Spain elections

If you really want to change the system don't vote.
With enough abstention the system WILL change.
But for now EVERY party is and will be corrupt and we don't have ANY SEPARATION OF POWERS.

>If you really want to change the system don't vote.
This will never work friend.

Never ever.

>With enough abstention the system WILL change.

Podemos :DDDDDDD

When? Do you have anyone uncucked?


Imagine this about 51% of abstention then there is a big manifestation on the big cities saying 'constituent freedom'

The system works by legitimation if you illegitimate it then it will fall

I'm going to vote blank, pol decides what I put inside the envelope

Ciudadanos y Podemos son unas mierdas.

We see that kind of shit every year in America and guess what it doesn't fucking matter. The people who stay home are all NEETs and niggers anyways

Bueno pues elije a tu amo favorito porque eso es lo unico que haces. eres corrupto o retrasado

Why vote blank? that means I'm ok with everything but the parties and you being my owner

Mudate a singapur :^)

Abstention is shit, if you don't participate in the system, to support it or to show its weaknesses, you are nothing but a NEET.

We all should go to vote, and make a blank vote, it's the only way to show your discontent, abstention is just justify yourself for being a fatass.

kek, is that or draw a benis

And abstention is I'm a lazy fuck part of "silent majority" which literally means nothing

Abstención pero siendo políticamente activo.

Igualmente alguien que no va a votar tiene mas dignidad que cualquiera que vote a estos partidos.
Es el sistema el que crea la corrupción si no lo cambiamos seguiremos igual da igual que cambien los partidos.

votar en este sistema de corruptos es de ignorantes :D
:# se me ocurren sitios mejores. que haces alli?

Soy un ingeniero de ordenadores.

>politicamente activo
Crea tu propio partido politico


Los obreros del siglo 21

Vamo a ve como voy a crearme mi propio partido? con que dinero? eh? eh?
para ser yo el corrupto? tampoco gracias

>Abstención siendo políticamente activo

Si eres políticamente activo o aspiras a que te voten en tu propio partido o a influir de alguna manera en la política, en el sistema, para que se adhiera a tus intereses, al final eres parte de eso, y todo sigue sonando a autojustificación para no levantarte e ir al colegio electoral.

¿Cómo eres tú por ejemplo políticamente activo?

La corrupción la crea el ser humano, antes de haber democracia o capitalismo hubo otros sistemas, y en todos hubo corrupción, la diferencia es que antes tenían voz y voto unos pocos inútiles y ahora la tiene una masa ingente de gilipollas.



I'm seriously doubting if vote for Adolf Hitler or Donald Trump

Vale me confundí, creía que apoyabas la abstención, siendo políticamente activo.

Bueno entonces eres 100% nini con justificaciones absurdas.

¿Qué es lo que propones tú?

Difundo lo que se de política.
La única forma de acabar con la corrupción es la separación de poderes real.

Fijate en la imagen

A ver, que sí, que la separación de poderes es necesaria y ayuda a disminuir la corrupción, pero cómo se supone que quedándome en mi casa va a cambiar nada de eso.

A los poderes que te quedes en tu casa o que haya un 60% de abstención les da igual, si hubiera un 60% de voto en blanco, de gente que ha ido a votar, pero no ha votado a ninguno, entonces tendrían que plantearse las cosas.

La mayoría silenciosa no sirve de mierda hasta que deja de ser silenciosa y cualquier otra cosa, es autojustificarse.

El voto en blanco significa que estas de acuerdo con y que no sabes a que partido votar.

Si la mayoria de la gente NO VOTA y luego MUCHA GENTE hace manifestaciones diciendo porque no vota creo que la cosa si cambiaria.
por eso lo de politicamente activo y no quedarse en casa.

Se que los politicos se justificarian, pero llegaria el momento donde la gente no cumpliria la ley porque no se sentiria obligada ...


I'm gonna tell you a experiment we didn't in class some time ago.

We were presented a game. The prize of the game was acing the next exam with a 10 automatically.

We were divided in teams. The first team/s to reach 20 points would get the prize for all its/their team members, but there were no more hints or rules (aside for the inhability to talk between groups, only inner communication was allowed) to the game, we had to figure out the rest.

So the game started and the teacher asked to debate among us if the group wanted to raise their hands or not. A little bit confused some groups raised their hands and obtained 5 points, the ones that didn't remained at zero. On the second round the same thing was asked and everybody raised their hands, nobody obtained a single point.

Some groups realized what was going on, they figured that the intention was to get everybody to keep their hands down so everybody wins (this was also later revealed by the teacher). So in the next round every group except three kept their hands down.

After that chaos ensured. Some people that lowered their hands started to raise them, others tried to keep their hands down for the sake of the game and only one group of the three ever lowered theirs.

