Sup Forums Jobs Report:

Sup Forums Jobs Report:

Post your job, salary, contract and age ITT.

>Vice Chef at Little Caesars
>2 years left on contract

I'm thinking of getting traded to Burger King, I've heard they have newer equipment. What do you guys think?

Alright, I'll bump for the fuck of it

Computer and Network Security student (starting in Spring)
Broke as fuck
4 year degree if that counts as a contract
25 years old


Elaborate, user

>Crew member at Five Guys

>Own my own company (employ 58 employees)
>$108,000/year (usd)
>No contract for me but I employ people on contractual terms with their respective union


You own your own company, employ 58 and make only a buck? Shit businessman.

>Executive chef at Wendy's
>140k yearly

>Part time (25hr/wk) furniture sales

CEO of Wendy's
$5,117,784 in compensation
I run shit

it's an hvac company dude.
theres alot of overhead.
payroll was close to 76000 last week
my cousin and i make enough to be comfortable. right now we are trying to accumulate more equity to buy another property to expand our business.

>still not acknowledging that unions are shit and are a good ol' boys club
Let me guess, it was your dads company?

>Cashier at Cheesecake Factory
>9.00/hr plus tips

I mean im doing okay

BS about the vice chef, I have been a store manager for 3 years at a little Caesar's and do not even make half of that.

I've been in a local since I was 18. I get great benefits and medical.
On the other hand though it seems like the unions do take take take from my business being the contractor and all.

Member. Lucky semen club.

>Hobbyist Graphic Designer and Music Producer
>no contract
I don't intent on getting a real job any time soon.

>Janitor for Bi-Mart
>Something like $15,000 a year
>Been at this for going on eight years now

I have absolutely zero drive or ambition, I wish I was dead to be quite honest.

>contractor working in HVAC
Nigga please, you're an apprentice.

Union carpenter

Sounds like you need to go into the ranks of you're local Little Caesars or Wendy's.

>Sounds like you need to go into the ranks of you're local Little Caesars or Wendy's.

>Work fast food

No thanks. Besides, I don't want to leave a job paying me $14.95 right now just to jump into a job at minimum wage.

underaged and B&

I wouldn't get out of bed for fucking 15/hr, cuck

It's better than the starting wage of $8 you fucking faggot.

How many hours a week do you work at that janitor job? About 30? 25?

And you're making 15k a year

Nigger, you're making like 10 an hour. Acting like people can't add

>missing the joke

It's really about where you and its cost. I make 44k as an elementary teacher. That's stellar where I'm from. I can walk down the block and get a dollar tapper at the bar. When I go to cities like Minneapolis, Chicago, or Las Vegas (Midwest fag here) I fucking shit at the price of everything.

Also own my own house. 3,000 sq ft for 67,000. I rent out the upstairs for 400 a month to a close friend. Most places like my upstairs go for 500-700 a month without anything included.

I've topped out on the wage scale which is $14.95 but yeah, I work part time unless they pull me in to cover someone else's shift which is fairly rare anymore.

Usually work five hours a day though.