Ask someone who works at a cinema anything

Ask someone who works at a cinema anything.

How's the penis inspections?

Do you happen to be black and does your name happen to be Robert?

Neither of those

i paid a girl to go in with me to get around the singles policy
turns out she works for the theater and she took my money and laughed at me+got me removed

I don't even understand the memes at this point.

how often do you watch movies in your cinema?

Depends on what you mean. Half of my shifts are cleaning shifts, which means I clean the cinemas every 2 hours with by buddies and in between them I 'check' the cinema. I often get to watch ~30 minutes of a movie if I feel like it.

Outside of work I only have to pay 50 cents for a ticket but I still don't go often because not many movies are worth the 2 hours imo.


How hard was the falcon handling certification exam?

Catch any fucking?

Worst nog moment? (Every employee has one)

What is the real reason that ticket prices keep going up?

How often do you clean the metal folding chairs in the singles only interrogation chamber?

how does film distribution works?

How do you feel about people like me that deliberately leave as big of a mess as possible just to get back at how much you charge for a fucking soda. You wont even let us bring a bottle of water in. Damn right I'm going to empty the rest all over the floor and my seat when I'm done

>they charge a lot for soda
>you don't even finish said soda

have you considered a smaller size, you dumb asshole? It should be enough drink 4u and cost less

when i worked at a cinema i knew everyone pretty well except the guy who worked the projectors (???) who was mysterious and kept to himself, do you have the same situation?

Fewer people are going to the movies

tfw no one goes to the movies in my country (i'm often alone, maybe with, maybe, ten people at most in a hall with a 1000 people capacity) and the tickets are still cheap as fuck

Do you also laugh at the fat fucks in comic book t-shirts? When you're bored do you ever guess who memes on Sup Forums when looking at crowds of people at your work?

How are the crab legs?

Why didn't you watch Kubo?

How much of a fucking nigger are you?


Which do you prefer? The Alice Cooper Band or Alice Cooper solo?

Not him but most theaters transfered to digital so you don't need a protectionist anymore. It's all done on a computer and very few movies are even put out in prints anymore.

What it's like to be employed in a dying industry?

So I also happen to work at a movie theater, the reason for the expensive concessions is because we only keep appx. 10-15% of the money made off of ticket sales, which is not nearly enough to pay all of the employees/keep the lights and giant ass projectors running/and maintain stock, so the food is where really all of the money comes from. Seeing as how not everyone buys food, the prices have to be raised drastically. So no, acting like an asshole and making some 17 year old kid mop up your soda from the floor is not going to improve anything dumbass.

Not OP, but same guy who explained the food-price situation, for the most part actually those tend to be the cool customers, they don't constantly bitch about the volume, temperature, and the tend to clean up after themselves. It's the fuckin elderly who are the despised customers.

Buddy, it's another one of Sup Forumss forced memes, I'm not saying people don't trash theaters I'm just saying the average Sup Forums poster who still laughs at no singles, crab legs, and Falcon jokes would be way to autistic and nervous about trashing a place out if fear of being confronted that they won't even bring food in the theater.

Falcon feed prices are skyrocketing

Seems pretty likely actually, hadn't taken into account the potential power levels your average poster keeps hidden when not in public

When I worked at a movie theater the projectionist was a grown up in a union with an actual career and had no need to consort with idiot teenagers.