We keep it like that?

I think it can be done better

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Is this arbitrarily divided or are all the states in the 1% area where all the money is?

If you constantly redistribute, it would lead to nobody having enough capital to do anything worthwhile. The better solution is to just round up all the rich people once every 40 years, and grind them up for fertilizer, spreading their money and possessions around.

It is divided with the same purpose as a pie graph if you are referring to op pic.

Yeah? what are they doing with their capital now?

The red is what the us federal government owns.

ok. But this is about up-down

Think of a better way then. People tried with communism and socialism, that didn't work.

That is mostly desert.

I think it could be fairer, possibly something like 10-30-60, how would you go about it? I think confiscation is a very dangerous road. And pure equality has been tried, it's called communism, and it's a disaster, not just on a practical level but also because it's not a desirable outcome. Some people don't deserve as much possessions as others based on intelligence, ambition, etc. Hard work and entreprenarial spirit should be reward and this is the one thing the U.S. does more or less better than most countries, hence it became a superpower. Capitalism worked well for the 20th century, it's undeniable. The problem obviously is that now you can't be middle-class through unskilled labor, so the top of society drifts apart from the bottom of society.


Lower tax to the poor and stop fiscal evasion from the rich.

"Poor" already don't pay shit when all is said and done at the end of the year.

>stop fiscal evasion from the rich.
Just how much fiscal evasion do you think there is? Probably around a few tens of billions, so it's a red herring. It should be stopped on principle but it won't solve inequality because the wealth gap is in the trillions.

Bump for interest

The "wealth" gap is a bunch of horse shit in the United States.
Poor in America typically means you have a minimal amount of luxury items.
Thirty years ago it was different.

how are they going to pay? if they have no moneys :D
well idk in your country but here there are companies in the stock exchange that have not paid one dollar since the 20th century
And there were 'rescues' to the banks that were made to rescue investors and not to rescue accounts that were guaranteed by actives..

You must live in a well off area. Many people work two, three jobs. Many children go to school with an empty stomach, yes some of that is because of poor parenting choices, but some of it is real. There is poverty in the United States if you look at incomes, a great many people living paycheck to paycheck and burdened by unacceptable debt levels. Is it a politicized issue with a lot of bullshit thrown around, absolutely, yes, but it's not a bunch of horse shit. And in any case, it's simply dangerous if 1% of the country owns a third of the wealth, because power is concentrated in their hands far more than it should be, and it affects all of our lives. Just look at them pushing for unchecked immigration/cheap labor, etc.

>how are they going to pay? if they have no moneys :D
Oh right, you are from some shithole where there are real poor people.

what about the homeless and food stamps?

Here we see people searching in the garbage cans that did not happen 10 years ago.

One time I had to throw the garbage while someone was searching.. you don't want to feel that :_

subversion shill tactic


There's a lot of psychology at work in this image.

They chose to use a concave line to make the 10% appear even larger than it already is. It also gives the viewer the sensation that it's bloated and aggressively moving towards them.

The 90% is on the bottom as an attempt to make the viewer feel low and worthless, as though the weight of all the rest is on top of them.

Ehhhhh.... no. Tons of grazing lands and other shi

Food stamps are an entitlement.
If you are homeless in America it is either by choice or stupidity.

>Lower tax to the poor and stop fiscal evasion from the rich.
Don't you have some Podemos rally to be at? You can make Spain great again, man, you just have to stop all that evil tax evasion and you'll have like five quintrillion megadollars to fund all your happy socialist plans!

>Implying wealth is a zero-sum game.

Wealth, in the form of assets such as stocks and corporate bonds, are created. Value is created. If it was zero-sum, the economy would never rise. When the 1% gains wealth, they aren't taking it from the 99%, they're creating it.

Take Facebook for instance. The website was originally created from the labor of one man and a few thousand dollars. Now the website is valued in the billions and is the majority of Mark Zuckerberg's wealth. He didn't take that money from anybody. He created the value himself and now owns it in the form of Facebook stock.

When people take the net worth of billionaires into account to make these charts, they assume the 1% just keep billions of dollars in a Scrooge McDuck-escue vault somewhere. Its completely disingenuous.

Redistribution is theft.

Food stamps are easy to get depending on state, but almost nowhere will give them to you if you're a white single male. Claim you have a kid 51% of the time and it's a different story.

go to lick someone balls
>Redistribution is theft.
No. But let the democracy decide :D

>No. But let the democracy decide :D

"Democracy" doesn't morally justify the mob to seize private property from the individual.

And by "morally", I mean that property rights are in essential part of individual liberty, one of the founding principles of the US.

Maybe if Spain had similar values, they wouldn't be a complete shithole they are now.

Because of the way our taxes work, the 1% is usually a person living in an expensive house who sold their house that year. The 1% is only in the 1% for one year. Then the year after that they are back down in lower percentages.

wealth redistribution includes having higher taxes in wages and corporations
there was a top 90% income tax in us not so long ago
Spain is a shithole for many reasons

as long as I'm in Texas I'm fine

The most, MOST ironic thing about this is that 99% of people who complain about it would not give one single flying fuck if they were the 9%, let fucking alone the 1%.

They just talk shit because they're jealous af.

Some people would rather have an even share of a single pizza than an lesser share of a pizza factory that supplies them with many times more pizza per day.

