So I'm bi m but haven't told anyone... Should I come out to my friends ?

So I'm bi m but haven't told anyone... Should I come out to my friends ?

Nah just fuck one of em

Are you certain about it though?

Go for it. i'm in the same boat. My friends didn't care.

Do you even really need to "come out" anymore? Like, just fuck a dude, no one cares.

Why? Why do fags always have to "come out" like they're revealing the key piece of evidence in a courtroom drama? Why can you just suck dicks quietly? I think you just want attention.

The only reason you'd feel consciously pressured to come out to your friends would be if you want to fuck one or more of them. If that's the case, they're not your friends.

Go for it. i'm in the same boat. My friends didn't care.

Because its still a big deal when a person indicates that they like the same sex. It shouldn't be, but it is.

Because its still a big deal when a person indicates that they like being vegan. It shouldn't be, but it is.


You're half gay, nobody cares.

>So I'm bi
No you're not there's not thing, you're merely a faggot, which genuinely believe me you self absorbed cock gobbler, nobody gives a shit whether or not you want to suck dick

Yeah. I see point. But fuck vegans. They p can suck a fat meaty dick.

Not sure if trolling. Do you really believe that bi isn't a thing?

I might be bi.
I recently bought a dildo and have been fucking myself in the ass and self inserting as the girl in the hentai I read.
Only problem, I'm still a virgin, so I don't know whether I'm bi, gay, or nothing.

Not him, but I agree with user, you are just a cock-gobbler.

Never post again please.

Of course it's not, it's genuine bullshit God you idiotic faggots are unbearable, you're not pan, you're not bi, you're most likely straight and dumb or gay and in denial

Your true friends probably already know, just haven't said anything yet. I never told my friends, and it is hilarious. They are always throwing me different people my way. Trying to see what I like. It's how I know I have real friends in this world. But honestly, it does help, they kind of need to know. Your secrets are safe with them. Your parents on the other hand is a whole different ball game. Good luck with that one b/ro.

Well then you don't really know. For me, it doesn't matter what's between the l legs. I can have fun with it.

Yeah sure I don't, great be attracted to whatever you want to be, the greater issue here is that you're clearly an attention seeking faggot, your friends, family and nobody else gives a shit about whatever you fuck, you faggots are fucking obnoxious, fuck whomever you want to and live your retarded life


There is no such thing as a bisexual or homosexual. They don't exist. There are only straight people who want to be perverted.

Well nah man. The problem is in this world, that people, for some weird reason, do give a fuck about who you fuck? The decision to tell people is a fairly important decision, because that shit is for life. Friends want to know what types of dates to set you up on? Parents want to know who their kid is marrying. You have to somewhat let people know, as they are trying to get to know you better.

I say let people know, just don't get all parade gnarly about it. Just let your circle know. Enjoy the dating scene. Gay dates are the best anyways, because you are treated like a goddess. When a man treats you well, it's one of the coolest feelings.

>self inserting as the girl in the hentai I read
kek. If that's not a genuine user I don't know what it is

Not judging you or anything though.

>Because its still a big deal
to who? people generally dont give a shit unless you live in some backwards place

>come out as bi
lol retard