It's my birthday Sup Forums. Got anything to cheer me up ?

It's my birthday Sup Forums. Got anything to cheer me up ?

hows this?

how about we all post 1 image that we don't know what it is

Of course

That's more like it. Thank you.



Happy birthday user!

You're one year closer to a miserable death? And nobody will remember you after you die.

It is also my birthday. Im 27 today..ive done nothing but fail.


Accepted and Ok with it. Im just trying to figure out how im gonna make it another month let alone another year.



Found this, I just want to mention that I have a very poor taste in humor.

Have a Happy Birthday, user.

I turned 31 today so I got 4 more years of failure on me.

Happy Birthday, user. May your belly be full of chickens.

In the end, death takes us all. No pardons.

I dont usually drink but ill have one for you and me. Heres to making it at least one more year friend..

fuck you, just not today.

Here, take the good vibes my child.

Very nice. If I had money I'd be at a strip club with tits toys in my face right now.
Kek.. The best laugh I've had today. Thank you.

Holy fuck she's amazing
Get that lame ass shit out of here fag

Cheers. I'm on shot number 5 and no one to drink with but my dog.

Looked like jailbait. Wouldve been excited if it wasnt a trap.

>I've done nothing but fail
That means you've atleast attempted, which most people don't.
27 is still ripe, go get em. I can't tell you how many times I've failed, but God damnit, you ONLY truly fail, when you quit.