So, in the end, the two groups that ignored the rest and kept their hands up from the beginning won the game even tho we all could've won if they wanted to.

That's human nature.

La duda de no saber a quién votar es lo mismo que puede hacer que te quedes en casa, el voto en blanco es ir a votar y dejar claro que no estás de acuerdo con ninguno y por lo tanto que no estás de acuerdo con el sistema que hay.

Las manifestaciones y todo eso están muy bien, pero si te quieren dar por culo, no hay manifestación que vaya a impedirlo, porque realmente te manifiestas contra los políticos cuando los que mandan están por encima, y además, y más en España, las manifestaciones tienden a politizarse y a llenarse perroflautas pidiendo gilipolleces.

>llegaria el momento donde la gente no cumpliria la ley porque no se sentiria obligada

Dudo mucho que veamos una revolución de ese tipo aquí, además que se supone que vivimos en el primer, o al menos en el segundo mundo, y tenemos otras maneras de hacer las cosas


uff all that and I don't get your point. D:
Eres insistente D:

El motivo que yo tengo para no votar no es vagueria o racaneria.

Es el hecho de que soy consciente de que votar con estas reglas es ser un pringado y darles el visto bueno a los que roban.

Que al final se parecen mucho entre ellos D: ya lo veras en dos años recorte a las pensiones del 20%..

La revolucion es posible.

En un parlamento que no sea de partidos.

quien va a comprar a 400 diputados distintos?

Civil war when?

Im voting PP despise the corruption, I rather have a corrupt party than retarded liberals.

Is there any hope? Is there any political party that wants to make España great again?

>uff all that and I don't get your point
We lost the game because some of the other groups knew they were alredy benefiting from the system and they couldn't be bothered to cooperate for the benefit of others.

They alredy won so they didn't care. Even though they were only two groups and like 8 other groups could've shared the same amount of benefit they had the power to make us lose.

So the point is that you can't really trust that people won't vote because there's too many people that won't trust your idea (because it depends on everybody, or at least most of the population, coordinating an effort) and others alredy benefit too much from the system to change it.

You need something more pro-active to change Spain and that's either a revolt, an actual political party eager to change the constitution or external intervention.

The Phalange is still alive and I voted for them last time and I will do the same in june.

Still, no hope for things to change this election. If the fire finally rises in Europe we will be the last to join, if we join at all.

Ciudadanos y Podemos son unos mierdas.


I hope some Primo de Rivera makes Spain Great Again. He would be the best option by far

The thing is that there is no hope at all but at least we could have a nice system that don't make us look like retards who only can vote corrupts
Voy al comedor y veo a dos ladrones robandome
-Os habeis dejado estos 10000 euros que tengo en la caja fuerte y tomad mi portatil que tenia guardado, saluden a la gaviota cuando la vean

Really? I thought that party was dissolved after Franco died? Are they a legitimate successor?

that's better, I know that senpai that's why I said 51% because I know that a lot of people are corrupt and will vote no matter what.

But the people that has moral conscience can't keep the country like this for another 40 years?

There is no future anymore in spain and the cause of all that was this political system and the 'transition' that we had.

They made a 'autonomic state' just so they can repart the money of the tax payers.
WHY THE FUCK MADRID has autonomy? why MURCIA? WHY the only thing that autonomies are morally entitled to manage is local folkrore and language.

The legitimate succesor from the regime is PP it was formed by fraga who was part of the regime

>mfw it turns out "Podemos" is actually "Podemos ser Venezuela"

>If you really want to change the system don't vote.
Legit question, how old are you?
Are you retarded?
Do you even understand how the system works?

Podemos is literally the most meme party

They want to waste a lot of money and they were radical in their beginning promising basic income and shit for everyone.

Aniway they only will be as corrupts as the other parties but I don't want to wait 8 years to see..

25, I do sempai.

do you? I'm talking about the rules of the game not the moves.
I'm talking about ending corruption

How well will they do considering the 7000000 € in illegal Venezuelan government funds they got and the economic happenings in Venezuela?

I can't imagine that controversy made then very popular, but I'm not very familiar with Spanish politics

The party never ceased to exist. Matter of fact, it was legitimized as a political party after Franco's death. Before that it was just an organization.

To this day it barely has any relevance aside from some regional representation which also faded away with time and after many ETA attacks and murders.

Well they are going to be the second or third party in 'representatives' so they are doing quite good.

The fact that they have corruption before getting into power is enlightening



Hehehe I can't even imagine what would happen D:

It's a good thing spain has an armed populace forcing the elites to listen to them.


Nothing will happen, the law is clear and the candidate qith most votes win, even if he has just one vote

Que vuelva Franco y la falange!


do you have blue eyes? I do D:

This doesn't work, were I live I've seen Mayors win elections with less than a 100 votes because of abstention

That is a necessary condition but after that comes the pacific action.
Only that wouldn't do it