John Oliver proves that Alex Jones is out of shape

John Oliver proves that Alex Jones is out of shape.

Lots of people are.

Oliver is a fucktard, who gives a shit.

Current year man vs Alex Jones cage fight when?

I don't give a shit about Jones, but you're head must be so far up your ass that you never register the sun.

Agreed, deport that British twat

Spraken zie Hebrew?

It was a good segment

This segment showed how delusional jones and his followers are.

>but you're head
>but you are head

just bought some products from him

legitimately unsure why people follow Jones

I don't care one way or another.

Jones would destroy Oliver in a fight tho. Those pics just show he's solid as fuck.

Same reason people follow Oliver. People like a popular voice that agrees with them.

Oliver would just shoot the fat fuck


>Implying Oliver would own a gun

How. Oliver is afraid of loud bangywangy shooty woots

With what gun? He's a Brit. They have a natural aversion fire arms, and dental hygiene.

I WANT to see John Oliver take his shirt off for his audience.

if this thread is devolving into alex jones versus john oliver cage match, one is a sparrow dressed as a human, and one is a large man on dollar store steroids and poppers

As someone who vehemently hates Alex Jones, allow me to ask this question:

So the fuck what?

Oliver's fans are too dumb to realize this just makes him look bad.

>because oliver fans are dumb enough totally to buy $40 million of water filters and snake oil