Is this the truth Sup Forumsros?

Is this the truth Sup Forumsros?

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native americans = too stupid to have invented the wheel.

No wonder you lost your land.

Too stupid for inventing the horse those dumb

Why do Nate of Americans think their culture would have amounted to anything?

too stupid = genocide justified?

Idiot. The horse came from Europe, there were none in NA until Europeans came here.

How stupid are you?

>travel to this location
>Heckova vacation dad

The Native Americans essentially lost a war and that's why they have no land. They're doing a good job fighting back by destroying towns with casinos and such.

Read history.
Im not saying it's justified - but dont come crying because your ancestors were a bunch of idiots.

Pretty sure hispanics are whites who race mixed with indigens.

>The Native Americans essentially lost a war

They remind me of someone else that also lost a war.

hi SPANI cs

Maybe from spain?
If stupid, then shut mouth.
Fucking idiot.

ur all fags

You realize that Spain is in Europe, you gook cunt?

Ssshh, don't say it too loudly. They're still adamant to keep their participation trophies, too.

They should melt down all the confederate statues and use it for gender neutral toilets.

You mean Germany. Oh, that's right - they "rose again"

You mean Japan? Oh that's right - they "rose again"

Fucking idiot. Just because you lose a war, doesnt mean you cease to exist or continue your ideals.

Get over it.

The south was democrats at the time, lol.

Yes, do you?
"hispanics are white mixed with indians" = what an asshole.
They are specifically Spanish, not any white.

>Just because you lose a war, doesnt mean you cease to exist
In this case, it absolutely does. After the Insurrection was put down like a rabid dog it absolutely ceases to exist and, after a time under military government, the states resumed operation as rightful members of the Union.
I learned the difference between modern democrats and republicans and those of over a century ago when I was in middle school, did you not attend one?

>I'm not saying it's justified, but it's justified

>Just because you lose a war, doesnt mean you cease to exist or continue your ideals.
Germany's ideals have changed significantly in the time that took for them to be collectively curb-stomped by the entire fucking planet, and Japan is barely recognizable from its earlier self except that everyone who isn't born rich still works themselves to death at 40.

>In this case, it absolutely does
then why are there flags, monuments, etc?

maybe YOU need to go back to middle school.

I hate fucking idiots who have read 2 articles on wiki and think they are experts.

oh, btw. Never a military government after the war. But keep proving you are a big mouthed fool.

>immigration control

W-What are they going to be sent back to where they came from?... Oh wait

No the Injuns hunted them to extinction in the Americas.

>we fly flags and built monuments so that means we didn't get curb stomped by our lawful federal government for our treason!
>The Confederacy still exists
Idiot. Congress (the lawful one, not whatever passes for a legislative group in the rebellion) declared martial law in the defeated rebellion and sent additional troops to keep order. While they were at it, they rewrote all your state constitutions and ordered you to pass the Reconstruction amendments. You're welcome.

so you're all for mexicans reclaiming the south west?


Fuck you mexican trash

Germany's entire economy and state was restructured. They didn't rise again, they were replaced with a completely different regime.

The japanese state was still ruled by an imperial family prior to world war 1, and they were barely modernized. They didn't "rise again" they rose for the first time in their fucking history after getting rid of their imperialist mentality and focusing on industry.

Both of the countries you referenced are way better examples of an ideology being extinguished and and a political and military power being broken.

>not white

I mean if you are talking about the arabized portions of spain you might have a point but spain was ruled by celts and romans and germans for centuries.

You're talking about wild ingenious species in the same family as horses, which weren't anything like the horses europeans brought over. First off, they were way smaller, seconds, they weren't domesticated and selectively bred over thousands of years to make good riding horses. If you are interested in native north american horse breeds.

They were also extinct before humans even evolved.

Bait aside, it just represents southern culture. They're still Americans. The rad Dems who scream Nazi and try to erase their history are shit-eating faggots.

you summarized natural selection in one line, so yes

>intentionally misinterprets what other people say so he can remain indignant

Maybe from Spani?

Justifications have nothing to do with the theory of realism in international relations. People do what they do because they can and it benefits them. Not because it's right or wrong. If you can't defend yourself against attackers, you die or get sold into slavery. That's all there is to it.

Grow the fuck up and stop framing the world like it's always been some kind of candyland dreamscape where people give a shit about human life.

Yes. We should be applying this practice today with the low IQ African countries. Let's make this world a paradise.

Human slavery and unrepentant treason. Some culture you have there

They just look like spics to me

The south rebelled against the federal government trying to take away their rights and basically way of life
And they fought back despite having half the men and 1/3 the navy and they fought well
Thats more than enough to be proud of

>The south rebelled against the federal government
>trying to take away their rights and basically way of life
Incorrect. The federal government had no intention or authority to abolish slavery where it existed. South Carolina (first state to secede) left solely because they were upset that Lincoln was elected President. A man who believed in abolition but recognized that he had no authority to abolish, yet was adamant that slavery would not expand West. The traitors got their naxipad in a twist that Lincoln wasn't going to allow any westward expansion of slavery during his term, and threw such a hissy fit that they got curb stomped and slavery was abolished without any input on their end. There was no infringement on their rights or any attack on their way of life. They had not suffered a long train of abuses and usurpations evincing a design to reduce them under absolute despotism. They seceded over rather light and transient causes and fucked themselves over in the end.

>curb stomped
The confederacy had half the troops and still won the majority of battles fought
The south didnt like lincoln because they knew he wanted to end slavery
Thats why he ran his campaign on the premise of a "preaceful enduring end to slavery"

He was also well known as being morally against it

Yes, they did win most of the battles but remind me, which side had it's capital burned to the ground? Which side was it that had it's territory cleaved in two by a general k own for burning every fucking thing he came across? Which side was subjected to a naval blockade that prevented the possibility of foreign aid, without which the war was all but lost? Lincoln was morally opposed to slavery and absolutely did want to end it but knew he didn't have the authority to do and he likely wouldn't have if the majority if the slave states hadn't withdrawn their Congressional representation, leaving the 13th amendment to be passed by loyal states, with the traitors being forced to adopt it to be readmitted to the Union. Slavery is an abomination and must be loudly proclaimed as such, let's just be glad that the issue was settled before the Industrial Revolution kicked into high gear.

>still won the majority of battles fought
And yet lost the war, being forced to concede in unconditional surrender because they had no capacity to continue fighting after federal trips had burned multiple major cities to the ground, including the capitol. I'd call that being curb stomped.

If your ancestors won most battles and were pretty much hardcore badasses, why are whites such faggots today?

Tfw you try to school some one but are wrong yourself.

>slavery is an abomination
Not really
Subsaharan africans are inherently inferior which is why they were so easily enslaved
They are basically the whipping boy of the 14th-18th century which is why everyone dipped their fingers in there

Lel, master baiter at work

the difference between native americans and mexicans is?

None really . Natives migrated South for a while from the higher regions of NA they were called tainos from there on in Central and the lower parts of NA (Mexico) they split into tribes IE. Aztec olmeca incans Mayans . Then conquistadors fucked the natives not just Spanish conquistadors but also Arab blood was mixed in for a time when they had control of Portugal and Spain. Also Hispanic doesn't refer to the bloodline it means you are from a country that speaks Spanish,