So, i'm completely socially retarded

so, i'm completely socially retarded.
anyways, a new girl at work keeps smiling at me, looking at me in passing. could it be because she's attracted to me, or just feels really awkward around me? recently shes asked me questions (work related), but she coulda asked anyone that
usually i avoid the women at work as to not offend them but what would i do otherwise if one wasn't offended by me?

For once in your life, stop being a massive faggot. Talk to her, maybe you guys can be friends. You don't even have to try to get in her pants. If anything, she'll realize you are the epitome of a homosexual and she'll be the one avoiding yoy.

man i wish i was a faggot so i could at least be getting laid, they got it easy

>socially retarded

it's called "autism", user

i doubt i have autism, tho problably severe assburgs

look up schizoid personality disorder

We all think we have assburgers at least once in life, but it's really reeeally improbable and hard to diagnose.

You probably feel you have anxiety dissorders as well.

Our generation learned to think that everything that we are not confortable with is a problem. We are just a bunch of faggots.

i dont think everything im not comfortable with is a problem lol. everyday i deal with shit im not comfortable with, cause all i wanna do is stay home and dealing with people isnt comfortable.
but ya, i have severe anxiety too

Just talk to her like a normal person. Smile back, answer her questions, make some small talk now and then. Show her that you enjoy talking to her and she'll want to talk to you more. You don't have to go into every relationship looking to smash.

i don't. i'm p. sure imma be a virg4lyf but any kind of female human connectivity/contact wud be nice in my shit lifetime. just kinda hard with my overwhelming anxiety

oh shit

There's a lot of reasons why you want to stay at home and avoid human contact. It doesnt' have to be assburgers or anxiety. It can easily and more probably be related to a low-steem issue.

And there's where the cycle begins.

Your steem is low because you have unpleasant contact with others and value yourself incorrectly.
You have unpleasant contact with others because your steem is low and you don't really want to expose yourself.

This is not something you think of, it goes in the background while you have your mind focusing on other stuff.

Now you're thinking about this girl, and if your steem was higher you could just go and ask her nicely about it, and either be rejected, or not. Which wouldn't be a problem.

But as you feel you can't take a rejection well, and also feel it's more likely to happen, you develop your doubts, which increase as time passes, and have an impact on future decision taking related to the matter.

I would act the same way as you do right now. I would feel kinda anxious about it, and instead of asking HER, I would ask about it MYSELF. I would never be able to be with her unless she is the one asking, and that really sucks.

Just ask her, even if you're nervous. If she doesn't seem interested in you, just move on. It doesn't mean you're ugly, not attractive, or anything at all. That last part is hard to understand.
If she seems interested your confidence will boost and you won't need to ask 4ch about this subject again.
So, as you see, the only way to get out of the cycle is to force it.

honestly, all my life i just ask myself, and never actually do anything. its awful. im like 25 and i havent done anything with my life, i have no friends, and 0 connections with my family members. its awful.

do something about yourself first imo gain some confidence in your self niggy surely you dont wanna drag some person down to your pathetic level so do something about you problems Berserk and watch Gurren lagann every man should have watched/read them they inspire to keep struggling. better to reach high and achieve a bit thatn being a retarded shill on Sup Forums asking strangers for tips

haha i have seen gurren but not berserk yet, but its on my list
im not asking for tips, im just trying to better understand what is going on. complicated social situations are hard to comprehend

well, that's part of the answer.

If you suck, why would you want to be exposed to others?

Just stop sucking. Focus on things that you think would make a better version of you. Like studying, learning an instrument, or whatever you feel is "cool" for you.

Take a whole year or two if you need to, there is no immediate solution.

I can assure you that when you start feeling more confident every aspect of your life would be so much better.

The quickest way to boost your confidence is to improve your physical aspect. It's not enough in the long run, but it's a good way to start.

Go to the gym, lose weight if you need to, get better looking clothes, etc.
Friends are not necessary in life and really hard to make. At least trustworthy friends.

Just keep up, even if you don't see any improvements. It might take you a whole year, as I said, and it's really easy to quit after a month, or even less.

dont just sit on your as self laothing and licking your own wounds life is suffering so dont pretend that you and your problems are something special JUST DO IT

As for trying to understand what's going on with this girl... well, asking her is the only way to find out.

