Western civilization is almost completely degenerate now. Christians take part in this degeneracy

Western civilization is almost completely degenerate now. Christians take part in this degeneracy.

Realistically, what can we actually do to stop degeneracy when so many Christians are being degenerate all day, every single day?

This guy can't be a Christian because if Jesus touched him he would disappear

>Christians take part in this degeneracy.

Christians were the original degenerates. They betrayed their honorable white polytheistic traditions to worship an imaginary jew from a book written entirely by jews, for fuck's sake.

White people are degenerate.

Don't worry the muslims and niggers will set you straight.

this is what happens when you stop letting bullies beat the shit out of people who need to be beaten

>Realistically, what can we actually do to stop degeneracy when so many Christians are being degenerate all day, every single day?
just work on yourself, be a good a man as you can be.

You are really making an effort nippon, great.

Yeah nothing says "honor" like having crones slit the throats of virgins to bury them with dead men.

Also you now realize that European pagans worshiped the same pantheon as modern Hindus do. Why do you worship brown people gods?

Christians aren't degenerates, only atheists are.

That is incorrect. Atheists are a very tiny minority in the western world, you are just making excuses because you can't man up and accept responsibility for your actions.

Some Christians are degenerate, but they're either false Christians or degenerate despite being Christian and trying not to be degenerate and failing. All atheists seem almost compelled by some mysterious force to be degenerate, almost as if atheism itself, as an intellectualization of the sin of impiety, is the ultimate form of degeneracy.

Join an actual Christian church, not one where the clergy are marxists LARPing as Christians.

when were Christians ever NOT degenerate?

>worship a jewish zombie because he's going to give them free welfare (heaven) in the afterlife
>symbolically consume his flesh and blood during rituals
>parade around and display an ancient roman torture device as the symbol of their cult
>priests are gay pedophiles

Most humans who ever lived or ever will live are atheists. Or do you think that atheism means merely disbelieving in the existence of gods? Satan is an atheist.

I don't think we can stop the degeneracy; we're in too deep.

The Western (European, really) civilization is fading.

The only thing we can do is gather somewhere and build a large-enough community to preserve our values. Europe will be under Muslim rule by the mid century.

People outside of the Internet really don't have the balls to speak the way I do on here though.

I highly doubt you will find any church out there in the real world that condemns modern degeneracy.

Nice memes.

harry potter doesn't believe in Thor, he's an athorist

Atheism by definition is the lack of belief in a God or Gods. You know exactly what I meant. You define atheism by sin and corruption, but everyone else has a different definition.

Anyways, I think all this thread is going to end up as is people making vague references to solutions that are not achievable in the real world. This board is too cultish and meme-like to actually give me a real answer here.

What about in Russia? Russia is getting more Christian, not less, and they're caught up in full on culture war between themselves and the West.

The word "atheist" was originally coined and used to mean "being without God" i.e. being reprobate and damned, not merely "being without belief in God." This shift in connotation represents a degradation in our understanding of the metaphysics involved. When I hear someone proudly proclaim that they're atheist, I just smile to myself and think, "In the end, I hope not."

Also I'd like you to note that "belief" has two relevant shades of meanings here. For example, you can believe in your wife in the sense that you trust her to never cheat on you and to be a good spouse. You can believe in your country, which means more than merely thinking that your country exists. You can give intellectual assent to the existence of God without believing in Him. Plenty of people who recognize the existence of God have no belief in Him. This is another distinction that the degeneration of our language has sought to do away with.

No need to play around with semantics
Today to the vast majority of people, the word "atheist" means: Someone who does not believe in any diety. Language has evolved to allow for and make more clear the notion that it is possible to not believe in something with no evidence alongside our capacity to think clearer about this issue.

A tiny yet influencial minority, your ideology and her values dominates the West, also, the "christians" who act like degenerates don't follow the Bible but the values of the West, therefore they can't be called "christians" but westerners.

By being Roman Catholic. The actual redpill.

The "reclaiming" of the word only muddies the issue.

It can't be stopped anymore

It could have been prevented but you Canadians, Americans and Anglos decided otherwise

I believe you mean Orthodox, friendo. No SJW Pope to embarrass and denigrate the faith here :^)

But when I say "atheist", I already told you what I mean by it. I go by the definition everyone else accepts today.

I see that people like you never left Sup Forums - you know, the people that see themselves as renaissance Deus Vult types, yet you are also fundamentalist, and you would be great at fighting degeneracy, but instead you endlessly start fights with white atheist males for some reason. You are obsessed with finding white atheist males and start arguments with them.

Like I said, people like you would be great against degeneracy, but you don't actually fight it. You roleplay a persona for an ego stroke and because you're bored.

The Church has seen worse popes.

I guess.

You seem to be the one looking for a fight.