The rich and super-rich don't derive their money through regular income, but through capital gains. Increases in income tax would disproportionately hurt the middle class and slow upwards mobility. This has been apparent since the 1970's.

The 90% tax may have been in effect, but who was actually paying it? There are ways around it. CEOs can take stock options and later sell them to get the favorable capital gains tax.

You could argue to raise the capital gains tax or tax it as income, but that'll also disproportionately effect the middle class and upwards mobility, especially middle class retirees when they withdraw from their retirement accounts and have to pay the higher capital gains. This could create a retirement crises, where Social Security will need to increase. Guess who pays for that? The middle and working classes.

Increases in corporate taxes would mean that companies would do cost cuts. The first thing that is always cut is payroll. Again, this disproportionately hurts the lower and middle class.

I dont wanna own Mexico again!!!

ok then just a tax on dividends and stock market..
The thing is that inequality is growing too much

The top 10% already single-handedly pay 60% of the entire country tax.
As if they even need the poorfag's money

kek, the Federal Government owns about the same amount as that 1%. Also who owns Alaska? That's a lot of fucking land

What is sales tax?

What is gasoline tax?

What is excise tax on cars, air conditioner, cars with air conditioner, etc.?

Don't be a retard who thinks federal income tax is the only tax.

>inequality is growing too much

Can you defend that statement logically or is it just something you believe?

>Many children go to school with an empty stomach
The basis of the study you're quoting Involved asking parents a series of around 12 questions. Of they answered a certain percentage yes their children were "hungry". 2-3 of the questionshad nothing to do with food availability and one counted eating the same thing multiple times a week as " lack of food".

The study needless to say is shit.

Still not as bad as another study which was used to "determine how many Americans were hungry" some years ago.
They took all of the people in the nation who were eligible for food stamps subtracted the ones who were on them and the rest were "hungry".

Wealth distribution is never, ever the issue. Poverty is. By eliminating wealth, you're not doing jack shit to help those most impoverished.


Middle class retirement accounts are invested in the stock market. Dividends are already taxed as either income or capital gains depending on the situation. My previous point still stands.

>And in any case, it's simply dangerous if 1% of the country owns a third of the wealth, because power is concentrated in their hands far more than it should be,
Forgot this part
The Federal government owns directly roughly 40% of the nation's economy and exerts massive indirect control over the economy.

For example the EPA's funding is around 30 billion a year.
But the cost to the economy for complying with their regulation(nearly all of which after the clean air act under Nixon when it was first founded is entirely useless,which is the opinion of one of the founders of the EPA) is roughly 353 billion dollars a year.

This same trend can be seen in basically every sector of the economy. Billions of dollars of food is thrown away from grocery stores once the recommended sale date is past due to over regulation whereas in the past they'd give the food away to soup kitchens and other forms of charity. This cost billions of dollars in lost food a year.

If you don't think the issue of "muh 1%" isn't the government you need to get some perspective

>they assume the 1% just keep billions of dollars in a Scrooge McDuck-escue vault somewhere
Except this is exactly what they do

Well you do remember Henry Ford? He gained about 30 times more than the basic employee that he had you consider that insufficient? Now some shitty banker makes 2000 times what their basic employee does.
And after that they get more money on actions, dividends, revalorizations, fiscal engineering, fiscal evasion,corruption..

>Except this is exactly what they do
I hope for your own sake this is ill thought out bait

>Robert Reich
>income share
>not wealth

Which point desu?

You can't accept redistribution?

The more richer should pay more .. it can be done

Horseshit. They are correlated.
So lowering taxes on poor is not helping them? investing tax money on is not helping them?
are you the 1%?

you don't like manlets?

>Mostly desert
The Bundys and their band of misfits were willing to get murdered for that land just so they could have cows walk on it.

It's irrelevant since everyone pays that

It is?

What about relative fines?
why pay an fixed value if wealth is not fixed and equal?

I have $5, you have $50. We both pay $1 in these taxes, but you're more likely have more shit, meaning you'll pay that dollar several times over. If you don't, what happens to your money? It likely gets invested. This grows your wealth, sure, but also supports a business I depend on to get $5 instead of $2.80 or $0.00. What if you just put it in a bank? Banks use that money to loan to me. I buy a car and now I can drive to work the next town over instead of walking. Now I earn $10 and pay off my debt. If you just sit on it? Your inheritors get taxed out the wazoo anyway

That's plenty of land for everyone to live in perfectly fine.

I don't have a problem with rich people, I just have a problem with the people who are rich. Most of the people who own this nation's wealth are the worst humans of all time. The police should do their job and arrest them for actual crimes committed rather than hang back and do jack shit because of enormous bribes and fear of the power these people have. I guaruntee every single one of them is guilty of conspiracy to murder, tax evasion, tax fraud, probably human and drug trafficking or at least conspiracy. The law turns its head though.

This should be a country where you can be as rich and as much of an asshole with your money as you want but there should not be a single person above the law who gets away with their crimes without it being known publicly and them facing a court date and jail time should they be found guilty.

Here we live in a fucking oligarchy.
We have a fucking ton of laws, taxes and burocracy and its all for the same objective.

Milking the population until dead

Still beats living in Africa.

Everything beats that :D even astraya
The problem is that we have and had potential to be really better but our politicians sold our industrial sector and our public companies for nothing.