This pic gives me special feels of calm and serenity. What do I call it? Its like cozy ... but not exactly...

This pic gives me special feels of calm and serenity. What do I call it? Its like cozy ... but not exactly. How does Sup Forums like it?

Poast similar like unto.


It's nicely made with thoughts for cooling and repair. Well made items of any sort should give you that feeling.


you're welcome.

Also, OCD images thread





How does this pic make you feel?




A bit unsettled ... but also in the mood for some Havarti cheese. Sliced thin.

Each one of these is a work of art.



Nice ...


Go on user

have more pls



like this?

Can i play

Pls respons

Why oh why, is one missing a yellow cable. It makes almost nice.

do they plug them in first and then arrange the wire all nice or do they arrange the wire and then plug them all in?

This is complete fail.

You're fired.

a work a artism.


Not if you're paid by the hour

nah, i hate it when the cables are all tied. Too hard to follow it to the other end and see where it goes!


Wrong thread bro. Russian pictures is a Sup Forums thing.