I'm Killing Myself Tonight

I'm Killing Myself Tonight.

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gl hf

This looks too real to be loli cam-x.com

Can I have your steam account ?

Why, user?

It's pointless to continue. Im at a "dead" end. Good to see when im staring death in the face i can still crack a joke.

What is stopping you from starting life over somewhere completely new?

The edge

No, you're not.

fuck it i'll bite...
why, how, and are you streaming it if no, do it

What brought you to "dead" end? How did life become pointless to continue living?

What method? Just don't get caught.

Hanging like a fuckin pleb. 11 o'clock my time. in my garage while $uicideBoy$-Runnin through the 7th with my woadies is playing in the back.

The law

Please don't. Please, don't.

you mean you're a pedophile?

can you at least stream it so you can do 1 last great thing before you leave?

post pic with timestrap before necking op.

>"dead end"
fuck off and just tell us. You plan on dying anyway, why should you care if we know a detail or two?

Wtf? No

Im going no where man. i dont wanna be a wage cuck. i dont want to be a militant. i have no where to work. no where to live and no where to go. Hence "Dead end"

No you aren't little boy, if you were suicidal you wouldn't be here playing for attention like a little bitch you'd be getting on with offing yourself

Well I doubt it's really your time to go, but whatever op...

you don't think anyone else has felt this before?

Join Military

Single mother is unhappy with her oldest son "Me" Shes a horrible influence and drinks a case of beer a night. maybe even two. shes a drunk and a likes a man in uniform. my father is 200 miles away from me and my stepdad is a fuck tard who constantly yells at me and his kids that are constantly here. my house has 3 bedrooms. Me my mother and my brother. I had to physically build my room from scratch may i add just so i had somewhere to sleep. he then brings his 3 kids here and they all sleep on the couch. im not wanted anywhere. no girlfriend, no one to love. nothing

piss off you shit ant little prick. even though im a useless turd i guarentee u ive done more with my life than you have yours.

Do something that fulfills you.Don't be a quitter

Nobody likes quitters

What if nothing fulfills you?


yall like my socks?

Bullshit.What are your hobbies,something you enjoy doing?

Just go somewhere completely different or join the buddhists maybe you'll like it and that will be your new life. Don't just quit bro.

Building. Games. Drawing.

kek, yeah, that's why the only way you can get attention in life is to cry like a little girl that you're going to hurt yourself

You win obviously shitlord

Are those Puma?

Fuck yeah dude


Dont do it man

I needed this.

If you kill yourself you're a fucking pussy. A real man would fight through the pain and live on. Be a man.

please dont do it user, its not worth. there is always something to live for. I wanted to kill myself a few weeks ago but there is something to live for user

Do it.

Keep a knife in your pocket when u hang. Trust me.

i have mine rn.

Tell us the WHOLE reason user. Least you could do is give us closure m8.

Ain't gonna try and stop you though m8. If you're more than willing to go through with this then I don't got nothing against that.

kek cmon dude chill

If dubs you live

i did mane.



Be a real man and face your shit head on, killing yourself is a pussy way out

lol itd be easier to be a fag in this new generation.

Sure thing. I hope you don't kill yourself, for what its worth. Anything you want to talk about?

Guess im a pussy then.

I'm good. Thought it out long and hard. its just time.

Woah that was succesful..
Take that atheists

Ah. Just read up on it m8.

All I've got to say is then, safe travels Sup Forumsrother

Safe travels Sup Forumsrother


This is genuine. I'm not dickin around rn

Oh for fucks sake, how many times.

Little Timmy is bored so decides to grab some attention

I know thinks little Timmy I'll pretend i'm going to kill myself, everyone will notice me then

Little Timmy goes on the 4chin and lets rip

It basically pans out like this

You either go through with it - nobody knows and people think you're a cunt regardless

You get the required 'oh don't do it user - you're so much better than that' you eventually run out of edgy shit to throw back, state you're not going to, everyone has zero repesct for you and thinks you're a cunt

You just blather on for ages and everyone thinks you're a cunt and plays along for a while until it gets boring, then they think you're a cunt and move on

Net result - everyone thinks you're a cunt

Could drawing,playing (making) games make you more happier?

I was through shit you are facing now.Making music made me much,much happier.
It fulfilled me,and now am happier man.

Text a girl rn and ask her out. If she accepts u will be happier :) if no u will die anyways lol

-pro tip is pro


fucking stop wasting time, kill yourself and rid your family of the burden that is your existence.... also stream it and give me a shout out

Before I sleep I'll give you one reason to live.

That sweet sweet pussy. It can do wonders my friend.

You youre actually right tho. ima do i.and timestrap it


whats the point of "trying" to bait us with this poor attempt on Sup Forums when you arent even live streaming it which even if it is real how are we going to know you will be a faggot every way unless you stream but that will not happen as its BAIT YOU RETARDS



do a flip?

Post a pick of your hard dick first

got riggity riggity rejecteeed.

should have done in instead of posting this pointless thread........

yeah that's exactly what will help the situation? make someone else suffer your pathetic existence alone side you.....as if being related to you for some wasn't enough

lol did it anyways. you should join me and hang yourself as well

please go back to facebook/reddit you faggots

you said witnessed to fucking dubs you fag

Go on tinder or some shit dude

Tried it. Bunch of pedo's tryna eat my ass

Cringe thread

Then don't be searching for old wrinkly cunts then

Well. I'm sorry it has come to that. If you are still alive tomorrow at this time, post this thread again. I'm happy to chat.


as the light leaves your eyes and black starts to settle in, remember I was laughing at you the entire time

I don't take orders from you shit face

Dude text a girl that you know

that's gonna be a problem

you carebears disgust me, not everyone should be alive. especially 2nd rate retarded piece's of shit like OP.... be fucking honest to him and help him make the right choice for himself.... and his family

I appreciate the brutal honesty though.

kill them all before u off urself

I just want what's best for everyone, yah know? you, me, your family, the economy

Hey OP. Either do it or don't, don't whine about it on here; I'm pretty sure you're not histrionic, so you probably don't need this attention. Some user long ago posted something about bailing in your life instead. Go backpack Europe, go defile Mexico.

I'm not gonna ruin their existence because mine sucks

well, thats stupid isn't it. All I can say.

Did you try to take drugs atleast? It kinda helps to love the pain

Steal some of your stepdads or moms money and buy a hooker first lol

already ruining their existence BY existing..... we need a fix

Yea. acid and marijuana on the regular.