change some shit up to get out of it

Feeling down. Usually do, and I have no idea what. I even had a "good" day today, but I don't feel like I had a good day...

try to put more time and effort into your hobbies and other little shit that makes you happy

so what's up
what are your hobbies

I find that exercise ad decent amount of sleep helps with it as stupid as it sounds

i dont have any hobbies

fuck off fag

yeah man i am feeling really down. doctor measured me the other day and said i was 5'10. a year ago she said i was 5'11.5 and that's bad enough. i think this 5'10 measurer is wrong but its on my medical records and i know it's bs. and to think a year ago i was measured as 5'10 on one appointment. it's like the doctors keep messing up. and i am not going to hit 6 feet. ever. according to her.

the cocaine is your friend Op fag.

6 months clean of the gear, just got out of prison for break and enter. Fucked everyone I knew and loved over and lost all my friends respect during my drug fueled rampage before I got locked up.

but what do you do after work?

Yeah, I've been in a real slump lately and the anti depressant I'm on (trintellex) isn't really working. My motivation has just been non-existant and all I want to do is sleep and be intoxicated. I don't want to kill myself but I really feel worthless and that I can't do anything right.
Whatever. I'll get through it. Don't over think things so much, man

Same thing happened to me back in 2012.....fuck I'm still circling the drain of despair. Don't be me move on......move on.

>Swiss roll for breakfast at 2 PM

Thank god I'm not a manlet

i come here every night until im too tired to to stay awake and then lay in bed staring at my ceiling until the sun comes up or i get some sleep and my alarm goes off

whats it to you

Yeah, I'm 6'0" exactly but once a nurse told me I was 5'10". They really don't pay that much attention when they measure you i don't think

you know what, fuck it man, i usually just tell people i'm "a little over 6 feet" anyway and rarely do people argue with it. once a girl did and she was this 6 feet amazon girl who was like, "oh i think you might be pushing that number a bit".

I always feel down, I've been down for quite too many years. However, I think my existence is the only thing that keeps my mother, my brother and therefore my sister alive. Why? after all the shit we 4 went through from 1985 to 1995, life has only shitted on us. But this year I found a way out for all of us, and it's not suicide. We started building a company. It's been very slow, but this shit's gonna work.

You can choose to be fucked for 28 years, like me, or you can start finding solutions. I don't expect any depressed faggot to understand it, so take it as you will, for you will.

Life advice: you need some perspective, meaning while whatever ailes you may seem like the most important thing...its really not. In the universe you are very small and insignificant, that is meant to give you solace insofar as you could direct all that energy you use to beat yourself up onto a cause bigger than yourself. Try to pick a reasonable one.
Health advice:try giving up caffeine and alcohol for a few weeks. Until you overcome the withdrawl you wont understand how much they fuck with your brain chemistry.
General advice:try to understand life isnt something that is just happening to you, its happening to sll of us.

OP just do what I do and drink your problems away

yo, man, thats the reason i come here, i just hate everything about all, i just want to stop

This is the best advice. Caffeine during the day and whiskey at night

You ain't alone. I lost my job today, girlfriend just left me, I'm still in love with my ex and we're both worried to get back together, all while I'm figuring out how the fuck I'm going to pay for college. Stay strong bro

See OP this mate knows what he's talking about

No thanks, I'll stick to meth and heroin

I miss my old best friend, but he's out busy with someone who's better than me, and refuses to speak to me and told me to stay clear away from him. Sometimes he browses Sup Forums and I hope that he sees this and knows how much I miss him.

My brother moved out and I miss him

touch each others dicks already homos

what kind of men are you

To each their own

Same, i feel terrible about my body, and i know its pathetic to say.
Ive been broken and let down so much, but i feel like that dosent even matter when your some ugly bitch with a babish personality.

I'm down too.
I just feel like I am invisible to everyone in this world.
Hopefully, this alcohol will kick in and make me feel a bit better.

also what sucks is that one of my friends has parents that are shorter than my parents, but he's 6'1. and i feel like i have shit genetics. and my sister is nearly is tall as i am and she's about 2 years younger than i am. so yeah, life sucks.

i bet youre fucking annoying to be around

are you needy and complain about shit all the fucking time? of course you do

Yo man 511 is good... Knowing that most girls are between 5,4-5,7 at best.
You could also try streching/yoga. That might help you grow

Look for Dragon's Milk by New Holland. It's a bourbon barrel stout that goes down smooth but kicks in quick (13% abv).

Good shit. I look out for it, thanks.

Well at least you ain't me because i'm 5' 5.5" all chicks are taller than me especially in heels. Considering women in general are judgmental as hell in the height department I'm forever fucked.


yeah that's a good point. i tried that though, no such luck... you know if there's something i could put in my diet? or like pills or some shit?