New anti Trump thread. Broken promises edition

New anti Trump thread. Broken promises edition.


Like the Waldo moment, except kremlin instead of CIA


Listen up retarded jalaBEANo, he WILL make the. How ae you going to shitpost then?????

Make the wall* whoops lol

His plan is let the Iraqis do it and they're doing a pretty good job. Libtard btfo.

I thought Trump was going to be allies to Russia. Instead, he's sanctioning them.
I guess it all really was butthurt liberal retards that just want gimmes, pulling stupidity out of their anuses because they're willing to believe in any utter insanity, because the need for welfare bukkake is so strong in them. Slime needs their sloppies.

>tfw when your choice for president sucks commie balls

No. It's a veto proof bill at this point. He doesn't have a choice.

Confirmed for israel shill





Israel loves Trump. American Jews on the other hand aren't fans.




Not this guy, or shill, or even a polotico, but I gotta agree. The government is playing the right for the tools they are. They keep feeding you shit, and you keep asking for more. It's actually quite comical. Glad I get to laugh while watching you faggots eat shit (and out of fear of being wrong, claim to love it) till the end of the decade. Fuck your team. The government is nobody's friend.












Looks like the missy fag found new pics XDDDDDDD keep on shilling buddy!






No but seriously tho missy fag, id love to beat your shit senseless. Wanna meet up sometime? Becausw youre a coward and deserve to be embarressed in a scrap lmao































