Can black metal be used to uncuck Sweden and Norway?

Can black metal be used to uncuck Sweden and Norway?

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Black metal is degenerate in itself, that would be like fighting fire with fire.

Yes it can.

Christcuck spotted


They aren't black metal.

Nonetheless, they are based and make good music and especially lyrics

>modern music
>not degenerate

Pick one. Read some Evola you pseudo-intellectual modernists. :^)

Check out hopsin. Hes redpilled as fuck. Alot of rap are. Mainstream is cancer tho

No. Constant flaming ghetto warfare is very metal.

We just need to remove the gun laws and the drug laws and the hate speech laws and it's playing-pokemon-with-humans-shock-collars-and-gibbets-time.

I would kill for a metal band based on Evolan ideology and aesthetics. Maybe some day if I find some fashy musician friends I'll make one.

No, and all of Varg's music (even his 'neoclassical' synth records) have been repetitive, unlistenable garbage with few high points.
There were much better bands in that scene (Darkthrone, Emperor), and there are much better bands today (Graveland).
Also, Varg's writings and videos are boring and pretentious.


/thread, only steel and lead can save Europe.

No, just no. I had a spergy black metal fag as a roommate. Fuck you and your shit taste.

What was that German metal band that made that propaganda song? It went something like "We are proud of not being proud"

No, but heavy music in general can. Minus the gay shit.

Does anyone remember that song that says something about Valhallah?

Yes, it can. We need to purge Sweden of white knights.

That could be literally any metal song

>mix with a French woman

Black metal fucking sucks.

give us a bigger weapons black market and we will uncuck ourselves and even pay with our own money.

food for thought.

No, but something like a less shitty version of Sabaton mixed with Wardruna probably could.

N-no. No. That band is headache inducing.

This. Varg is a faggot. His music is shit.

Check out Von Thronstahl. Not metal though, but 100% pol tier.

Black metal is degenerate cuckery, just like my compatriot here accurately ascertained. It's made by degenerates for degenerates, it's just varnished with a thin layer of faux European ''heritage''. Only an American could think album covers with the Old English typeface and a crudely drawn viking equals a continuous kind of pre-Christian European heritage. Neopaganism is the worst of this all. It's LARP at a very sad level. None of these people genuinely believe in Wodan or any other of the pagan gods, These metal people you worship are nothing but edgy eternal teenagers who think somehow a barely 40 year old music genre from America is somehow more ''authentically European' than a wooden church of a literal millennium old. These people should be shot.'

black metal is for impressionable faggots

First post, best post.

Exactly. Nobody is an unironic pagan

Black metal fucking rules. If you fags don't like it, that's your loss.

90's Neofolk is the least cucked genre of music.

Metal is degenerate music made by leftist nu-males for other leftist nu-males. Disgusting feminine low-test long-haired beta losers who want to feel edgy.

The music, although not my taste, isn't the point here. It's the thought of some that it's somehow an exponent of ''real'' European culture and that thought is of course ridiculous, If you faggts want real European heritage, look into classic genres of folk music, like yodeling, Volksmusik or perhaps Russian balalaika music. Although, even here it could be said that the continuity is a bit apocryphal.

Do you have any evidence to support that claim?

[low-test faggotry intensifies]

>hur dur what is the difference between a white nationalist and etho-nationalist

no, metal heads are cucks themselves

>''White'' is a nation

Blackmetal as such isnt too much of a degeneracy.
Problems -as always- is the subculture and fanbase. They are the cucks and wimps. Srsly, just look at them, anorexic or obese idiots with fatty long hair, whor are living at moms basement.
This is the reason why gay Gaahl left Gorgoroth. He got pissed by the fanbase, who just wanna drink and have a good time.

>pic related, carpe diem metalhead

>"Netherlands" is a nation

But it's literally a nation. And has been for longer than yours.

norway is far more uncucked and superior to your degenerate nation of spics and niggers, please kill yourself, schlomo diego jamal

>black metal

Dont want Allah, dont want Christ? Go full blown Blackmetal Pagan. Get to counter the big 2 and establish more of cultural unity. All Scandinavians can uniquely achieve this.

Black Metal is actually shit

top bantz m8

>Not unlistenable

Wew, lad.

Is this the Sup Forums music thread?

What do you guys think of King Crimson?

Unless we're talking about Bathory or Absu, black metal can fuck off.

Varg is a joke. He is the king of flip flops with an ideology change every 6 months.

For example, disowning his black metal albums because rock is nigger music. What does he do when he gets out? Release some black metal albums! That are shit compared to your old stuff. I know you gotta pay the bills for all those church burnings and all, but... Don't even get me started on those fucking Casio albums.

True metalfaggot detected

BM is literally a meme that blew up so they kept at it since it makes money.

Most of them like the classics like Elvis, Stones and motorhead

meme tier band

This, I'd take Syrian Muslim refugees over Angsty pagan degenerates any day


>Can black metal be used to uncuck Sweden and Norway?
No, but we have a better chance of saving Norway.

Triarii and Arditi are Evolean af

I think massive bloodshed (mostly of the political class) is the only way to save any western nation at this point

being kind and forgiving is what got us into this mess in the first place

This picture is inaccurate, Varg posted a video yesterday calling Trump out for being a kike shill.