This is not a "hard to comprehend" situation. You just feel it is. It's very simple, really.

woo i need to calm down a bit this thread hit personal just stop sucking dont be a pussy flert back but dont creep her out!! rumors spread fast dont do dumb creepy shit just wanna point to that^^ good luck Struggler

yeah, long term goals are the hardest part of getting out of this kind of rut.. years? fuck man, what is the point. also, im not fat or ugly, tho out of shape, yeah, so no doubt it'd help, but even if i was good looking, i would still have an overwhelming doubt and selfloathing stabbing me

The point is to stop feeling unconfortable with mundane activities that everyone go through.
When you like yourself you just feel better. It seems obvious, but there is no simplest way of saying it.

If you like the way you look, you're increasing your confidence already.

>i would still have an overwhelming doubt and selfloathing stabbing me

No you won't, you silly.

Are you me? Same age, same number of friendships, same connections to family(and I'm living with Mother...)
Worst of all is that I already did what I wanted to do when I was a kid so now I lack any drive to get better....
I should give any advice.... Just grow a pair and ask her(it's something I can't do due to anxiety when speaking with strangers)

but i've never liked myself. i can't remember a time i did, even as a young kid, i felt like i just sucked.
the last thing i would do is harass a women in the workplace about dating me. her smiles are obviously common courtesies

easier said than done

shes probably just new, and trying to be friendly to people. maybe bring her coffee one time and put some roofies in it. She clearly wants it.

I didn't mean that you ask her in your workplace user, idk, hang out with her outta work maybe?

ehhh.. how? like, follow her home after work and knock on her door?

Nah lol, just ask her if she wants to after work hours(wow I know every bit of social theory but... I'm seriously unable to use it)

Asking something like "hey, we should go for a drink some time, what do you think?"

is not harrassment. And you don't know if it's only courtesy, and even if it is, it doesn't mean she wouldn't go out with you.

we get off work at 11pm

yeah, you say it isnt harrassment, but according to everything ive read online, it is a huge form of harrassment. but you are right. the only way you can only really get a girl is if you harrass and persue her enough

Well then... just ask her after getting off work.
Also is right. Asking is not harassment.

ask her what? "come with me, lets go to a place.. just you and me.. it'll be fun.."

For it to be harrassment she has to manifest that she doesn't like to be asked first.. probably several times. You can't harrass someone if you don't know how is that person gonna take it.

really? she can't just claim shes being harassed and is automatically right?
asking for a friend

If you do it like on it's harrassment.
Just be nice and speak properly.

Nah, she can't claim that with no evidence or witnesses. And even if she has witnesses, asking a fucking question is not harrassment. Unless it's obvious the intention is to provoke discomfort.

But the most important thing. Why would she want to accuse you of harrashment?

>But the most important thing. Why would she want to accuse you of harrashment?
shit.. i never thought if of it this way.. the internet has poisoned my mind into thinking women everywhere have their fingers over the harrassment alarm

tfw evangelion

Some women may overreact when feeling a bit threatened, but an invitation to go out can't be taken as a threat unless it's like the 7th time you ask after she said NO and each time it gets more and more offensive.

She may also lie about it, and cause you problems at work until it's noted that she was lying. But she has to have a personal issue with you to do that. This girl doesn't even know you, and frankly, it seems she likes you, at least in a friendly way.

Some women may overreact when feeling a bit threatened, but an invitation to go out can't be taken as a threat unless it's like the 7th time you ask after she said NO and each time it gets more and more offensive.

She may also lie about it, and cause you problems at work until it's noted that she was lying. But she has to have a personal issue with you to do that. This girl doesn't even know you, and frankly, it seems she likes you, at least in a friendly way.

So, worst case scenario, she rejects your invitation, but you got a friend.

>could it be because she's attracted to me, or just feels really awkward around me?
>or just feels really awkward around me?
no woman don't look at men if they feel awkward around someone
>i avoid the women at work as to not offend them
It was a long time ago since I keked out loud this much

I don't know why this one was posted 1.85 times

>It was a long time ago since I keked out loud this much
it /is/ pathetically hilarious. im glad i helped ya out

This dude is clearly trolling.

And if he isn't, then go about your daily life as is. Ignore her. You clearly don't have the balls to ever take the initiative on the matter because of your self-diagnosed anxiety. Keep stagnating and never achieve anything.

im 100% not trolling. but all this feedback is really eyeopening.